Does one need to die in order to be reborn?

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Welcome back Dante!

We're you in prison? :)

Where the heck have you been? And where is Manifold,(Mani), do ya know?

Manifold ran him out of St. Elsewhere.
He and catz banned you from St. Elsewhere but first they put you in a troll sub-forum.

Your memory seems to be a bit lacking. You don't remember the sub-forum?
Welcome Friend !!!

U just found the best forum !! Enjoy,
U can talk to anyone about anything here,
Publikly or private.

This ain't no twitter...

To my knowlege no thread posted here was banneshed forever..

In fact I can't remember anybody being banned from this forum..

U are welcome here...

I look forward 2 your posts !

Thanks for being brave & joining !

You tugged an American Heartstring on your first post'

This fine introduction thread
belongs to the ages...
Last edited:
"He" in the third person (very rude)

Identified half the board's assholes in one thread....

First thread.... top that
So it's really true what everybody used to say about you?

Wow. I never knew. My sympathies.
Your sympathies and a buck will still only buy me a bucks worth of stuff.

It's easier to gum them with your teeth out? ccol
You’re out of your mind,bro. I’m a Jew and I have all 32.

Better for grinding down on steak, and chew toys.

Btw, do you abstract much?
Your sympathies and a buck will still only buy me a bucks worth of stuff.

Not true. I used to be one of the guys in the Hearse doing pick ups. I had to show great sympathies. As a matter of fact, no one does sympathies better than me. I know more about sympathies than anybody in America. - Trump padoy
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