Does Pornography Harm Children Who View It?

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Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013

Google and read any and every .edu site with a paper about it to your heart's content. Been studying the question for decades and the even the Reagan Administration studied the question, came back with "no" and let the matter drop (silently not publishing the results either by the by.)

Just as violent movies and videogames doesn't then translate into real-world acting out of violent fantasies (as evidenced by such content availability in other countries,) pornography doesn't then result in minors acting out what they saw. Will always be able to find a news item suggesting otherwise, but this is not scientificly valid so much as sensationalism and fear-mongering.

"Research shows that healthy sexual development includes natural curiosity about sexuality. Retrospective studies show that accidental exposure to real-life scenes of sexuality does not harm children. Our survey shows that age of first exposure to pornography does not correlate with negative attitudes towards women. Studies with non-explicit representations of sexuality show that young people who seek out sexualised representations tend to be those with a pre-existing interest in sexuality. These studies also suggest that current generations of children are no more sexualised than previous generations, that they are not innocent about sexuality, and that a key negative effect of this knowledge is the requirement for them to feign ignorance in order to satisfy adults’ expectations of them. Research also suggests important differences between pre- and post-pubescent attitudes towards pornography, and that pornography is not addictive."
Does pornography harm young people? | QUT ePrints

"A vocal segment of the population has serious concerns about the effect of pornography in society and challenges its public use and acceptance. This manuscript reviews the major issues associated with the availability of sexually explicit material. It has been found everywhere scientifically investigated that as pornography has increased in availability, sex crimes have either decreased or not increased."
Pacific Center for Sex and Society - Pornography, Public Acceptance and Sex Related Crime: A Review

"Most of the recent studies in this field have been correlational. That means you ask a sample of young people whether they've seen pornography, or how often, and then ask them what they think of sex or gender role attitudes, for example.

But it is not possible to establish causation from correlational studies, and to say whether pornography is changing or reinforcing attitudes.

"That is the real next step that research needs to take," says Horvath, "to try to identify which came first.""
BBC News - Do we know whether pornography harms people?

Thta's the most important part above, 'it's not possible to establish causation from correlation.' Ethics limit what you can investigate as in you can't expose subjects to particularly violent pornography tosee if it harms them, because what if it does? So you can't scientificly investigate whether porn harms children because to find out you have to expose potentially harmful things to children. Catch-22.

What we can and have discovered if where porn is widely available, sex crimes go down. Where porn is banned and restricted it goes up. When children are raised in nudist enviroments, they don't suffer the same stress over their developing bodies as their clothes-wearing counterparts.

I get people here will opt to make political hay out of this on both sides of the poltical divide while choosing to ignore the research and facts, this is not for them but people more interested in being right than popular.
"children" shouldn't be viewing pornography

pornography is not harmful to adults unless, like any other addiction, it impedes the viewer's real life.

and "sex crimes" are not about sex, but are about violence.
Been studying the question for decades...


Meant scientists, but come to think of it, am 43 so ya a couple decades. :) My primary interest is in fact sexuality. I maintain most of the human condition goes back to sex and sexuality. It's why we've evolved as far as we have - to be able to pass on our genes and reproduce. Everything else is incidental.
Pornography can have a negative effect on how men relate to women sexually; their expections from pornographic material seldom are met in real relationships. In the case of young children, this can have a profound effect.

Men who were exposed to a lot of pornography before having real sex, for example, expect (1) to ejaculate on a woman's face, (2) believe that average penis size is much larger that it really is, (3) believe it is somewhat acceptable to take photos of lovers and distribute them, (4) have poor understandings of what most women actually desire, and (5) need visual stimulation over activity to reach sexual arousal. And those are just a few things.

Pornography is fine in moderation, but it does indeed become a substitute for sex in some cases. It does mess up kids, because this culture teaches them that sex is bad from an early age--pornography creates confusion and neuroses in these cases.
Pornography can have a negative effect on how men relate to women sexually; their expections from pornographic material seldom are met in real relationships. In the case of young children, this can have a profound effect.

Men who were exposed to a lot of pornography before having real sex, for example, expect (1) to ejaculate on a woman's face, (2) believe that average penis size is much larger that it really is, (3) believe it is somewhat acceptable to take photos of lovers and distribute them, (4) have poor understandings of what most women actually desire, and (5) need visual stimulation over activity to reach sexual arousal. And those are just a few things.

Pornography is fine in moderation, but it does indeed become a substitute for sex in some cases. It does mess up kids, because this culture teaches them that sex is bad from an early age--pornography creates confusion and neuroses in these cases.

Saved me from having to make a long post. I definitely agree. Sex in porn videos is not a normal view of sex between consenting adults, at least for most people. For young people not having ever experienced sex, it gives them the wrong impression of what sex is and how it should be.
... Just as violent movies and videogames doesn't then translate into real-world acting out of violent fantasies ...

Except that we see evidence to the contrary. We see evidence that some people do become addicted and/or changed by violence in movies and/or videogames. Same with porn.

