Does MAGA Worship Donald Trump?

So Trump talks about Wikileaks?? Meanwhile Hilalry was hiring Fusion GPS through Perkins Coieto win an election.
So whats worse?? I seriously dont even get your point.

Keep in mind, that Steele still calls all that story UNVERIFIED, Hillary had to pay a fine to the FEC all while refusing to admit guilt.

Funny how Trump never actually tried to "lock her up". but just uttering those words during a campaign triggers all you people like a bad case of the shingles ( sorry just watching tv add for meds ) ...
The truth is there are a lot of us who are annoyed at the way he does and does things sometimes. But I appreciate those who allow me to be me and that I don't feel like I have to change the way I say things or get things done in order to be acceptable to them. I don't give a flying fig at how he says things or how he gets things done so long as I am confident that the goal is a better, stronger, more secure America with more options, choices, opportunity, and liberty for all.
And you liked standing in line for toilet paper too, right?
No, it actually can't. For one, I live here and you aren't fitting 20,000 people at that park, but you don't have to take my word for it.

Sunset Park

Sunset Regional Park is the crown jewel in the County's park system since 1967. Recent phased park expansions have developed 185 of the 323 total acres, making Sunset the largest and the most distinguished park in the County system. Sunset Park has 22 acres of rentable event space with spaces that can accommodate 100 - 3,000 people. This space has been a host to many types of concerts, festivals, and special events. There are built-in amenities such as potable water access, garbage cans, permit assistance, maintenance assistance, and layout assistance.

One estimate put the crowd at 6900. He could show us his ability to "pack them in" if he would have an indoor rally with a known seating capacity.

The fact that he won't is pretty telling. But, hey, it's all professional wrestling to his supporters; they know it's all a show and they don't care.
Never happened.

Never happened.

It was fast-tracked in response to a national emergency.


Not even remotely true. Something like 3B shots were given. The number of all adverse reactions--all adverse reactions was--miniscule.

PS. As someone who has taken the vaccine as well as the booster, shouldn't I be dead by now?
^^ LOL another lefty moron who can’t accept reality.

SCOTUS overturns Biden mandate on businesses:

5th circuit overturns Biden’s mandate on Federal Employees:

Laughable you say that adverse reactions are “minuscule”. I know several people that had terrible adverse reactions as well as long term health problems from the shot.

Don’t know if you should be dead yet, but you certainly have a much greater chance of having blood clots, stroke, myocarditis, heart attack, and compromised immune system. It will likely greatly shorten your lifespan.
^^ LOL another lefty moron who can’t accept reality.

SCOTUS overturns Biden mandate on businesses:

5th circuit overturns Biden’s mandate on Federal Employees:

Laughable you say that adverse reactions are “minuscule”. I know several people that had terrible adverse reactions as well as long term health problems from the shot.
And you know a great many more who had zero adverse reactions. But that doesn't fit into your world view so you simply ignore the obvious truth.
Don’t know if you should be dead yet, but you certainly have a much greater chance of having blood clots, stroke, myocarditis, heart attack, and compromised immune system. It will likely greatly shorten your lifespan.
Your opinion is worthless and so are you.
Usually at events like that they will say a prayer in the beginning, which is worpshiping God.

Stop trying to detract that your entire OP is a lie. He never said they were there to “worship Trump”.

Their desperation is so transparent. The dude clearly said "worship AND..." not "worship Trump". I was prepared to say well that's his opinion, I don't worship Trump. But he didn't even say that.

This place was already drain-adjacent and is now swirling it fast
Never happened.

Never happened.

It was fast-tracked in response to a national emergency.


Not even remotely true. Something like 3B shots were given. The number of all adverse reactions--all adverse reactions was--miniscule.

PS. As someone who has taken the vaccine as well as the booster, shouldn't I be dead by now?

Watch out everyone: As a hospital administrator Corny is very sensitive about the shots and might wish you dead if you speak against them. I mean literally by putting your name on a tombstone and saying someone "did the world a favor".

Does this bother me, personally? no.

Does it reveal the heart of the decision-makers?

And you know a great many more who had zero adverse reactions. But that doesn't fit into your world view so you simply ignore the obvious truth.

Your opinion is worthless and so are you.

I know a woman, mid-40s, with two teen daughters, who was fine at the beginning of April and is now dead of an aggressive, incredibly rare cancer. Did this happen before the shots? yes. But now I know many who have had these aggressive cancers either recur or come on suddenly. I mean I KNOW them.

How long do you think you can continue to cover this up?

Even more jarring:

What will you folks do to cover for this?
^^ LOL another lefty moron who can’t accept reality.

SCOTUS overturns Biden mandate on businesses:

5th circuit overturns Biden’s mandate on Federal Employees:

Laughable you say that adverse reactions are “minuscule”. I know several people that had terrible adverse reactions as well as long term health problems from the shot.

Don’t know if you should be dead yet, but you certainly have a much greater chance of having blood clots, stroke, myocarditis, heart attack, and compromised immune system. It will likely greatly shorten your lifespan.

Once Corny put my name on a tombstone and declared that "someone did the world a favor", I think she/he/it put me on ignore. That's the integrity of people here, which, whatever....except we're talking about a hospital administrator here.

Do not trust these folks.
Dude, that's way more than 3000 people. That's almost a full Big Sombrero house.

Idk what the capacity was on that, but that crowd is 4/5 to 5/6 of that.

It's multiples of what you're thinking.

3K my ass!
DTMB is a creature of the public education system. You have to forgive him, because Math is racist, so didnt do well with numbers.
, they are all out at Sunset Park today to worship Donald Trump. His words, so inquiring minds want to know, have you accepted Donald Trump as your Lord and Savior?
Why not ?

At least The Donald turns up and provides great performances .
That rogue Jesus , the Essene Monk , cannot ever be bothered to even turn up .
Scam artist .
I only ask because according to the Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party, they are all out at Sunset Park today to worship Donald Trump. His words, so inquiring minds want to know, have you accepted Donald Trump as your Lord and Savior?

Did I mention he's also been indicted?

I'll worship anyone who wants to get rid of democrat socialist policies, their abuses of power for political purposes, their political correctness, and their wokeness. Hell the left worship a senile old man they don't even want to be president.
And you know a great many more who had zero adverse reactions. But that doesn't fit into your world view so you simply ignore the obvious truth
Cool story. So that’s how we do science now? We just focus on people they haven’t had problems(yet) and ignore the people that do.

This is exactly why leftwing nut jobs like you shouldn’t be allowed in any position of power. People like you will sweep any evidence under the rug if it goes against your beloved political party Agenda. Facts don’t matter, only the Party. It’s amazing how so called “liberals” have become defenders of Big Pharma, simply because they bought and bribed your political party masters.

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