Does Joe Manchin realize he represents the 2nd poorest state in the country?

You're getting less care then those who have insurance because of Obama Care? Sure you are. They must be cutting coverage for your shrink.

I have employer sponsered insurance & my coverage has actually improved since the ACA took effect.
Anything is better than nothing, eh?
Manchin doesn’t do a lot of 5-D chess. Usually he just says what he’s thinking. The problem over the last year has been that some Democrats don’t want to listen.

In the case of his recent BBB mic drop, members of the progressive left have been too busy shouting him down and protesting him—at home, work, and everywhere in between—to hear much of anything he was saying. And in the end, their #Resistance-style tactics backfired.

The goal of governing is passing legislation. To pass legislation, you need votes. The protest warriors who think they’re helping the Democratic agenda by harassing Manchin—or following Krysten Sinema into a bathroom—aren’t adding votes. They’re subtracting them.

If they aren’t careful, they might even subtract one of those votes right over into the Republican party, officially.

Manchin’s friend Steve Clemons wrote an op-ed for the Hill blaming the White House’s “incivility” for alienating Manchin. He specifically pointed to a White House statement that singled out Manchin by name.


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