Does terrorism ever actually work?

He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

Yes, terrorism works. It always succeeds in causing government to grow, and allow politicians to have an excuse to trample our rights. The Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security are two huge examples supported by BOTH PARTIES.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

Yes, terrorism works. It always succeeds in causing government to grow, and allow politicians to have an excuse to trample our rights. The Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security are two huge examples supported by BOTH PARTIES.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

The goal of terrorists is to force relatively FREE societies to change their lifestyles in order to promote "safety and security". They have succeeded in doing that.

No, freedom fighters are terrorists as well.
You can invoke terror for good or bad equally.
It is a tactic, not a motivation.

But the US has never been a FREE society.
The first 70 years we had slavery.
Then we switched to imperialism and colonialism, invading tribal lands, Mexico, Cuba, South America, etc.
With WWI, we expanded to global domination.

Got a ref for the numbers?
Includes 1000000 Iraqi civilians?
That number has been proven over and over to be nothing but a LIE.
As the old Brit joke goes "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits"
Actually the military model is communism: central planning from the top down, everyone provided everything they need, everyone contributes to the best of their ability. And it has worked for millenia.

AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

No, freedom fighters are terrorists as well.
You can invoke terror for good or bad equally.
It is a tactic, not a motivation.

Agree to a point. Islamic terrorists are NOT fighting for "freedom". The commit acts of terrorism to punish western countries with whom they disagree. They use terrorism to make us change our lifestyle.

But the US has never been a FREE society.
The first 70 years we had slavery.
Then we switched to imperialism and colonialism, invading tribal lands, Mexico, Cuba, South America, etc.
With WWI, we expanded to global domination.

Any society that has a government is never totally "FREE". That would be anarchy. Your view of America is somewhat warped. Why do you choose to live in such a corrupt, malignant country?
Islamist terrorists and their supporters are fighting to PREVENT freedom.

They seek to fulfill the central mission of Islam, namely, to wage war until the entire world submits to their sick ideology.

We illegally invaded or cause regime change by force in the Mideast because we want to steal resources like oil.
No Islamic country is invading anyone.
So we are the ONLY bad guys.
Between Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Egypt, we murdered more than a million innocent people, who never did anything to anyone.

A central mission of Islam is to do no harm to anyone, if possible.

You're delusional. The U.S. is the number one producer of oil in the world and a net exporter of energy. We don't need Mideast oil, and we didn't steal Iraq's when we had the chance. More ignorant America hate.

The US is not a significant producer of oil.

Here is a pie chart of the top oil producers, and the US is not even on it.
We have increased production to the point we no longer import much, that is temporary, and we will totally run out of oil very soon, like 10 years or so. In contract, countries like Saudi Arabia and Iraq each have over 10 times the amount of oil reserves.

And you are wrong. We did steal Iraq's oil, and illegally forced Iraq to let us middle off of Iraqis oil while we occupied the country.

Do your parents have any idea as to what you are doing while on the family computer?

Here are the true figures. List of countries by oil production - Wikipedia
Barry's buddy Bill learned in the 60s terrorism does not work...which is why he stopped and became an indoctrination counselor at the local liberal Young Adult Reprogramming Center, aka 'Liberal College'.

He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

Yes, terrorism works. It always succeeds in causing government to grow, and allow politicians to have an excuse to trample our rights. The Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security are two huge examples supported by BOTH PARTIES.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

The goal of terrorists is to force relatively FREE societies to change their lifestyles in order to promote "safety and security". They have succeeded in doing that.

No, freedom fighters are terrorists as well.
You can invoke terror for good or bad equally.
It is a tactic, not a motivation.

But the US has never been a FREE society.
The first 70 years we had slavery.
Then we switched to imperialism and colonialism, invading tribal lands, Mexico, Cuba, South America, etc.
With WWI, we expanded to global domination.

That number has been proven over and over to be nothing but a LIE.
As the old Brit joke goes "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits"
Actually the military model is communism: central planning from the top down, everyone provided everything they need, everyone contributes to the best of their ability. And it has worked for millenia.

Agree to a point. Islamic terrorists are NOT fighting for "freedom". The commit acts of terrorism to punish western countries with whom they disagree. They use terrorism to make us change our lifestyle.

Any society that has a government is never totally "FREE". That would be anarchy. Your view of America is somewhat warped. Why do you choose to live in such a corrupt, malignant country?
Islamist terrorists and their supporters are fighting to PREVENT freedom.

