Does Joe Manchin realize he represents the 2nd poorest state in the country?

You strip away all dignity of a parent looking at their child - I'm not joking about this - imagine being a parent looking at their child & can't afford child care, which Manchin is against

YOU STRIP AWAY ALL THE DIGNITY...Manchin is stripping away our dignity!

There's a cure for not having money, it's called WORK!

Abandoned mining towns will be the 'red state's legacy.

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I wouldn't argue that....been through Louisiana and Mississippi lately, since we're
making analogies and comparisons. Maybe some places in the Middle East that the US wasted....

And I could come up with equally disturbing photos from almost any State with high median income. That kind of kicks the ass of your strawman.

And I could come up with equally disturbing photos from almost any State with high median income. That kind of kicks the ass of your strawman.

I'm not bitching.
Arkansas has awesome water, and none of the stores in our area
have broken windows or spray paint on them.

I grew up in Ohio near the Cuyahoga so, I've seen pre-EPA America.
(one of Nixon's few good deeds)
I'm not bitching.
Arkansas has awesome water, and none of the stores in our area
have broken windows or spray paint on them.

I grew up in Ohio near the Cuyahoga so, I've seen pre-EPA America.
(one of Nixon's few good deeds)

Not my point, I was simply pointing out that median income doesn't necessarily equate to quality of life. Which contradicts your supposition in the OP.

Yep, he remembers the inflation of the Carter years.....A tax on all Americans, not just WV-ians.

That said WV really is "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma, which is so dense and secretive as to be totally indecipherable"....

I mean they rent U-Hauls in WV every day even in the poorest areas but folks would rather be poor there than poor someplace else. I guess nothing comes up to home in their eyes. Much of the Appalachian hinterlands is the same way.
This is what I find so laughable. Liberal elitists think they know what's best for West Virginians, think they know what's best for poor people everywhere, and can NEVER figure out that they are not stupid, they just want some things more than other peoples' money. They value things like being left alone to live life the way they want to, not the way liberal elitists think they should. A lot would rather be poor and free than well off and trapped.
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Second only to Mississippi, West Virginia is home to some of the worst poverty in the US., but if you're like Senator Joe Manchin, worth $8 million (that we know of), the grass is a little greener on the other side of the fence.

He probably really cares about his constituents, but he drew the shortest straw and was picked to be the bad guy.

You Moon Bats are absolutely bat shit crazy confused about things like this.

There are 51 Senators against this disastrous bill. Many of them from some pretty damn prosperous states like Florida and Texas.

If your point is that Manchin is a Senator from a poor state whose economy has been destroyed by disastrous Environmental Wacko policies then what the hell does that have to do with bill?

That bill will make everybody in the US more poor except for the filthy Democrat special interest fat cat groups. They will make out like bandits but the rest of America will suffer including the people of WVa and Manchin knows it.
You Moon Bats are absolutely bat shit crazy confused about things like this.

There are 51 Senators against this disastrous bill. Many of them from some pretty damn prosperous states like Florida and Texas.

If your point is that Manchin is a Senator from a poor state whose economy has been destroyed by disastrous Environmental Wacko policies then what the hell does that have to do with bill?

That bill will make everybody in the US more poor except for the filthy Democrat special interest fat cat groups. They will make out like bandits but the rest of America will suffer including the people of WVa and Manchin knows it.
I could be wrong about it, because the media reports are inaccurate, but I'm not a confused moonbat.
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I could be wrong about it, because the media reports are inaccurate, but I'm not a confused moonbat.
Let me help you out there Sport

This is the kind of worthless wacko shit Joe Potatohead wants to put us more in debt for:

Page 3-4: (1) $10,000,000,000 for hazardous fuels reduction projects within the wildland-urban interface;
(2) $4,000,000,000 for, on a determination by the Secretary that hazardous fuels within the wildland-urban interface have been effectively treated to prevent the spread of wildfire to at-risk communities, hazardous fuels reduction projects outside the wildland-urban interface

Assessment: This is at least $14 billion in the first two pages of the bill that is pork. Reducing vegetation is up to individuals or local communities. It also reduces vegetation that takes in CO2 which is supposedly the deadliest risk to mankind.

