Does MAGA Worship Donald Trump?

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Did you even watch the video?

He didn’t say they were there to “worship Trump.”

He said they were there to “worship, and bring back the greatest President ever known…”

Nice fail thread.

Was there a church service going on that I missed?
I only ask because according to the Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party, they are all out at Sunset Park today to worship Donald Trump. His words, so inquiring minds want to know, have you accepted Donald Trump as your Lord and Savior?

Did I mention he's also been indicted?

You do know that fat guy is a Democrat, right?
We’ve been mandating vaccines for about 100 years.

There was no “experimental clot shot”. That is something your deranged sick mind has internalized because of the steady diet of misinformation you’ve digested.
Oh really? Is that why the federal courts have declared the mandate from Biden was unconstitutional?

The clot shot has been proven to be ineffective and dangerous, that’s why most have been pulled off the markets.

It was entirely experimental because no ten year trial studies were done, and it was only given an “emergency use authorization” because it was experimental and did not go through all the safety trials.

The “misinformation” was doled out by Fauci and the government and the media of course who were all bought and paid for by Big Pharma. They lied about it being 99% effective. They lied about it being “safe”. They lied about the effectiveness of masks and social distancing. You’re the one on a steady diet of misinformation because all you do is consume corporate media and State approved propaganda.

Those of us you called “conspiracy theorists” were 100% correct about the dangers of the vax. You just can’t admit it. So run along now and get your booster shot.
But each dollar is worth much less.

That' s accurate figuring.
Was watching the movie Goldfinger it was made back in the early 1960s. They had said that an ounce of gold was worth around 30 dollars and ounce. Then i realized why 10 years later it was around 400 dollars an ounce. It was Tricky Dick Nixon, establishment Republican who took US off the gold standard and inflation started going out of control.

Democrats and Establishment Republicans have ruined this great country working together to fuck US all over. It took the 45th President to expose the swamp creatures who led US to the precipice of disaster..
I only ask because according to the Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party, they are all out at Sunset Park today to worship Donald Trump. His words, so inquiring minds want to know, have you accepted Donald Trump as your Lord and Savior?

Did I mention he's also been indicted?

It was a bad choice of words

But nothing more
Was watching the movie Goldfinger it was made back in the early 1960s. They had said that an ounce of gold was worth around 30 dollars and ounce. Then i realized why 10 years later it was around 400 dollars an ounce. It was Tricky Dick Nixon, establishment Republican who took US off the gold standard and inflation started going out of control.

Democrats and Establishment Republicans have ruined this great country working together to fuck US all over. It took the 45th President to expose the swamp creatures who led US to the precipice of disaster..

That really wasn't the point, but ---

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