They seek to fulfill the central mission of Islam, namely, to wage war until the entire world submits to their sick ideology.

We illegally invaded or cause regime change by force in the Mideast because we want to steal resources like oil.
No Islamic country is invading anyone.
So we are the ONLY bad guys.
Between Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Egypt, we murdered more than a million innocent people, who never did anything to anyone.

A central mission of Islam is to do no harm to anyone, if possible.

You're delusional. The U.S. is the number one producer of oil in the world and a net exporter of energy. We don't need Mideast oil, and we didn't steal Iraq's when we had the chance. More ignorant America hate.

The US is not a significant producer of oil.

Here is a pie chart of the top oil producers, and the US is not even on it.
We have increased production to the point we no longer import much, that is temporary, and we will totally run out of oil very soon, like 10 years or so. In contract, countries like Saudi Arabia and Iraq each have over 10 times the amount of oil reserves.

And you are wrong. We did steal Iraq's oil, and illegally forced Iraq to let us middle off of Iraqis oil while we occupied the country.

Do your parents have any idea as to what you are doing while on the family computer?

Here are the true figures. List of countries by oil production - Wikipedia

No, the US is just being stupid lately.
The US could always have been the largest producer if it wanted to, because we have the greatest refining capacity.
But it is stupid to do so, and in the past the US was smarter and deliberately conserved instead of producing as much as possible.
That is because we are running out, and oil now is cheap.
So then it is stupid to use up all we have now, when later we will have to buy when it is expensive.
The US has almost no oil reserves at all.

I'm sitting here thinking about it, and I'm wondering, has terrorism ever actually achieved the desired effect that the terrorist intended?

Instead of causing fear, Islamic terrorist attacks usually cause people to band together like 9/11. They actually create courage, not fear. Yes, there will be more security than before, but people are still going to visit the Christmas markets in Berlin. That won't change.

Now let's look at this new guy. Does he really think Muslims are going to stop moving around the world because of his actions? It will ultimately be pointless because, in my opinion, TERRORISM IS NOT EFFECTIVE. Why people keep trying to make it work, I can't understand. Maybe it is just a narcissism thing.

Nuking Japan worked on a couple levels so ridiculous violence does work.

If the terrorists just wanted to change our way of living, make us spend tons of money for security and give up rights to the Patriot Act types, they won.

If they wanted to get their beef in the news, they accomplished that.

If they want to wipe Israel off the Earth, not yet.
A nuke can wipe out a city. Terrorists can only kill so many people, so they arent the same. Japan would not have surrendered if we had merely brought down 2 of their buildings.

We weren't just bringing down two of their buildings. We were firebombing cities at will.

Terrorists with an atomic bomb can kill plenty of ppl btw. In my mind its a fine line between the two, especially since we've "declared war on terrorism" or Iraq, or Syria, or Afghanistan or whatever.

This is an interesting topic to me. A few decades back I did a paper concerning the Japanese screwing up surrender negotiations and getting themselves nuked due to intercultural communication problems (we'll ignore their fragmented government). One factor was their misunderstanding of the relationship between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. It was my opinion those who favored surrender should have been on short wave radio shouting it out to the English speaking world that if they could keep the emperor and avoid occupation (the latter was unrealistic) they would surrender.

Not the best of sources, but there are varying opinions on the subject

Would Japan have surrendered without the atomic bombings?

The Greatest Hoax In American History: Japan’s Alleged Willingness to Surrender During the Final Months of World War II | History News Network
I'm sitting here thinking about it, and I'm wondering, has terrorism ever actually achieved the desired effect that the terrorist intended?

Instead of causing fear, Islamic terrorist attacks usually cause people to band together like 9/11. They actually create courage, not fear. Yes, there will be more security than before, but people are still going to visit the Christmas markets in Berlin. That won't change.

Now let's look at this new guy. Does he really think Muslims are going to stop moving around the world because of his actions? It will ultimately be pointless because, in my opinion, TERRORISM IS NOT EFFECTIVE. Why people keep trying to make it work, I can't understand. Maybe it is just a narcissism thing.

Nuking Japan worked on a couple levels so ridiculous violence does work.

If the terrorists just wanted to change our way of living, make us spend tons of money for security and give up rights to the Patriot Act types, they won.

