Does Obama's William Ayers Connection Bother You More than Troopergate?

Sorry, I don't view terrorism on the same level as domestic violence.

And I certainly don't view a phone call to inform somebody's boss of the fact that your brother-in-law, who happens to be a copy, tasered a kid, who happens to be your nephew, as nepotism or anything even remotely akin to justifying the acts of a terrorist.
Obama knew a guy who is a professor now, but used to be a 1960's radical when Obama was 8 years old. So this story has nothing to do with anything Obama ever said or did himself politically, but something a guy who is now a college professor did when Obama was 8 years old. Therefore, it is an non issue.

Palin on the other hand abused her power as governor and then lied about it to the public, and now is under an investigation which could result in charges being brought against her. So this is something that she herself did that includes possible illegal activities as governor, and lying to the public as recently as two months ago. Is this an issue? Yes.
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ACtually, no.
Ayers said the day after 9/11 that he wished he'd bombed more cops when he'd have the chance. I think that pretty much brings that little issue current.
Obama schmoozed him, and did exactly what you're doing now...minimalized the fact that the pig is a self-admitted terrorist, and continues to blather proudly about it, and has stated openly he wishes he'd "killed more cops". These are Americans. He wishes NOW he had killed more cops. Hardly a non-issue.

Palin calls to make sure her abusive brother-in-law's boss knows what he's been up to, and leaves it in the lap of the boss.

Hmm...let me think......which is worse? Ties with someone who states he wants to kill American cops, or someone who thinks a cop should be held accountable for tasering his wife's kid?

Hey, you're right. The terrorist is a non-issue.

As I said, you guys give away your hatred of children, women, and Americans ever time you open your stupid mouths. You can't hide it, you don't even try.
ACtually, no.
Ayers said the day after 9/11 that he wished he'd bombed more cops when he'd have the chance. I think that pretty much brings that little issue current.
Obama schmoozed him, and did exactly what you're doing now...minimalized the fact that the pig is a self-admitted terrorist, and continues to blather proudly about it, and has stated openly he wishes he'd "killed more cops". These are Americans. He wishes NOW he had killed more cops. Hardly a non-issue.

Palin calls to make sure her abusive brother-in-law's boss knows what he's been up to, and leaves it in the lap of the boss.

Hmm...let me think......which is worse? Ties with someone who states he wants to kill American cops, or someone who thinks a cop should be held accountable for tasering his wife's kid?

Hey, you're right. The terrorist is a non-issue.

As I said, you guys give away your hatred of children, women, and Americans ever time you open your stupid mouths. You can't hide it, you don't even try.

Is that all you have?

You can't attack Obama directly, so you attack some guy he knew in Chicago?

Oh, and I love the TALKING POINT that every attack on the under investigation Alaska governor is an attack on women and children. That's brilliant! Did Karl Rove write that for you?
Is that all you have?

You can't attack Obama directly, so you attack some guy he knew in Chicago?

Oh, and I love the TALKING POINT that every attack on the under investigation Alaska governor is an attack on women and children. That's brilliant! Did Karl Rove write that for you?

I'm attacking Obama directly for DEFENDING the comments and terrorism of Ayers, and I'm attacking him OPENLY for seeking him out to help him politically.

And if you idiots wouldn't couch your hatred of the Repub VP choice in terms of her sex and her kids, perhaps you wouldn't leave yourself open to comments that you hate children and women, and prove it every time you make a comment supporting the fact that YOU HATE WOMEN AND CHILDREN.

just curious

why would it?

the 60's was the 60's.... and Ayers isn't blowing anything up or condoning that anymore.... and my favorite person I ever worked for was formerly SDS... but when I knew him, he was late 50's to 60... certainly wasn't THAT person and certainly didn't reflect on me.