I watch movies and TV shows that I would never allow a young child to watch. The Walking Dead comes to mind. Horribly violent but worse is that it literally dehumanized those who are being slaughtered in worst ways imaginable. And yet, I know of parents who let their very young kids watch that while they would go ballistic if that same child was watching porn.

Just as with most porn, violence and video games don't show the world as it really is and young people can't always make that determination.
... Just as violent movies and videogames doesn't then translate into real-world acting out of violent fantasies ...

Except that we see evidence to the contrary. We see evidence that some people do become addicted and/or changed by violence in movies and/or videogames. Same with porn.

I watch movies and TV shows that I would never allow a young child to watch. The Walking Dead comes to mind. Horribly violent but worse is that it literally dehumanized those who are being slaughtered in worst ways imaginable. And yet, I know of parents who let their very young kids watch that while they would go ballistic if that same child was watching porn.

Just as with most porn, violence and video games don't show the world as it really is and young people can't always make that determination.

Asian and European countries have identical access if not superior to violent media yet don't show the same violent outbreaks we see in the US. Same with porn. What happens in the US is exceptional and odd. I'm willing to say here and now that in our role as world police man, and last remaining superpower, we're driving our people clinically insane. Constant wars, claims of exceptionalism, do as we say not as we do mentality, and more guns than people. It's driving us mad.
... Just as violent movies and videogames doesn't then translate into real-world acting out of violent fantasies ...

Except that we see evidence to the contrary. We see evidence that some people do become addicted and/or changed by violence in movies and/or videogames. Same with porn.

I watch movies and TV shows that I would never allow a young child to watch. The Walking Dead comes to mind. Horribly violent but worse is that it literally dehumanized those who are being slaughtered in worst ways imaginable. And yet, I know of parents who let their very young kids watch that while they would go ballistic if that same child was watching porn.

Just as with most porn, violence and video games don't show the world as it really is and young people can't always make that determination.

Asian and European countries have identical access if not superior to violent media yet don't show the same violent outbreaks we see in the US. Same with porn. What happens in the US is exceptional and odd. I'm willing to say here and now that in our role as world police man, and last remaining superpower, we're driving our people clinically insane. Constant wars, claims of exceptionalism, do as we say not as we do mentality, and more guns than people. It's driving us mad.

Good point.

Canada has guns but they don't murder each other the way we do in the US.

At the end of WWII, other countries invested in their own people, their own future. That's why they have better medicine that we do and why they take month long vacations. We invested in our military and we still do.

We have absolutely no use for more tanks and ships but you'd never know it. The Repubs and the RWs here are constantly saying we should buy more of what we don't need or use.
Except that we see evidence to the contrary. We see evidence that some people do become addicted and/or changed by violence in movies and/or videogames. Same with porn.

I watch movies and TV shows that I would never allow a young child to watch. The Walking Dead comes to mind. Horribly violent but worse is that it literally dehumanized those who are being slaughtered in worst ways imaginable. And yet, I know of parents who let their very young kids watch that while they would go ballistic if that same child was watching porn.

Just as with most porn, violence and video games don't show the world as it really is and young people can't always make that determination.

Asian and European countries have identical access if not superior to violent media yet don't show the same violent outbreaks we see in the US. Same with porn. What happens in the US is exceptional and odd. I'm willing to say here and now that in our role as world police man, and last remaining superpower, we're driving our people clinically insane. Constant wars, claims of exceptionalism, do as we say not as we do mentality, and more guns than people. It's driving us mad.

Good point.

Canada has guns but they don't murder each other the way we do in the US.

At the end of WWII, other countries invested in their own people, their own future. That's why they have better medicine that we do and why they take month long vacations. We invested in our military and we still do.

We have absolutely no use for more tanks and ships but you'd never know it. The Repubs and the RWs here are constantly saying we should buy more of what we don't need or use.

Canada has a lot of long guns but handguns are highly restricted.
"children" shouldn't be viewing pornography

pornography is not harmful to adults unless, like any other addiction, it impedes the viewer's real life.

and "sex crimes" are not about sex, but are about violence.

then why is something sexual always involved ?
"children" shouldn't be viewing pornography

pornography is not harmful to adults unless, like any other addiction, it impedes the viewer's real life.

and "sex crimes" are not about sex, but are about violence.

then why is something sexual always involved ?

Sex crimes are not "sexual".

Actually, just the opposite.

intercourse isn't sexual ? fondling a child isn't sexual ? please explain.
For many young men and women, pornography is their first exposure to sexuality and will form their opinions considering intimacy. This is not a reason for any sort of additional legislation but perhaps parents should be teaching young adults what to expect from a healthy relationship instead of having them gain misinformation from their peers and pornography.
"children" shouldn't be viewing pornography

pornography is not harmful to adults unless, like any other addiction, it impedes the viewer's real life.

and "sex crimes" are not about sex, but are about violence.

then why is something sexual always involved ?

Sex crimes are not "sexual".

Actually, just the opposite.

Sex crime refers to assaults (violence) directed specificly at parts of the body assiciated with sexual behaviours. They aren't 'sexual acts,' they're simply being directed at the genitals, buttocks, and female breasts.
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