If they wanted to get their beef in the news, they accomplished that.

If they want to wipe Israel off the Earth, not yet.
A nuke can wipe out a city. Terrorists can only kill so many people, so they arent the same. Japan would not have surrendered if we had merely brought down 2 of their buildings.

We weren't just bringing down two of their buildings. We were firebombing cities at will.

Terrorists with an atomic bomb can kill plenty of ppl btw. In my mind its a fine line between the two, especially since we've "declared war on terrorism" or Iraq, or Syria, or Afghanistan or whatever.

This is an interesting topic to me. A few decades back I did a paper concerning the Japanese screwing up surrender negotiations and getting themselves nuked due to intercultural communication problems (we'll ignore their fragmented government). One factor was their misunderstanding of the relationship between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. It was my opinion those who favored surrender should have been on short wave radio shouting it out to the English speaking world that if they could keep the emperor and avoid occupation (the latter was unrealistic) they would surrender.

Not the best of sources, but there are varying opinions on the subject

Would Japan have surrendered without the atomic bombings?

The Greatest Hoax In American History: Japan’s Alleged Willingness to Surrender During the Final Months of World War II | History News Network

The atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have dominated the retelling of WWII history, but as a single attack the bombing of Tokyo was more destructive.

The firestorms killed about 100,000 civilians and wiped out about half of the city.
Kisako Motoki, then 10 years old, fled to a bridge to seek refuge after her parents and brother had just been burnt to death.

The firestorm, hundreds of metres high and fuelled by strong winds, quickly turned 40 square kilometres of Tokyo into an inferno.

"I saw melted burnt bodies piled up on top of each other as high as a house," Ms Motoki said.

"I saw black pieces, bits of bodies everywhere on the ground and burnt corpses in the water.

"I couldn't believe this was happening in this world."

Survivor says US should be held to account
The firebombing of Tokyo was designed to terrorise and bomb the Japanese into surrender.

It was also seen as payback for the Pearl Harbour attacks and the mistreatment of Allied prisoners of war.

In just two days, more than 100,000 people were killed, a million were maimed and another million were made homeless.
The US military had waited for a clear and windy night to inflict maximum damage, and on March 9, 1945 the conditions were perfect.

Three hundred B29 bombers dropped nearly 500,000 cylinders of napalm and petroleum jelly on the most densely populated areas of Tokyo.

The raid, which came a month after the firebombing of Dresden, brought mass incineration of civilians to a new horrific level.

Tokyo firebombing: Deadliest raid in history remembered 70 years on

If you read the "Potsdam Diaries" by Truman, he writes that Stalin told him the Japanese were trying to negotiate a surrender 6 months before the Atomics were dropped, and Stalin and Truman agree to delay them.
It's not just oil, it is our huge natural gas reserves now available due to hydraulic fracturing. Also, when I say "reserves" I mean the huge amount still in the ground and under the ocean that is reachable, and available to drilling. The U.S. has huge amounts of fossil fuel, and we are reaping the benefit of that.
He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

Yes, terrorism works. It always succeeds in causing government to grow, and allow politicians to have an excuse to trample our rights. The Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security are two huge examples supported by BOTH PARTIES.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

Yes, terrorism works. It always succeeds in causing government to grow, and allow politicians to have an excuse to trample our rights. The Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security are two huge examples supported by BOTH PARTIES.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

The goal of terrorists is to force relatively FREE societies to change their lifestyles in order to promote "safety and security". They have succeeded in doing that.

No, freedom fighters are terrorists as well.
You can invoke terror for good or bad equally.
It is a tactic, not a motivation.

But the US has never been a FREE society.
The first 70 years we had slavery.
Then we switched to imperialism and colonialism, invading tribal lands, Mexico, Cuba, South America, etc.
With WWI, we expanded to global domination.

Got a ref for the numbers?
Includes 1000000 Iraqi civilians?
That number has been proven over and over to be nothing but a LIE.
As the old Brit joke goes "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits"
Actually the military model is communism: central planning from the top down, everyone provided everything they need, everyone contributes to the best of their ability. And it has worked for millenia.

AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

No, freedom fighters are terrorists as well.
You can invoke terror for good or bad equally.
It is a tactic, not a motivation.

Agree to a point. Islamic terrorists are NOT fighting for "freedom". The commit acts of terrorism to punish western countries with whom they disagree. They use terrorism to make us change our lifestyle.