I'm not quite sure what YOUR point is other than to spread more trash Obama garbage while pretending to be a "swing voter"

Now, a real issue is do you want four more years of right wing corruption?
Yes, Obama shows respect towards a known terrorist (and known racists Wright and Pfleger). Palin tried to get a crooked cop off the streets. I believe there's a big difference.
Yes, Obama shows respect towards a known terrorist (and known racists Wright and Pfleger). Palin tried to get a crooked cop off the streets. I believe there's a big difference.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... obama sucks ... blah blah blah blah blah blah... obama sucks... blah blah blah blah... :eusa_hand:

palin tried to get her BROTHER IN LAW off the streets so her SISTER would get custody of their kids... you got the right wing psycho spin machine down, though...
Another brilliant post, lawyer.

She made a phone call to let the asshole's boss know he'd tasered her nephew. Is that the corruption you're making vague references to?

Wow. I mean, really. This is world class corruption here. Much worse than killing cops and bragging about it. Much, much worse than courting terrorists.

The woman is a menace to society. Really.
The Keating five connection bothers me more. Are you familiar with that one?

You the mean the scandal that a BIPARTISAN legislature said McCain was not involved in.

Yeah, I know of it. What about it?
I got friends in low places, but I never schemed low things with 'em.

Since Keating's collapse, you find yourself doing obscene things to save yourself from the Senate Ethics Committee's investigation. As a matter of course, you engage in backbiting behavior that will turn you into an outcast in the Senate if you do survive.

They say that if you put five lobsters into a pot and give them a chance to escape, none will be able to do so before you light the fire. Each time a lobster tries to climb over the top, his fellow lobsters will pull him back down. It is the way of lobsters and threatened United States senators.

And, of course, that's the way it is with the Keating Five. You are all battling to save your own hides. So you, McCain, leak to reporters about who did Keating's bidding in pressuring federal regulators to change the rules for Lincoln Savings and Loan.

When the reporters fail to print your tips quickly enough--as in the case of your tip on Michigan Senator Donald Riegle--you call them back and remind them how important it is to get that information in the newspapers.

The story of "the Keating Five" has become a scandal rivaling Teapot Dome and Watergate. The outcome will be decided, not in a courtroom, but probably on national television.

Those who survive will be the sociopaths who can tell a lie with the most sincere, straight face. You are especially adept at this.

McCain: The Most Reprehensible of the Keating Five - News - Phoenix New Timespage 1 - Phoenix New Times


John McCain admitted to intentionally filing false income tax returns to defraud the IRS by not claiming thousands of dollars in gifts McCain and his family received from Charles Keating and Keating’s company. Years later, when the IRS noticed Keating’s company had written off the gifts to McCain as business expenses, McCain fessed up and admitted filing false returns and made a “donation” to the U.S. Treasury to cover the amount he defrauded American tax payers. (Committing tax fraud is one of the least offensive things John McCain has done over his career, but this article just focuses on his role in the Keating Five, and the Lincoln Savings and Loan scandal of the late 1980’s-early 1990’s). McCain also leaked information about the Keating Five to the press multiple times in an effort to appear above the other Senators in the scandal. A 1989 Phoenix New Times article summed it up best with their title - McCain: The Most Reprehensible of the Keating Five.

2. John McCain’s wife, Cindy McCain, along with her father, made a $359,000 investment in retail property owned by Charles Keating in 1986, a year before John McCain first met with federal regulators on behalf of Keating. Keating was later convicted on 73 counts of fraud, conspiracy, and other crimes. Years later, Cindy McCain sold her investment for $15,000,000.

John McCain and the Keating Five, What Every Voter MUST Know

And wikipedia is your friend:

Keating Five - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Rubbing shoulders is not illegal. Tax evasion is, and leaking your friends to the press to save your hide is reprehensible.
Let's simplify the comparison:

Obama is friends with a terrorist.

Palin fired a man who drove drunk, tazed his stepson, and threatened to kill her.

Anyone more bothered by Troopergate is seriously fucked in the head.

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