Does printing new money to pay for things cause inflation?

Will printing money to pay for expenditures cause inflation?

  • Yes

  • No

  • It might be a contributing factor if other factors are present (i.e. possibly, but not likely)

  • It's a huge contributing factor & should be expected (i.e. probably, but not necessarily all cases)

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Now, let's say that all of a the society increases to 2,000 people, who also have their own wants and needs. Assuming those wants and needs are equal to the first 1,000 people, then the increased demand should drive prices up.

Only if the new 1,000 people only consume and don't also produce.
If we disbanded the privately owned Federal Reserve

It's part of the government.

and then enacted a National Treasury Currency owned by the government/people we may be able to get rid of some of that debt.

How would that "get rid of some debt"?
The Federal Reserve is not part of the government. It is contracted to the government. It puts orders into the Treasury department to print currency and mint coins. There are supposedly certain debts that can be wiped clean by instituting a currency owned by the government.
The Federal Reserve is not part of the government. It is contracted to the government. It puts orders into the Treasury department to print currency and mint coins. There are supposedly certain debts that can be wiped clean by instituting a currency owned by the government.
Lincoln's greenbacks did that.
The Federal Reserve is not part of the government. It is contracted to the government. It puts orders into the Treasury department to print currency and mint coins. There are supposedly certain debts that can be wiped clean by instituting a currency owned by the government.

The Federal Reserve is not part of the government

Except it is.

There are supposedly certain debts that can be wiped clean by instituting a currency owned by the government.

Not sure what you mean.
It doesn't cause inflation as some might think. It makes our dollar worth less. Things don't cost more to make, it just takes more dollars to buy them.

Money, real money is backed by silver and gold. When you just print money without anything backing it then it's worthless.
It would be nice if the Republican Party returned to its roots of fiscal conservatism.

After all, the one who said "Reagan proved deficits do not matter" was DICK CHENEY, now fully outed as a RINO Zionist Fascist 911 W "Biden Republican"

Newt's policies WORKED FOR AMERICA, which is why Cheney did not like them, since Cheney only cares about ISRAEL.
This is often discussed in a variety of ways. I remember a few years ago there was this idea floated that Obama could order the mint to create two $10 trillion coins, then have them deposited into the federal reserve to pay off the debt. The pandemic emergency payments and unemployment benefits have often brought the conversation to whether we're simply making money out of thin air.

So let's talk about it. Do you believe that printing money will will cause inflation? Why, why not?
What’s there to discuss? It’s happened every time it was done. Without exception.
The Federal Reserve is not part of the government. It is contracted to the government. It puts orders into the Treasury department to print currency and mint coins. There are supposedly certain debts that can be wiped clean by instituting a currency owned by the government.
haha it’s owned by the Govt created by Congress in 1913, its board is appointed by the Govt

also the US Govt owns the currency….its the only body that can create it..unless you mean something different by own…it certainly doesn’t own my money….however it created, printed the money….then i earned it
haha it’s owned by the Govt created by Congress in 1913, its board is appointed by the Govt

also the US Govt owns the currency….its the only body that can create it..unless you mean something different by own…it certainly doesn’t own my money….however it created, printed the money….then i earned it
They printed more after you earned it, lowering the value of what you earned retroactively.
This is often discussed in a variety of ways. I remember a few years ago there was this idea floated that Obama could order the mint to create two $10 trillion coins, then have them deposited into the federal reserve to pay off the debt. The pandemic emergency payments and unemployment benefits have often brought the conversation to whether we're simply making money out of thin air.

So let's talk about it. Do you believe that printing money will will cause inflation? Why, why not?

Yes. It's simple supply and demand.
This is often discussed in a variety of ways. I remember a few years ago there was this idea floated that Obama could order the mint to create two $10 trillion coins, then have them deposited into the federal reserve to pay off the debt. The pandemic emergency payments and unemployment benefits have often brought the conversation to whether we're simply making money out of thin air.

So let's talk about it. Do you believe that printing money will will cause inflation? Why, why not?
It depends upon the macro picture. There was so much slack in the system between 2009 and 2021 that the Fed was able to add over $9T to its balance sheet, and while everyone was waiting for inflation, it didn't happen. And it ultimately only happened because of the worst of all worlds: An explosion of pent-up demand and profoundly damaged supply chains.

As a rule, theoretically? Yes. Necessarily? No.
haha it’s owned by the Govt created by Congress in 1913, its board is appointed by the Govt

also the US Govt owns the currency….its the only body that can create it..unless you mean something different by own…it certainly doesn’t own my money….however it created, printed the money….then i earned it
It is owned by private bankers. Globalist Bankers, financiers and industrialists make up most of them. Rockefeller, Morgan, Warburg and Rothschild to name a few. The Creature from Jeckyl Island is a time-honored book on this and other events in history. They control the printing presses. They tried a few times in our history to bring a fiat currency into existence and we ended up back to gold and silver currency. These are the real powers of the world. Soros is their butler.
It is owned by private bankers. Globalist Bankers, financiers and industrialists make up most of them. Rockefeller, Morgan, Warburg and Rothschild to name a few. The Creature from Jeckyl Island is a time-honored book on this and other events in history. They control the printing presses. They tried a few times in our history to bring a fiat currency into existence and we ended up back to gold and silver currency. These are the real powers of the world. Soros is their butler.
no. no it’s not owned by them. It’s owned by the Govt, controlled by Govt employees

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