But the US has never been a FREE society.
The first 70 years we had slavery.
Then we switched to imperialism and colonialism, invading tribal lands, Mexico, Cuba, South America, etc.
With WWI, we expanded to global domination.

Any society that has a government is never totally "FREE". That would be anarchy. Your view of America is somewhat warped. Why do you choose to live in such a corrupt, malignant country?
Islamist terrorists and their supporters are fighting to PREVENT freedom.

They seek to fulfill the central mission of Islam, namely, to wage war until the entire world submits to their sick ideology.

We illegally invaded or cause regime change by force in the Mideast because we want to steal resources like oil.
No Islamic country is invading anyone.
So we are the ONLY bad guys.
Between Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Egypt, we murdered more than a million innocent people, who never did anything to anyone.

A central mission of Islam is to do no harm to anyone, if possible.

You're delusional. The U.S. is the number one producer of oil in the world and a net exporter of energy. We don't need Mideast oil, and we didn't steal Iraq's when we had the chance. More ignorant America hate.

The US is not a significant producer of oil.

Here is a pie chart of the top oil producers, and the US is not even on it.
We have increased production to the point we no longer import much, that is temporary, and we will totally run out of oil very soon, like 10 years or so. In contract, countries like Saudi Arabia and Iraq each have over 10 times the amount of oil reserves.

And you are wrong. We did steal Iraq's oil, and illegally forced Iraq to let us middle off of Iraqis oil while we occupied the country.
Does that bother you?
Barry's buddy Bill learned in the 60s terrorism does not work...which is why he stopped and became an indoctrination counselor at the local liberal Young Adult Reprogramming Center, aka 'Liberal College'.

White supremist?
Ignoramus, doesn't know the def of snowflake or liberal.
Must be a trump u grad
He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

Yes, terrorism works. It always succeeds in causing government to grow, and allow politicians to have an excuse to trample our rights. The Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security are two huge examples supported by BOTH PARTIES.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

The goal of terrorists is to force relatively FREE societies to change their lifestyles in order to promote "safety and security". They have succeeded in doing that.

No, freedom fighters are terrorists as well.
You can invoke terror for good or bad equally.
It is a tactic, not a motivation.

But the US has never been a FREE society.
The first 70 years we had slavery.
Then we switched to imperialism and colonialism, invading tribal lands, Mexico, Cuba, South America, etc.
With WWI, we expanded to global domination.

That number has been proven over and over to be nothing but a LIE.
As the old Brit joke goes "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits"
Actually the military model is communism: central planning from the top down, everyone provided everything they need, everyone contributes to the best of their ability. And it has worked for millenia.

Agree to a point. Islamic terrorists are NOT fighting for "freedom". The commit acts of terrorism to punish western countries with whom they disagree. They use terrorism to make us change our lifestyle.

Any society that has a government is never totally "FREE". That would be anarchy. Your view of America is somewhat warped. Why do you choose to live in such a corrupt, malignant country?
Islamist terrorists and their supporters are fighting to PREVENT freedom.

They seek to fulfill the central mission of Islam, namely, to wage war until the entire world submits to their sick ideology.

We illegally invaded or cause regime change by force in the Mideast because we want to steal resources like oil.
No Islamic country is invading anyone.
So we are the ONLY bad guys.
Between Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Egypt, we murdered more than a million innocent people, who never did anything to anyone.

A central mission of Islam is to do no harm to anyone, if possible.

You're delusional. The U.S. is the number one producer of oil in the world and a net exporter of energy. We don't need Mideast oil, and we didn't steal Iraq's when we had the chance. More ignorant America hate.

The US is not a significant producer of oil.

Here is a pie chart of the top oil producers, and the US is not even on it.
We have increased production to the point we no longer import much, that is temporary, and we will totally run out of oil very soon, like 10 years or so. In contract, countries like Saudi Arabia and Iraq each have over 10 times the amount of oil reserves.

And you are wrong. We did steal Iraq's oil, and illegally forced Iraq to let us middle off of Iraqis oil while we occupied the country.

Do your parents have any idea as to what you are doing while on the family computer?

Here are the true figures. List of countries by oil production - Wikipedia
You don't realised this forum is for old white farts sucking off their socialist benefits.
Not a college degree in sight
He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

Yes, terrorism works. It always succeeds in causing government to grow, and allow politicians to have an excuse to trample our rights. The Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security are two huge examples supported by BOTH PARTIES.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

The goal of terrorists is to force relatively FREE societies to change their lifestyles in order to promote "safety and security". They have succeeded in doing that.

