Does the Average Person Need to Wear a Mask to Guard Against COVID-19?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
The available evidence indicates that for the average person masks offer no meaningful increase in protection against catching COVID-19, but that they do somewhat reduce the amount of infected droplets that an infected person can spread with their breath.

Since the vast majority of people who catch COVID-19 have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, most folks will not know they have the virus. But does this mean everyone should wear a mask? No.

If I were in the medical field and worked with/around COVID-19 patients, I would wear a mask, and I would hope that my hospital/clinic would require all patients to wear a mask. But the average person gains no meaningful benefit from wearing a mask, especially if they are outdoors, according to the available evidence.

Heather MacDonald comments on the silliness of people who wear masks while riding bikes outdoors:

The masked cyclists, who speed around the park’s inner road, apparently think that there are enough virus particles suspended in the billions of square feet of fresh air circulating across the park to enter their mucous membranes and to sicken them.

MacDonald's discusses the fact that science tells us it is virtually impossible to catch a virus like COVID-19 outdoors:

It is worth briefly reviewing the facts about outdoor viral transmission in order to assess the rationality of New York’s park users. The chance of getting infected across a wide open, windswept space is virtually nil, even if the imaginary carrier were not moving quickly past his potential victim. When it comes to viral infections, dose matters. Proximity to the carrier, prolonged exposure, and being in an enclosed space are the biggest risk factors. Even the New York Times, one of the most aggressive purveyors of virus hysteria, could not avoid acknowledging this commonsensical truth about outdoor transmission. The director of Australia’s International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health told the paper: ‘Outdoors is safe, and there is certainly no cloud of virus-laden droplets hanging around.’ Infectious droplets would be quickly diluted in outdoor air, director Lidia Morawska said, so their concentrations would quickly become insignificant. Bottom line: ‘It is safe to go for a walk and jog and not to worry about the virus in the air.’

You have a problem with my running outfit?

It's beginning to look like the virus strains are fizzling down to less life threatening and medications to mitigate are getting even more promising. How available for the common folk.. :dunno:

People I'm around, shopping and such social distance and most wear masks.. For older folks social distancing and masks for now seems like the right path.
I wear a mask when I go inside anywhere. If I'm going to be there more than 5 minutes I use my N95 mask.

Folks are making a big deal about wearing a mask...I'll ask you...what's the harm?

Many places I go I must wear a hardhat, safety glasses, steel toed boots and I hi-viz vest. The chance I'll need them are very low...I've done this for 20 years and have never had anything fall on my head, foot or fly into my eye. But what's the harm in added protection? Nothing.
So, this boils down again to the painfully evident fact that a lamentably large number of people lack basic reasoning and logic skills.
We knew that. We have known that for a very long time. It is evident in every level of society, and excruciatingly so in the domain of American politics.
We also know what to do about it, but that would implicate educating people in how, rather than what, to think. That does not serve the ends of how society is currently set up. It didn't in the fifties, when education was very much more conservative oriented, and it doesn't today when who knows who or what is in "control".
We certainly wouldn't have the elected officials we have if people thought things through.
I wear a mask when I go inside anywhere. If I'm going to be there more than 5 minutes I use my N95 mask.

Folks are making a big deal about wearing a mask...I'll ask you...what's the harm?

Many places I go I must wear a hardhat, safety glasses, steel toed boots and I hi-viz vest. The chance I'll need them are very low...I've done this for 20 years and have never had anything fall on my head, foot or fly into my eye. But what's the harm in added protection? Nothing.
What's the harm?....Being forced into conformity by people who only a few weeks ago told us that masks weren't necessary.

Are you a free thinking human individual, or a piece of meat to be controlled by your betters?
^this is retahded.

yes. a mask helps limit the spread. wear it.
Odd....I'm old enough to remember back a whole 10 weeks ago, when St. Fauci told us that not only were masks unnecessary, but that the general population wearing them would be depriving medical personnel form desperately needed equipment.

I bet if "the experts" told you to wear your underwear over your pants, you'd just go ahead and do that without a thought in your head.
I wear a mask when I go to the grocery store or whatever.

No, it does not protect me. I wear it to protect others, in case I am infected and do not realize it (asymptomatic).

It is not "mind control". It is acting as a society to protect everyone we can. I am a willing part of that.

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