Does mixed race marriages facillitate in the destruction of the Black race?

Dude, I don't know where in the heck you live, but I have NEVER heard a child called that by an adult or another child. And I teach in the inner-city with people of every color under the sun. The neat thing about children -, they are color blind.

It's the adults who teach them not to be.

here here.............

mixed race...not mixed up
Is my half-hispanic granddaughter bi-racial?

I've never noticed any nasty looks from anyone when I'm out with my son and his very dark hispanic wife and the baby. But our communities are so used to it...with the reservation and migrant farm workers.

Honestly, I don't see how people who screech that whites are racist can then turn around and make a plea for the purity of the black population. It's ridiculous.
And I teach in the inner-city with people of every color under the sun. The neat thing about children -, they are color blind.

It's the adults who teach them not to be.

That's bullshit. They've done studies where the smallest children react to race MORE strongly than adults, who've been conditioned to be "ashamed" of noticing race.

And have you ever been in a school lunchroom? All the black kids sit at one table, the whites at another, and so on.
When I was a little kid way way back best friends fay & war had a white mom and black dad, there were 7 kids in the family. I never noticed racism when we played together. But a few years later I moved away and there dad happened to buy a 2nd home where my family moved to, it was 4th of july and I was so excited to have them over to my new house to play, the neighborhood was having a block party anddoing fireworks, anyway all the white kids targeted fay & war with the water balloons and they called them racial names. We all 3 ran back to my house and told my mom. I cried because it upset me so much how all those kids treated my two best friends. I was worried my friends would never come see me again because of the racism my neighborhood displayed. We stayed in touch a few more years but as I moved several more times we lost touch. Certainly they experienced terrible treatment and the fact that there mom was white made no difference to the racists. The mom had all 7 kids go to this white baptist church and they experienced rude snide remarks there too whenever I visited church with them. I'm sure there mom was aware but she seemed zoned out most of the time. There dad was always out of town, I guess 7 kids wore the mom out. She was really loving though to everyone. I don't think mixed marriages destroy any race, but I think racism destroys everyone in society.
That's bullshit. They've done studies where the smallest children react to race MORE strongly than adults, who've been conditioned to be "ashamed" of noticing race.

And have you ever been in a school lunchroom? All the black kids sit at one table, the whites at another, and so on.

Come to my school, you'll see a mixed bag of all races sitting together at lunch WJ.

I'm sure the study that you refer to was done by someone with an affinity for white sheets. I've been teaching in this school for 12 years,and trust me on this, it is NOT an issue. YOU just want it to be to further your agenda.
No, mixed marriages doesn't facillitate the destruction of the black race. The Bass' mother is the product of a mixed marriage[mulatto father, Native American mother] and she strong identifies as a black woman and was and still is militant.
You know whenever i read threads like I feel like im in the 1800's and not the year 2008

I say the same thing.Black Women who are with White men do the same thing. I saw if they can't deal with the public attention or remarks, stick to your own race!

well maybe if people were not so closed minded and hateful interracial couples wouldn't have to worry about hateful remarks and stares.

i think you need to stay off 52nd street and start seeing the world. maybe this will open your closed mind a bit more.

Mixed-race marriages are generally pursued as a way of being fashionable and to demonstrate open-mindedness, but they aren't often happy, and the offspring are confused.

fashionable? mixed race marriages happen because people fall in love. people generally do not go out and purposely fall in love with someone of a certain race.

i know countless interracial couple (my own brother is even in a mixed race marriage) and they are happy. they did not marry their husbands/wives to show that they were open minded or because it was 'fashionable'. they got married because they were in love and wanted to spend their life with them.
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One day, with intermarriage, we'll all be a lovely shade of gray and have to find another reason to hate each other.

And I guarantee you that we WILL, too.

It's just one of those less pleasant aspects of human nature.
Everybody has different opinions about interracial marriage, some people would/would not do it. The Bass has nothing against such marriages, but wouldn't marry outside of his race.
Everybody has different opinions about interracial marriage, some people would/would not do it. The Bass has nothing against such marriages, but wouldn't marry outside of his race.

So you're saying I don't have a chance with you? :(
dude, I Don't Know Where In The Heck You Live, But I Have Never Heard A Child Called That By An Adult Or Another Child. And I Teach In The Inner-city With People Of Every Color Under The Sun. The Neat Thing About Children -, They Are Color Blind.

It's The Adults Who Teach Them Not To Be.

Thats Because They Are Not Experienced! Dumb Young! When They Get Older, They Should Get Wiser!
So you're saying I don't have a chance with you? :(

Depends, if you're white woman with some, we called it "thickness" down here, you might have a chance. Mr. Bass has been to France and the women there treat a black man with class, unlike American white women.
Depends, if you're white woman with some, we called it "thickness" down here, you might have a chance. Mr. Bass has been to France and the women there treat a black man with class, unlike American white women.

So, you like big butts, you cannot lie?

{and sorry bass, I don't have any junk in the trunk, that's what exercise is for!}
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Depends, if you're white woman with some, we called it "thickness" down here, you might have a chance. Mr. Bass has been to France and the women there treat a black man with class, unlike American white women.

french woman treat men and life in general with class..I love french woman
and they have the best lingerie and are not afraid to use it
french woman treat men and life in general with class..I love french woman
and they have the best lingerie and are not afraid to use it

True indeed. Mr Bass makes vacation in France once, sometimes twice a year and though Mr Bass isn't looking for a woman, the women there treated him so good and Mr. Bass' skin colour wasn't a factor. They might have thought Mr. Bass was a half-caste Frenchman perhaps.
Amen to that!

My family is made up of all races and a lot of ethnicities. We are proud that we have melted.

No one should be proud of a smorgashboard, Mongrel race , where no one
can indentify with any perticular race. Many mixed raced people leed very mixed up and confused unhappy lives.I know, I dated a few of those mixed up
and confused females. They were all sex feinds, using sex as a means to deal with their confusion and unhappyness. They were very sad women, to say the least.

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