No, freedom fighters are terrorists as well.
You can invoke terror for good or bad equally.
It is a tactic, not a motivation.

But the US has never been a FREE society.
The first 70 years we had slavery.
Then we switched to imperialism and colonialism, invading tribal lands, Mexico, Cuba, South America, etc.
With WWI, we expanded to global domination.

As the old Brit joke goes "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits"
Actually the military model is communism: central planning from the top down, everyone provided everything they need, everyone contributes to the best of their ability. And it has worked for millenia.

Islamist terrorists and their supporters are fighting to PREVENT freedom.

They seek to fulfill the central mission of Islam, namely, to wage war until the entire world submits to their sick ideology.

We illegally invaded or cause regime change by force in the Mideast because we want to steal resources like oil.
No Islamic country is invading anyone.
So we are the ONLY bad guys.
Between Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Egypt, we murdered more than a million innocent people, who never did anything to anyone.

A central mission of Islam is to do no harm to anyone, if possible.

You're delusional. The U.S. is the number one producer of oil in the world and a net exporter of energy. We don't need Mideast oil, and we didn't steal Iraq's when we had the chance. More ignorant America hate.

The US is not a significant producer of oil.

Here is a pie chart of the top oil producers, and the US is not even on it.
We have increased production to the point we no longer import much, that is temporary, and we will totally run out of oil very soon, like 10 years or so. In contract, countries like Saudi Arabia and Iraq each have over 10 times the amount of oil reserves.

And you are wrong. We did steal Iraq's oil, and illegally forced Iraq to let us middle off of Iraqis oil while we occupied the country.

Do your parents have any idea as to what you are doing while on the family computer?

Here are the true figures. List of countries by oil production - Wikipedia
You don't realised this forum is for old white farts sucking off their socialist benefits.
Not a college degree in sight
"Don't realized"?

I can understand why you see no college degrees when you look around.
He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

Yes, terrorism works. It always succeeds in causing government to grow, and allow politicians to have an excuse to trample our rights. The Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security are two huge examples supported by BOTH PARTIES.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

The goal of terrorists is to force relatively FREE societies to change their lifestyles in order to promote "safety and security". They have succeeded in doing that.

No, freedom fighters are terrorists as well.
You can invoke terror for good or bad equally.
It is a tactic, not a motivation.

But the US has never been a FREE society.
The first 70 years we had slavery.
Then we switched to imperialism and colonialism, invading tribal lands, Mexico, Cuba, South America, etc.
With WWI, we expanded to global domination.

As the old Brit joke goes "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits"
Actually the military model is communism: central planning from the top down, everyone provided everything they need, everyone contributes to the best of their ability. And it has worked for millenia.

Islamist terrorists and their supporters are fighting to PREVENT freedom.

They seek to fulfill the central mission of Islam, namely, to wage war until the entire world submits to their sick ideology.

We illegally invaded or cause regime change by force in the Mideast because we want to steal resources like oil.
No Islamic country is invading anyone.
So we are the ONLY bad guys.
Between Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Egypt, we murdered more than a million innocent people, who never did anything to anyone.

A central mission of Islam is to do no harm to anyone, if possible.

You're delusional. The U.S. is the number one producer of oil in the world and a net exporter of energy. We don't need Mideast oil, and we didn't steal Iraq's when we had the chance. More ignorant America hate.

The US is not a significant producer of oil.

Here is a pie chart of the top oil producers, and the US is not even on it.
We have increased production to the point we no longer import much, that is temporary, and we will totally run out of oil very soon, like 10 years or so. In contract, countries like Saudi Arabia and Iraq each have over 10 times the amount of oil reserves.

And you are wrong. We did steal Iraq's oil, and illegally forced Iraq to let us middle off of Iraqis oil while we occupied the country.

Do your parents have any idea as to what you are doing while on the family computer?

