Does Obama want to secretly start WW3?

Familiarize yourself with various criminal law statutes, if you like
Gullible....the man was rushed off after federal agents broke down his door and entered his home in the middle of the night, he was in jail that night with no one from the media allowed to interview him and still today no one knows where he is.
I saw more of a chance of that with McCain. Following his career ever since he arrived here in Arizona, I could imagine we'd be up at least up to WW#5 by now. The guy consistently wants the country to stick its nose everyplace and the only solution he ever see is the military. I could understand it, that's his background.

Now getting back to Obama, I think the chance of world war would be purely ineptitude of putting the country into a position it couldn't back out of, but I think he's done enough to keep other nations respectful of our military. I see Trump as similar in this regard.
The guy committed fraud through the use of the internet and was banned from using it..When he made the film he used a fake name.....
Shut up... did you see the video?
I saw more of a chance of that with McCain. Following his career ever since he arrived here in Arizona, I could imagine we'd be up at least up to WW#5 by now. The guy consistently wants the country to stick its nose everyplace and the only solution he ever see is the military. I could understand it, that's his background.

Now getting back to Obama, I think the chance of world war would be purely ineptitude of putting the country into a position it couldn't back out of, but I think he's done enough to keep other nations respectful of our military. I see Trump as similar in this regard.
John McCain Circa 2013 “We should arm ISIS”

Oh what a difference a year makes. The world of politics is a snap judgment and foreign policy is a cautionary tale of making foolish mistakes before having all the right information.

We’ve seen a good number of Republicans quick to blame or criticize President Obama for ISIS and the complicated situation in Syria. But here’s a helpful reminder that Republicans really don’t know what they’re doing. I give you former Republican presidential nominee and current US Senator John McCain advocating that we arm the “rebels… the freedom fighters…” aka ISIS to fight Assad in Syria and criticizes President Obama for not arming ISIS sooner:

Read more: John McCain Circa 2013 "We should arm ISIS"
Barry Hussein doesn't want any part of WW3 anymore than his father did. Barry's autobiography is titled "Dreams of My Father" and Barry's father dreamed of a political and social revolution where the world playing field is level and America is reduced to 3rd world status.
Barry Hussein doesn't want any part of WW3 anymore than his father did. Barry's autobiography is titled "Dreams of My Father" and Barry's father dreamed of a political and social revolution where the world playing field is level and America is reduced to 3rd world status.
Yet, we are not..What happened?
Familiarize yourself with various criminal law statutes, if you like
Gullible....the man was rushed off after federal agents broke down his door and entered his home in the middle of the night, he was in jail that night with no one from the media allowed to interview him and still today no one knows where he is.


And you call me gullible.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the maker of "The Innocence of Muslims", has been out of prison for more than 2 years now, after completing his one-year sentence for 7 counts of violating his probation (which he plead guilty to). He was living in a half-way house in LA, but as of a year ago was released into the custody of his apparent minister.

Producer of anti-Muslim film released from L.A. prison

Filmmaker Behind Anti-Islam Film Released From Halfway House
Barry Hussein doesn't want any part of WW3 anymore than his father did. Barry's autobiography is titled "Dreams of My Father" and Barry's father dreamed of a political and social revolution where the world playing field is level and America is reduced to 3rd world status.
Sounds like a good reason to fight to me...
Familiarize yourself with various criminal law statutes, if you like
Gullible....the man was rushed off after federal agents broke down his door and entered his home in the middle of the night, he was in jail that night with no one from the media allowed to interview him and still today no one knows where he is.


And you call me gullible.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the maker of "The Innocence of Muslims", has been out of prison for more than 2 years now, after completing his one-year sentence for 7 counts of violating his probation (which he plead guilty to). He was living in a half-way house in LA, but as of a year ago was released into the custody of his apparent minister.

Producer of anti-Muslim film released from L.A. prison

Filmmaker Behind Anti-Islam Film Released From Halfway House


Yes... he violated his probation... right as the President of the US and the US Sec' O'State LIED TO THE HUMAN SPECIES about a video he put on YOUTUBE, falsely blaming him for the four Americans they conspired with ISIS to murder.

My goodness... what a horrible collision of coincidences.

"Gullible" doesn't BEGIN to describe that tripe.
Familiarize yourself with various criminal law statutes, if you like
Gullible....the man was rushed off after federal agents broke down his door and entered his home in the middle of the night, he was in jail that night with no one from the media allowed to interview him and still today no one knows where he is.