The other aspect that shows it is bogus is that it is a huge, made up round number. One or more people just threw a dart at a board to get these numbers.

Page 14: $10 billion for similar fuel reduction projects on tribal lands

Pages 20-21: $2.250 billion to be used for staffing salaries, and other workforce needs and expenses to support the development of a Civilian Climate Corps
for carrying out projects on non-Federal land through the Forest Service State.....

Page 31: $2.17175 billion for unknown projects from a 20 year old act (Rural Energy for America Program established under section 9007 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002

Page 33: $960 million to upgrade equipment supporting greater that 10% ethanol or 20% biodiesel.

Assessment: This is the responsibility of the equipment owner. Ethanol needs to be banned from gasoline.

Page 34: $9.7 billion to repower rural energy systems to reduce fake (opinion) greenhouse gases

Page 48: $2.664,5 billion for fiscal year 2022, for grants for construction, alteration, acquisition, modernization, renovation, or remodeling of agricultural research facilities......

Page 54: About $80 billion for a Rebuild America Schools program


Pages 167-169: $2.609 billion to Department of Labor agencies. This appears to be additional funding beyond their normal annual funding with no apparent need. The various stimulus bills of 2020 (maybe 2021 as well) had many millions going to US government agencies with no real limit on the use. I would like to see funding for these agencies for the last five years along with funding from the stimulus bills and this one.

None of this is infrastructure related and should be removed along with all other non-infrastructure funding.


Pages 185-195: $23.35 billion for re-employment activities and grants

Page 200: $450 million for migrant worker programs

Page 202: $3.6 billion for adult education and literacy

Page 222: $1.48 billion for direct care (health) worker programs

Pages 250-251: ~210 billion for birth to age five child care.
Assumption is $40 billion per year for fiscal years 2025 - 2027 even though those years have unstated funding (it is "as required" and I assumed $40 billion/ year).

Page 292: $2.5 billion for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2027 to improve compensation of Head Start staff

Page 333: $500 million for school kitchen equipment

Pages 343 - 344: $5 billion for clean heavy duty vehicles:

Implement a program to make awards of grants and rebates to eligible recipients, and to make awards of contracts to eligible contractors for providing rebates, for up to 100 percent of costs for ‘‘(1) replacing eligible vehicles with zero-emission vehicles; ‘‘(2) infrastructure needed to charge, fuel, or maintain zero-emission vehicles; ‘‘(3) workforce development and training to support the maintenance, charging, fueling, and operation of zero-emission vehicles; and ‘‘(4) planning and technical activities to support the adoption and deployment of zero-emission vehicles.

Page 346: $3.5 billion to reduce air pollution at ports

Page 350: $27.49 billion for a greenhouse gas reduction fund

Page 374: $10 billion for the Superfund

Page 374-375: $750 million to reduce waste in communities

Page 377: $10 billion for Environmental and Climate Justice block grants

Page 379: $30 billion for drinking water lead service line replacement

Page 399: $9 billion to institute guidelines for State energy offices to provide rebates to homeowners and aggregators for whole-house energy saving retrofits

Page 415 - 417: $9 billion for a high efficiency electric home rebate program.

Page 445: $3.5 billion for a weatherization assistance program

Page 446: $3.2 billion for critical facility modernization.
See text for suitable project types.

Page 452: $2 billion for electric vehicle infrastructure buildout
Second only to Mississippi, West Virginia is home to some of the worst poverty in the US., but if you're like Senator Joe Manchin, worth $8 million (that we know of), the grass is a little greener on the other side of the fence.

He probably really cares about his constituents, but he drew the shortest straw and was picked to be the bad guy.

