Does Joe Manchin realize he represents the 2nd poorest state in the country?

We don't even have a company that manufactures GENERIC drugs anymore.
Talk about a risk to national security.

Whose fault is it that we do not manufacture generic drugs in the US and why?

You fail to mention that each of those countries has inferior health care to our own and many of whose better-off citizens purchase health insurance and/or travel to the US for treatment.
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I wish Markle would stop being such a pussy and speak up, instead of trolling my EVERY post with the terrible red thumbs downs.

What a turd muffin.
Blah, blah, blah, commies are good. How did the nation ever survive without you fucking commies?


Healthcare for all is not a communist property

Denying healthcare to those who can’t afford it is a Conservative property
The GOP can have that corrupt SOB.
Says the imbeciles who are lying their asses off about just how much Joe's multi trillion dollar grab bag
will crush the economy and tax payers under the weight of it's many different provisions
which aren't being made public by Joe and his sycophantic followers.
Manchin is representing his state the way they want him to, instead of ignoring their wishes in favor of the democratic party. Which is EXACTLY what he was elected to do. The economic status of that state is irrelevant.
All the more reason, W. Virginia's poverty, that Manchin should tell Imbecile Joe to fuck off and take his multi trillion dollar bag of leftist goodies to Hell with him!

The onerous, crushing weight of the burden Biden wants to inflict on future generations of American
citizens, such as doubling the size of the IRS, and cripple American wage earners by increasing
the number of immigrants it gives green cards to opening the border spigot even wider than it is now.
This poisonous information isn't exactly making the evening news into people's homes ever!

No need to wonder why. Joe and his liars want the citizenry to put themselves into the economic chains
he wants to impose.
Making this about Manchin and W.Virginia is pure gas lighting of the public.
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Why continue to lie?

Healthcare is denied to no one in the United States. Which countries provide superior healthcare?
Afraid it is

The rest of the world is puzzled by our healthcare system that leaves people in deep debt just for getting sick and forces people to choose between healthcare, the rent and eating
Healthcare for all is not a communist property

Denying healthcare to those who can’t afford it is a Conservative property

Yep, more commie lies. Americans have always had the opportunity for healthcare. Government intervention is what made it more expensive, that's exactly what happens every time the government get involved with anything. Doesn't matter if it's building roads, bridges, airports, ports, or education, they always gets more expensive when the feds throw money at them.

It's about time Democrats started shining the spotlight on the 50 GOP Senators who will vote no on this instead of putting all the heat on Manchin. Why should slime like Lyin Ted & Graham get off scott free for voting no on a bill that will benefit millions of their constituents?

Those shitheels are laughing it up as Manchin gets taken to the cleaners. If Manchin is smart he'll change his mind & get a running start as he shoves it deep in the ass of Lyin Ted, Lindsey Graham & the rest of those Trump asslickers.
Better to shine a light on the other 49 democrats that haven't got fiscally responsible bone in their whole collective body. Moron.
Says the imbeciles who are lying their asses off about just how much Joe's multi trillion dollar grab bag
will crush the economy and tax payers under the weight of it's many different provisions
which aren't being made public by Joe and his sycophantic followers.

All the more reason, W. Virginia's poverty, that Manchin should tell Imbecile Joe to fuck off and take his multi trillion dollar bag of leftist goodies to Hell with him!

The onerous, crushing weight of the burden Biden wants to inflict on future generations of American
citizens, such as doubling the size of the IRS, and cripple American wage earners by increasing
the number of immigrants it gives green cards to opening the border spigot even wider than it is now.
This poisonous information isn't exactly making the evening news into people's homes ever!

No need to wonder why. Joe and his liars want the citizenry to put themselves into the economic chains
he wants to impose.
Making this about Manchin and W.Virginia is pure gas lighting of the public.

WV has two senators, yet it's only the fault of one of them. That's how the commie mind works. They won't go after the other 50 senators that are saying hell no as well.

Afraid it is

The rest of the world is puzzled by our healthcare system that leaves people in deep debt just for getting sick and forces people to choose between healthcare, the rent and eating

Yet the rest of the world is beating down our doors to get in. Go fucking figure.

Afraid it is

The rest of the world is puzzled by our healthcare system that leaves people in deep debt just for getting sick and forces people to choose between healthcare, the rent and eating
Which, as you know, is not true. But, you already know that to be true.

Nuf said.

Don't bother with your weak whataboutism. We're not interested.

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