And you call me gullible.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the maker of "The Innocence of Muslims", has been out of prison for more than 2 years now, after completing his one-year sentence for 7 counts of violating his probation (which he plead guilty to). He was living in a half-way house in LA, but as of a year ago was released into the custody of his apparent minister.

Producer of anti-Muslim film released from L.A. prison

Filmmaker Behind Anti-Islam Film Released From Halfway House


Yes... he violated his probation... right as the President of the US and the US Sec' O'State LIED TO THE HUMAN SPECIES about a video he put on YOUTUBE, falsely blaming him for the four Americans they conspired with ISIS to murder.

My goodness... what a horrible collision of coincidences.

"Gullible" doesn't BEGIN to describe that tripe.

Yep, he violated his probation for stealing thousands of dollars in a variety of identity theft and check kiting scams - for which he was only sentenced to probation for after ratting out the rest of his team.

You strike me as a strict law-and-order type, pubes - how do you deal with the cognitive dissonance between your love for this con man and your hatred of "relativism"?
Familiarize yourself with various criminal law statutes, if you like
Gullible....the man was rushed off after federal agents broke down his door and entered his home in the middle of the night, he was in jail that night with no one from the media allowed to interview him and still today no one knows where he is.


And you call me gullible.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the maker of "The Innocence of Muslims", has been out of prison for more than 2 years now, after completing his one-year sentence for 7 counts of violating his probation (which he plead guilty to). He was living in a half-way house in LA, but as of a year ago was released into the custody of his apparent minister.

Producer of anti-Muslim film released from L.A. prison

Filmmaker Behind Anti-Islam Film Released From Halfway House


Yes... he violated his probation... right as the President of the US and the US Sec' O'State LIED TO THE HUMAN SPECIES about a video he put on YOUTUBE, falsely blaming him for the four Americans they conspired with ISIS to murder.

My goodness... what a horrible collision of coincidences.

"Gullible" doesn't BEGIN to describe that tripe.

Yep, he violated his probation for stealing thousands of dollars in a variety of identity theft and check kiting scams - for which he was only sentenced to probation for after ratting out the rest of his team.

You strike me as a strict law-and-order type, pubes - how do you deal with the cognitive dissonance between your love for this con man and your hatred of "relativism"?

Well Clitoris, I'm big in personal responsibility.

And as a result I don't condone Leftist behavior such as financial fraud.

That said... I also do not condone defrauding the US by organizing an attack on one's own consulate and using the video of even a reprobate, as a means to avoid accountability for treason.

Now what that means is, that just because the guy was a crook... doesn't mean that blaming him falsely is right, arresting him for show... then claiming that the arrest was due to a violation of his probation.

The arrest was because they wanted to show that they were serving swift justice on the perpetrator of the video that 'caused the deaths of four Americans'.

The "Violation of Probation" is BS. Trumped up to avoid a massive trial, which ends in a MONSTER civil liberties violation payout.

There's nothing 'right' about any of this... and that includes blaming someone's video for THEIR CRIMES. Without regard to how much of a scumbag, the video-producer may be.
If he does not want to secretly start WW3 what would he be doing differently?

Is Barack Obama Actually TRYING To Start World War III?


And it just so happens that the former Vice Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, Admiral James Winnefeld, was paying a visit to Ankara when the Russian plane went down. A coincidence, of course….

In short: the Americans had the exact flight path of the Russian plane. They knew where and when it would be flying: are we supposed to believe they didn’t communicate this to the Turks, their NATO allies? That this was an orchestrated event – orchestrated by Washington – seems almost beyond dispute.

This is why the Turks refuse to apologize, and instead warn the Russians that they are “playing with fire.” They were simply following orders – and that those orders were coming from Washington is implied by President Obama’s defense of the Turkish actions. “Turkey,” he declared, “like every country, has a right to defend its territory and airspace.” While this is certainly true, the question of how it may do so and under what circumstances it’s okay to shoot down a plane that may have intruded on its airspace is not quite as cut-and-dried as he would have us believe.
Starting World War III over Syria would be about as stupid as starting World War I over Serbia.

btw, it's the Republicans who are most bellicose when it comes to precipitating an outright confrontation with Russia.

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