Apparently you believe they are all moochers.
Let me help you out there Sport

This is the kind of worthless wacko shit Joe Potatohead wants to put us more in debt for:

Page 3-4: (1) $10,000,000,000 for hazardous fuels reduction projects within the wildland-urban interface;
(2) $4,000,000,000 for, on a determination by the Secretary that hazardous fuels within the wildland-urban interface have been effectively treated to prevent the spread of wildfire to at-risk communities, hazardous fuels reduction projects outside the wildland-urban interface

Assessment: This is at least $14 billion in the first two pages of the bill that is pork. Reducing vegetation is up to individuals or local communities. It also reduces vegetation that takes in CO2 which is supposedly the deadliest risk to mankind.

The other aspect that shows it is bogus is that it is a huge, made up round number. One or more people just threw a dart at a board to get these numbers.

Page 14: $10 billion for similar fuel reduction projects on tribal lands

Pages 20-21: $2.250 billion to be used for staffing salaries, and other workforce needs and expenses to support the development of a Civilian Climate Corps for carrying out projects on non-Federal land through the Forest Service State.....

Page 31: $2.17175 billion for unknown projects from a 20 year old act (Rural Energy for America Program established under section 9007 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002

Page 33: $960 million to upgrade equipment supporting greater that 10% ethanol or 20% biodiesel.

Assessment: This is the responsibility of the equipment owner. Ethanol needs to be banned from gasoline.

Page 34: $9.7 billion to repower rural energy systems to reduce fake (opinion) greenhouse gases

Page 48: $2.664,5 billion for fiscal year 2022, for grants for construction, alteration, acquisition, modernization, renovation, or remodeling of agricultural research facilities......

Page 54: About $80 billion for a Rebuild America Schools program


Pages 167-169: $2.609 billion to Department of Labor agencies. This appears to be additional funding beyond their normal annual funding with no apparent need. The various stimulus bills of 2020 (maybe 2021 as well) had many millions going to US government agencies with no real limit on the use. I would like to see funding for these agencies for the last five years along with funding from the stimulus bills and this one.

None of this is infrastructure related and should be removed along with all other non-infrastructure funding.


Pages 185-195: $23.35 billion for re-employment activities and grants

Page 200: $450 million for migrant worker programs

Page 202: $3.6 billion for adult education and literacy

Page 222: $1.48 billion for direct care (health) worker programs

Pages 250-251: ~210 billion for birth to age five child care. Assumption is $40 billion per year for fiscal years 2025 - 2027 even though those years have unstated funding (it is "as required" and I assumed $40 billion/ year).

Page 292: $2.5 billion for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2027 to improve compensation of Head Start staff

Page 333: $500 million for school kitchen equipment

Pages 343 - 344: $5 billion for clean heavy duty vehicles:

Implement a program to make awards of grants and rebates to eligible recipients, and to make awards of contracts to eligible contractors for providing rebates, for up to 100 percent of costs for ‘‘(1) replacing eligible vehicles with zero-emission vehicles; ‘‘(2) infrastructure needed to charge, fuel, or maintain zero-emission vehicles; ‘‘(3) workforce development and training to support the maintenance, charging, fueling, and operation of zero-emission vehicles; and ‘‘(4) planning and technical activities to support the adoption and deployment of zero-emission vehicles.

Page 346: $3.5 billion to reduce air pollution at ports

Page 350: $27.49 billion for a greenhouse gas reduction fund

Page 374: $10 billion for the Superfund

Page 374-375: $750 million to reduce waste in communities

Page 377: $10 billion for Environmental and Climate Justice block grants

Page 379: $30 billion for drinking water lead service line replacement

Page 399: $9 billion to institute guidelines for State energy offices to provide rebates to homeowners and aggregators for whole-house energy saving retrofits

Page 415 - 417: $9 billion for a high efficiency electric home rebate program.

Page 445: $3.5 billion for a weatherization assistance program

Page 446: $3.2 billion for critical facility modernization. See text for suitable project types.

Page 452: $2 billion for electric vehicle infrastructure buildout
Excellent post. This stuff is all worthless trash. They pulled the numbers out of their ass.

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