Here are the true figures. List of countries by oil production - Wikipedia
You don't realised this forum is for old white farts sucking off their socialist benefits.
Not a college degree in sight

I have two degrees, one a Masters. What do you want to know? Maybe you can learn something instead of just attempting to spout insulting falsehoods.
He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

Yes, terrorism works. It always succeeds in causing government to grow, and allow politicians to have an excuse to trample our rights. The Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security are two huge examples supported by BOTH PARTIES.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

Yes, terrorism works. It always succeeds in causing government to grow, and allow politicians to have an excuse to trample our rights. The Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security are two huge examples supported by BOTH PARTIES.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

The goal of terrorists is to force relatively FREE societies to change their lifestyles in order to promote "safety and security". They have succeeded in doing that.

No, freedom fighters are terrorists as well.
You can invoke terror for good or bad equally.
It is a tactic, not a motivation.

But the US has never been a FREE society.
The first 70 years we had slavery.
Then we switched to imperialism and colonialism, invading tribal lands, Mexico, Cuba, South America, etc.
With WWI, we expanded to global domination.

The war crimes that Russia, Germany, and Japan committed were orders of magnitude worse than the US or the Brits (unless you count the area bombing of cities, then it was one or two orders of magnitude worse).
Got a ref for the numbers?
Includes 1000000 Iraqi civilians?
That number has been proven over and over to be nothing but a LIE.
As the old Brit joke goes "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits"
Actually the military model is communism: central planning from the top down, everyone provided everything they need, everyone contributes to the best of their ability. And it has worked for millenia.

He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

Yes, terrorism works. It always succeeds in causing government to grow, and allow politicians to have an excuse to trample our rights. The Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security are two huge examples supported by BOTH PARTIES.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

The goal of terrorists is to force relatively FREE societies to change their lifestyles in order to promote "safety and security". They have succeeded in doing that.

No, freedom fighters are terrorists as well.
You can invoke terror for good or bad equally.
It is a tactic, not a motivation.

Agree to a point. Islamic terrorists are NOT fighting for "freedom". The commit acts of terrorism to punish western countries with whom they disagree. They use terrorism to make us change our lifestyle.

But the US has never been a FREE society.
The first 70 years we had slavery.
Then we switched to imperialism and colonialism, invading tribal lands, Mexico, Cuba, South America, etc.
With WWI, we expanded to global domination.

Any society that has a government is never totally "FREE". That would be anarchy. Your view of America is somewhat warped. Why do you choose to live in such a corrupt, malignant country?
Islamist terrorists and their supporters are fighting to PREVENT freedom.

They seek to fulfill the central mission of Islam, namely, to wage war until the entire world submits to their sick ideology.

We illegally invaded or cause regime change by force in the Mideast because we want to steal resources like oil.
No Islamic country is invading anyone.
So we are the ONLY bad guys.
Between Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Egypt, we murdered more than a million innocent people, who never did anything to anyone.

A central mission of Islam is to do no harm to anyone, if possible.

You're delusional. The U.S. is the number one producer of oil in the world and a net exporter of energy. We don't need Mideast oil, and we didn't steal Iraq's when we had the chance. More ignorant America hate.
Use It or Lose It

You're unknowingly appeasing by calling the oil there "Iraq's." If it had been left up to the Arabs to develop it, that inert resource would never have been pumped out of the ground and would have had little value. Resources belong only to those who create value from what was a wasteland before superior minds investigated it.
Barry's buddy Bill learned in the 60s terrorism does not work...which is why he stopped and became an indoctrination counselor at the local liberal Young Adult Reprogramming Center, aka 'Liberal College'.

Well-Hidden Origins of Well-Financed Ideas

The most important fact about Ayers is that his father was the CEO of a major corporation. All ideologies preached to us ignore the deadly effect of birth privileges on civilizations, because all such game plans for "Born to Rule" snobs come from the HeirHeads' schools.
He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

Yes, terrorism works. It always succeeds in causing government to grow, and allow politicians to have an excuse to trample our rights. The Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security are two huge examples supported by BOTH PARTIES.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

The goal of terrorists is to force relatively FREE societies to change their lifestyles in order to promote "safety and security". They have succeeded in doing that.

No, freedom fighters are terrorists as well.
You can invoke terror for good or bad equally.
It is a tactic, not a motivation.

But the US has never been a FREE society.
The first 70 years we had slavery.
Then we switched to imperialism and colonialism, invading tribal lands, Mexico, Cuba, South America, etc.
With WWI, we expanded to global domination.

As the old Brit joke goes "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits"
Actually the military model is communism: central planning from the top down, everyone provided everything they need, everyone contributes to the best of their ability. And it has worked for millenia.

