Does Joe Manchin realize he represents the 2nd poorest state in the country?

Here are the 10 states with the lowest household income:

  1. Mississippi ($62,835)
  2. West Virginia ($63,680)
  3. Arkansas ($66,557)
  4. New Mexico ($69,077)
  5. Alabama ($69,842)
  6. Kentucky ($70,144)
  7. Louisiana ($71,001)
  8. Oklahoma ($72,695)
  9. South Carolina ($73,520)
  10. Idaho ($73,810)

Did you know that in a CDC study, all of the 5 Happiest Cities in America were in one of the States listed above ... :dunno:

let's go ahead and let a million American kids starve this winter.
Uh huh. A million, huh? That's bad. If it were true, but I think you have a VERY sketchy relationship with "true". In fact, you sound like an idiot saying things like this. No one takes an idiot seriously. You should try harder to be at least SLIGHTLY accurate. This kind of sick, lazy hyperbole is why Dems are ignored by everyone except their media-masters.
Uh huh. A million, huh? That's bad. If it were true, but I think you have a VERY sketchy relationship with "true". In fact, you sound like an idiot saying things like this. No one takes an idiot seriously. You should try harder to be at least SLIGHTLY accurate. This kind of sick, lazy hyperbole is why Dems are ignored by everyone except their media-masters.
If you think the claim is false provide counter evidence.
You strip away all dignity of a parent looking at their child - I'm not joking about this - imagine being a parent looking at their child & can't afford child care, which Manchin is against

YOU STRIP AWAY ALL THE DIGNITY...Manchin is stripping away our dignity!
Second only to Mississippi, West Virginia is home to some of the worst poverty in the US., but if you're like Senator Joe Manchin, worth $8 million (that we know of), the grass is a little greener on the other side of the fence.

He probably really cares about his constituents, but he drew the shortest straw and was picked to be the bad guy.

So? Poor doesn't equal bad.

I grew up in the hills of Kentucky. A lot of poor people there and I felt more comfortable and was treated a lot better by them than urban folks or city people.

Just because your poor also doesn't mean you aren't smart or not a hard worker either. My grandma was poor as shit and never finished highschool. But she is a smart woman that lives in a 230,000 condo she owns and is quite content because she was smart, responsible and worked hard.

I'll take a poor country person any day of the week over some city person that's likely an asshole.

Besides, you're poor as shit compared to a whole lot of people in this country. And people in WV are rich compared to a lot of people in the world. There is always someone way above you and way below you, that won't ever change.
If you think the claim is false provide counter evidence.

When you see a nit-wit wearing a Chez Guevara t-shirt they bought at the GAP ...
They simply lack the wherewithal to understand the gesture would be the equivalent of shitting on his grave.

Arguing with them about it would be pointless ... :thup:

I don't know what percentage of it would go to infrastructure....that would be the biggest question for me.

An Oxford Economics analysis shows an expected increase in GDP growth. It also projects that 750,000 jobs will be added to the economy by the end of 2023.
Second only to Mississippi, West Virginia is home to some of the worst poverty in the US., but if you're like Senator Joe Manchin, worth $8 million (that we know of), the grass is a little greener on the other side of the fence.

He probably really cares about his constituents, but he drew the shortest straw and was picked to be the bad guy.

Do you realize that Manchin represents a deep red state who has been happy with his performance for decades?
Senator Manchin will have to explain to those families paying $1,000 a month for insulin why they need to keep paying that, instead of $35 for that vital medicine.

It should be noted that Manchin’s daughter, former CEO of pharmaceutical company Mylan, was famously responsible for the astronomical increase in EpiPen costs between 2005 and 2015.
You never hear so-called conservatives bitching about outrageously high prescription drug costs....

Obama's gift to the Wall Street donor class just keeps on giving huh ?
Bernie Sanders and the jihad squad know that those who rob Peter to pay Paul can count on Paul's vote.

Or, in other words, democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse [generous gifts] from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.

Manchin in holding off the dictatorship.
You strip away all dignity of a parent looking at their child - I'm not joking about this - imagine being a parent looking at their child & can't afford child care, which Manchin is against

YOU STRIP AWAY ALL THE DIGNITY...Manchin is stripping away our dignity!
How did people take care of their families before all of the social spending? I do not get it. All; of this spending and the same problems exist. Tell me.

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