Does Spanking kids Work?


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2011
Washington DC
This something that has interest me for quite awhile now. Since I was spanked as a kid when I did wrong and for the most part I came out fine other than my Depression that I still haven't kicked out of.

But for the most part a sane human being. But new this new data of people who spank their kids for the most part do not do well in schools and are more aggressive is this old school way of discipline hurting are kids this the question I ask you guys here.

[ame=]Do Not Hit Your Children with Belts - YouTube[/ame]

Study Links Spanking Kids To Aggression, Language Problems

Maternal spanking at age 5, even at low levels, was associated with higher levels of child externalizing behavior at age 9, even after an array of risks and earlier child behavior were controlled for. Father’s high-frequency spanking at age 5 was associated with lower child receptive vocabulary scores at age 9.

Womanist Musings: Dear Black Community: Beating Children With Belts Is Not Discipline, It's Abuse

He further goes on to state that he is going to give the child a reason to cry and then beats him some more. In the next scene we see the child outside with a tear streaked face. The father makes him run, crab walk and then do push ups. When he realizes that the child did the push up on his knees he accuses him of cheating and demands 15 push ups. At the end of the video you see the child doing a push up with strain more than evident on his face with the words job well done on the screen.
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Spanking is just one of many tools for disciplining children. I include " a slap on the hand" in the spanking categorie since it involves physically striking a child. That said, a whack on the bottom or a slap on the hand should mostly be phased out in favor of other forms of dicipline such as "time out" or taking toys away by age 5 or 6. If a kid needs encouragement to properly serve his time in "time out" , it may be an appropriate time to warm the child's rear end to remind him who is boss and to insure compliance with the alternative forms of dicipline.

Most importantly don't promise consequencies that you don't intend to keep and also award good behavior and show lots of love to your children.
I certainly had my share of spankings when I was a kid growing up. Depending on who you talk to, I am normal.
Yes, in moderation, it works.
There is never any need to use physical punishment when it comes to children. You cannot tell your kids that its wrong to hit someone, yet hit them yourself. Sends the wrong message.

And no, I don't have kids, and yes, I was smacked a few times as a kid - and I turned out to be depressed, suicidal, and prone to outbursts of violence. If I ever have kids, I will refuse to lay a finger on them.
I think spanking on the rear is fine as long as it's the last resort and is not done while angry. A friend of mine really has it down. He has 3 girls and the oldest acts up a lot so she gets a lot of time outs. At some point, when the time out is used multiple times for the same issue during the same day, she may get a smack on the butt but it's not often. And I've never seen him lash out or even raise his voice other than to get the girl's attention.

The main issue to make sure you never reprimand the kids when you're angry. I think people tend to overreact.
I have a 4 year old. I was spanked as a child and I remember it vividly. I do not spank my daughter. Time outs, taking away toys, taking away things she likes to do, etc. seems to work for now. She says sorry if she does something she shouldn't and always wants a hug. The only time I ever get really mad at her is if safety is an issue. Playing too close to the street or messing with the dogs too much or other dogs or going too close to the stove. I supervise her but there is still danger. She knows I mean business just with a raised voice and a stern talking to.
I have a 4 year old. I was spanked as a child and I remember it vividly. I do not spank my daughter. Time outs, taking away toys, taking away things she likes to do, etc. seems to work for now. She says sorry if she does something she shouldn't and always wants a hug. The only time I ever get really mad at her is if safety is an issue. Playing too close to the street or messing with the dogs too much or other dogs or going too close to the stove. I supervise her but there is still danger. She knows I mean business just with a raised voice and a stern talking to.

Kids are wired differently. Some kids are sensitive to a raised voice or a stern look. Others don't give a shit and you have to be more stern with them. If the other discipline tools work for your daughter and you, then spanking is certainly not necessary.
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There is never any need to use physical punishment when it comes to children. You cannot tell your kids that its wrong to hit someone, yet hit them yourself. Sends the wrong message.

And no, I don't have kids, and yes, I was smacked a few times as a kid - and I turned out to be depressed, suicidal, and prone to outbursts of violence. If I ever have kids, I will refuse to lay a finger on them.

Exactly right.

There is never a reason or an excuse to hit a child.
Situational thought experiment;

Your 4 year old gregarious child climbs up onto the kitchen stove and is about to place a hand on a hot burner.

Do you...

A) Grab the child off the stove and give a lecture.

B) Grab the child off the stove and give a spank.

C) Let the child figure it out by trial and error.

Situational thought experiment;

Your 4 year old gregarious child climbs up onto the kitchen stove and is about to place a hand on a hot burner.

Do you...

A) Grab the child off the stove and give a lecture.

B) Grab the child off the stove and give a spank.

C) Let the child figure it out by trial and error.


A and C are practically the same answer for a 4 year old.
Situational thought experiment;

Your 4 year old gregarious child climbs up onto the kitchen stove and is about to place a hand on a hot burner.

Do you...

A) Grab the child off the stove and give a lecture.

B) Grab the child off the stove and give a spank.

C) Let the child figure it out by trial and error.


Are you trying to make a case for hitting a four year old?
There is a big difference between spanking and beating. I was spanked once by my dad. I was beaten often by my mother. I didn't turn into a serial killer.
I also spanked my kids. I never beat them. They, too, are normal.
Situational thought experiment;

Your 4 year old gregarious child climbs up onto the kitchen stove and is about to place a hand on a hot burner.

Do you...

A) Grab the child off the stove and give a lecture.

B) Grab the child off the stove and give a spank.

C) Let the child figure it out by trial and error.


I would yank that little brat off the stove and smack that pudgy little hand. If she cried and stomped her feet and reached again...since that is what kids tend to do, I would smack her plump little butt with my flat hand..which WOULD hurt me more than her since she probably has diapers on underneath her jeans.
Situational thought experiment;

Your 4 year old gregarious child climbs up onto the kitchen stove and is about to place a hand on a hot burner.

Do you...

A) Grab the child off the stove and give a lecture.

B) Grab the child off the stove and give a spank.

C) Let the child figure it out by trial and error.


Are you trying to make a case for hitting a four year old?

Not at all. I am just conducting an experiment. A, B, or C.
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I have a 4 year old. I was spanked as a child and I remember it vividly. I do not spank my daughter. Time outs, taking away toys, taking away things she likes to do, etc. seems to work for now. She says sorry if she does something she shouldn't and always wants a hug. The only time I ever get really mad at her is if safety is an issue. Playing too close to the street or messing with the dogs too much or other dogs or going too close to the stove. I supervise her but there is still danger. She knows I mean business just with a raised voice and a stern talking to.

Kids are wired differently. Some kids are sensitive to a raised voice or a stern look. Others don't give a shit and you have to be more stern with them. If the other discipline tools work for your daughter and you, then spanking is certainly not necessary.

She is very sensitive if mommy is mad at her. She doesn't like it and will cry and get upset so I don't get mad unless I really need to. It works for her. She's a mommy's girl. Like I said, she will say she's sorry too. It may change as she gets older but at her age, it works.
Situational thought experiment;

Your 4 year old gregarious child climbs up onto the kitchen stove and is about to place a hand on a hot burner.

Do you...

A) Grab the child off the stove and give a lecture.

B) Grab the child off the stove and give a spank.

C) Let the child figure it out by trial and error.


A would work very well for my 4 year old daughter. Not that there is any way she can climb on the stove.
Wish my kids would have been like yours, wolfsister. Mine were boys...and obnoxious when in their terrible twos.

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