Islamist terrorists and their supporters are fighting to PREVENT freedom.

They seek to fulfill the central mission of Islam, namely, to wage war until the entire world submits to their sick ideology.

We illegally invaded or cause regime change by force in the Mideast because we want to steal resources like oil.
No Islamic country is invading anyone.
So we are the ONLY bad guys.
Between Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Egypt, we murdered more than a million innocent people, who never did anything to anyone.

A central mission of Islam is to do no harm to anyone, if possible.

You're delusional. The U.S. is the number one producer of oil in the world and a net exporter of energy. We don't need Mideast oil, and we didn't steal Iraq's when we had the chance. More ignorant America hate.

The US is not a significant producer of oil.

Here is a pie chart of the top oil producers, and the US is not even on it.
We have increased production to the point we no longer import much, that is temporary, and we will totally run out of oil very soon, like 10 years or so. In contract, countries like Saudi Arabia and Iraq each have over 10 times the amount of oil reserves.

And you are wrong. We did steal Iraq's oil, and illegally forced Iraq to let us middle off of Iraqis oil while we occupied the country.

Do your parents have any idea as to what you are doing while on the family computer?

Here are the true figures. List of countries by oil production - Wikipedia

No, the US is just being stupid lately.
The US could always have been the largest producer if it wanted to, because we have the greatest refining capacity.
But it is stupid to do so, and in the past the US was smarter and deliberately conserved instead of producing as much as possible.
That is because we are running out, and oil now is cheap.
So then it is stupid to use up all we have now, when later we will have to buy when it is expensive.
The US has almost no oil reserves at all.

We Are Trained to Judge Truth by the Power of Those Who Tell Us How to Think

The scarcity scare story of Peak Oil is broadcast by those who have used it as excuse to jack up prices.
It's not just oil, it is our huge natural gas reserves now available due to hydraulic fracturing. Also, when I say "reserves" I mean the huge amount still in the ground and under the ocean that is reachable, and available to drilling. The U.S. has huge amounts of fossil fuel, and we are reaping the benefit of that.

Sorry, but not only does the US has some of the smallest fossil fuel reserves in the world, (except for coal), but fracking is awful.
It not only leaks huge amounts of natural gas into the air, but into the water table as well. And all that benzine, xylene, etc. it a horrendous carcinogen.
He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

Yes, terrorism works. It always succeeds in causing government to grow, and allow politicians to have an excuse to trample our rights. The Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security are two huge examples supported by BOTH PARTIES.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

The goal of terrorists is to force relatively FREE societies to change their lifestyles in order to promote "safety and security". They have succeeded in doing that.

No, freedom fighters are terrorists as well.
You can invoke terror for good or bad equally.
It is a tactic, not a motivation.

But the US has never been a FREE society.
The first 70 years we had slavery.
Then we switched to imperialism and colonialism, invading tribal lands, Mexico, Cuba, South America, etc.
With WWI, we expanded to global domination.

That number has been proven over and over to be nothing but a LIE.
As the old Brit joke goes "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits"
Actually the military model is communism: central planning from the top down, everyone provided everything they need, everyone contributes to the best of their ability. And it has worked for millenia.

Agree to a point. Islamic terrorists are NOT fighting for "freedom". The commit acts of terrorism to punish western countries with whom they disagree. They use terrorism to make us change our lifestyle.

Any society that has a government is never totally "FREE". That would be anarchy. Your view of America is somewhat warped. Why do you choose to live in such a corrupt, malignant country?
Islamist terrorists and their supporters are fighting to PREVENT freedom.

They seek to fulfill the central mission of Islam, namely, to wage war until the entire world submits to their sick ideology.

We illegally invaded or cause regime change by force in the Mideast because we want to steal resources like oil.
No Islamic country is invading anyone.
So we are the ONLY bad guys.
Between Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Egypt, we murdered more than a million innocent people, who never did anything to anyone.

A central mission of Islam is to do no harm to anyone, if possible.

You're delusional. The U.S. is the number one producer of oil in the world and a net exporter of energy. We don't need Mideast oil, and we didn't steal Iraq's when we had the chance. More ignorant America hate.

The US is not a significant producer of oil.

Here is a pie chart of the top oil producers, and the US is not even on it.
We have increased production to the point we no longer import much, that is temporary, and we will totally run out of oil very soon, like 10 years or so. In contract, countries like Saudi Arabia and Iraq each have over 10 times the amount of oil reserves.

And you are wrong. We did steal Iraq's oil, and illegally forced Iraq to let us middle off of Iraqis oil while we occupied the country.
Does that bother you?

Sure that bothers me, because when some people from the US steal Iraqi oil, then other innocent people in the US are more likely to get killed in retaliation.
I'm sitting here thinking about it, and I'm wondering, has terrorism ever actually achieved the desired effect that the terrorist intended?

Instead of causing fear, Islamic terrorist attacks usually cause people to band together like 9/11. They actually create courage, not fear. Yes, there will be more security than before, but people are still going to visit the Christmas markets in Berlin. That won't change.

Now let's look at this new guy. Does he really think Muslims are going to stop moving around the world because of his actions? It will ultimately be pointless because, in my opinion, TERRORISM IS NOT EFFECTIVE. Why people keep trying to make it work, I can't understand. Maybe it is just a narcissism thing.

Yea see 1776 and a bunch of sheep herders in the Middle east
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.

How has that benefited terrorist organizations?

No, freedom fighters are terrorists as well.
You can invoke terror for good or bad equally.
It is a tactic, not a motivation.

But the US has never been a FREE society.
The first 70 years we had slavery.
Then we switched to imperialism and colonialism, invading tribal lands, Mexico, Cuba, South America, etc.
With WWI, we expanded to global domination.

Actually the military model is communism: central planning from the top down, everyone provided everything they need, everyone contributes to the best of their ability. And it has worked for millenia.

We illegally invaded or cause regime change by force in the Mideast because we want to steal resources like oil.
No Islamic country is invading anyone.
So we are the ONLY bad guys.
Between Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Egypt, we murdered more than a million innocent people, who never did anything to anyone.

A central mission of Islam is to do no harm to anyone, if possible.

You're delusional. The U.S. is the number one producer of oil in the world and a net exporter of energy. We don't need Mideast oil, and we didn't steal Iraq's when we had the chance. More ignorant America hate.

The US is not a significant producer of oil.

Here is a pie chart of the top oil producers, and the US is not even on it.
We have increased production to the point we no longer import much, that is temporary, and we will totally run out of oil very soon, like 10 years or so. In contract, countries like Saudi Arabia and Iraq each have over 10 times the amount of oil reserves.

And you are wrong. We did steal Iraq's oil, and illegally forced Iraq to let us middle off of Iraqis oil while we occupied the country.

Do your parents have any idea as to what you are doing while on the family computer?

Here are the true figures. List of countries by oil production - Wikipedia

No, the US is just being stupid lately.
The US could always have been the largest producer if it wanted to, because we have the greatest refining capacity.
But it is stupid to do so, and in the past the US was smarter and deliberately conserved instead of producing as much as possible.
That is because we are running out, and oil now is cheap.
So then it is stupid to use up all we have now, when later we will have to buy when it is expensive.
The US has almost no oil reserves at all.

We Are Trained to Judge Truth by the Power of Those Who Tell Us How to Think

The scarcity scare story of Peak Oil is broadcast by those who have used it as excuse to jack up prices.

You are not making sense.
Oil is a very sparse commodity, created only when huge swamps get covered over by oceans.
And it takes over 100 million years for aerobic bacteria to cook the decaying vegetation into oil.
There is not going to be any more when it is gone, and it won't be long now.
The Mideast has much, much more oil because there used to be a huge swamp between Africa and the Mideast, that will never happen again.

You're delusional. The U.S. is the number one producer of oil in the world and a net exporter of energy. We don't need Mideast oil, and we didn't steal Iraq's when we had the chance. More ignorant America hate.

Use It or Lose It

You're unknowingly appeasing by calling the oil there "Iraq's." If it had been left up to the Arabs to develop it, that inert resource would never have been pumped out of the ground and would have had little value. Resources belong only to those who create value from what was a wasteland before superior minds investigated it.

That is totally false.
Murdering people in the Mideast in order to take their oil, is criminal no matter how you look at it.
It does not matter if they use it or not.
It not only is theirs, but their society is just as advanced as ours technologically.
I have in in lots of classes with Arabs, and they tend to be smarter on average.
Arabs knew all about oil, and invented things like Greek fire, heating oil, lamp oil, etc.
What the west invented was not oil, but the internal combustion engine that made oil so valuable.

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