Does the Average Person Need to Wear a Mask to Guard Against COVID-19?

Only if you are infected, if not it does nothing

I don't believe that.

I have N95 masks because the hoods of my trucks are made of fiberglass...sometimes they get hit, or just crack from wear. When repairing fiberglass it is imperative to keep the dust out of your lungs...hence the N95 masks.

So I always wear the procect me from fiberglass dust...not to protect the fiberglass from me.
but that is the N95 mask, you know the one they powers to be told us not to wear since we did not want to deprive the first responders and medical personnel of the good masks
A homemade mask utilizing a sheet of paper towel as a filter is supposedly just as effective. That is what I use 90% of the time.

If it doesn't work, what have I lost?

It's not a leap for me...It is very consistent with my thinking. I carry a gun... I will probably never need it. It is an inconvenience to carry it and it prevents me from doing some things. But...if there is a possibility I can save a life...mine, my loved ones or a complete stranger, I'll continue to carry it. Same for the mask.
I wear a mask when I go inside anywhere. If I'm going to be there more than 5 minutes I use my N95 mask.

Folks are making a big deal about wearing a mask...I'll ask you...what's the harm?

Many places I go I must wear a hardhat, safety glasses, steel toed boots and I hi-viz vest. The chance I'll need them are very low...I've done this for 20 years and have never had anything fall on my head, foot or fly into my eye. But what's the harm in added protection? Nothing.

I agree. Masks are to protect the other person from you and if all wear a mask everyone is protecting each other I see not many on the board have this consideration. I wear one when going into a store and I will wear one if I decide to go back to work.
Only if you are infected, if not it does nothing

I don't believe that.

I have N95 masks because the hoods of my trucks are made of fiberglass...sometimes they get hit, or just crack from wear. When repairing fiberglass it is imperative to keep the dust out of your lungs...hence the N95 masks.

So I always wear the procect me from fiberglass dust...not to protect the fiberglass from me.
but that is the N95 mask, you know the one they powers to be told us not to wear since we did not want to deprive the first responders and medical personnel of the good masks
A homemade mask utilizing a sheet of paper towel as a filter is supposedly just as effective. That is what I use 90% of the time.

If it doesn't work, what have I lost?

It's not a leap for me...It is very consistent with my thinking. I carry a gun... I will probably never need it. It is an inconvenience to carry it and it prevents me from doing some things. But...if there is a possibility I can save a life...mine, my loved ones or a complete stranger, I'll continue to carry it. Same for the mask.
It helps. The virus can slip thru the pores of a mask, but they dont fly. They travel on water droplets which do get trapped with a mask.

Having said that, I have yet to wear a mask. I just dont shop at places that require one, at least not yet.
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^this is retahded.

yes. a mask helps limit the spread. wear it.
Only if you are infected, if not it does nothing
wrong. dismissed.
So you are ignoring the science?

You are the one ignoring science and logic but you go ahead mr healthy each to his own and selfishness.
Look another rabid medical expert.
it is adorable how brainwashed cultists bleat about non-cultists being sheep.
^this is retahded.

yes. a mask helps limit the spread. wear it.
Only if you are infected, if not it does nothing
wrong. dismissed.
So you are ignoring the science?

You are the one ignoring science and logic but you go ahead mr healthy each to his own and selfishness.
Look another rabid medical expert.

I thought you were talking about yourself in another thread where you were talking about a fruit testing positive. Can't get any more fruitty than you. I bet you think you're a health guy too just like the guy I responded to. I'd certainly like to know what you all think healthy is?
I wear a mask when I go inside anywhere. If I'm going to be there more than 5 minutes I use my N95 mask.

Folks are making a big deal about wearing a mask...I'll ask you...what's the harm?

Many places I go I must wear a hardhat, safety glasses, steel toed boots and I hi-viz vest. The chance I'll need them are very low...I've done this for 20 years and have never had anything fall on my head, foot or fly into my eye. But what's the harm in added protection? Nothing.

As a figure skating fan, for years we have noted that some Asian fans, specifically a number the Japanese, Chinese and Korean skating fans, have been wearing masks to live events for years. To be honest, we thought it funny, but it seemed to be a thing among Asians. Today they look prescient, and when living sporting events resume, I'm likely to be one of them.

I recall we had people screaming about "freedom" when they were legally required to wear helmets to ride motorcycles too or use seatbelts in cars too. There are some people who have a warped view of what "freedom" really is.

We used to go to the airport an hour before take off, go to the departure lounge and relax. Now we have to put our toiletries in tiny bottles, measure our luggage, present photo ID, and go through screening, scanning, and a host of other indignities before they'll let us get on a plane. To keep someone from hijacking a plane. I find all of the bullshit you now have to go since 9/11 through to get on a plane, ridiculous, including having to turn up 3 hours before your flight on an international flight. But for some reason, conservatives have no problem with these "safety" protocols, which I find extraordinarily intrusive, and the antithesis of "freedom".
I dont wear one nor will I wear one. Its actually dangerous to do so. First, you're trapping the viruses that you're exhaling and then breathing them back in. Second, we breathe in about 100 million viruses a day through interaction with the public. Our body builds billions of antibodies to all of these viruses. Third, the immune system is suppressed when you continually stop the natural occurrence of inhalation of viruses. This isn't difficult to understand. All one needs to do is look at what happened with the native americans when the europeans and spaniards came over. They were dying of simple colds, diseases, that wouldnt bother a person with a normal immune system.

Ill not take the vaccine either if they do find one.
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I wear a mask when I go inside anywhere. If I'm going to be there more than 5 minutes I use my N95 mask.

Folks are making a big deal about wearing a mask...I'll ask you...what's the harm?

Many places I go I must wear a hardhat, safety glasses, steel toed boots and I hi-viz vest. The chance I'll need them are very low...I've done this for 20 years and have never had anything fall on my head, foot or fly into my eye. But what's the harm in added protection? Nothing.

As a figure skating fan, for years we have noted that some Asian fans, specifically a number the Japanese, Chinese and Korean skating fans, have been wearing masks to live events for years. To be honest, we thought it funny, but it seemed to be a thing among Asians. Today they look prescient, and when living sporting events resume, I'm likely to be one of them.

I recall we had people screaming about "freedom" when they were legally required to wear helmets to ride motorcycles too or use seatbelts in cars too. There are some people who have a warped view of what "freedom" really is.

We used to go to the airport an hour before take off, go to the departure lounge and relax. Now we have to put our toiletries in tiny bottles, measure our luggage, present photo ID, and go through screening, scanning, and a host of other indignities before they'll let us get on a plane. To keep someone from hijacking a plane. I find all of the bullshit you now have to go since 9/11 through to get on a plane, ridiculous, including having to turn up 3 hours before your flight on an international flight. But for some reason, conservatives have no problem with these "safety" protocols, which I find extraordinarily intrusive, and the antithesis of "freedom".

I find all freedoms that libs and cons are destroying completely repulsive. Wearing face masks to show solidarity in fear and suppression with willing submission to tyranny is just as detrimental to freedom as W when he was telling folks about your emails and if you don't have anything to hide you shouldn't be concerned if govt has a look. They're both appalling. None of these guidelines being put forth by local or state officials are law and neither are they constitutional.
I wear a mask when I go inside anywhere. If I'm going to be there more than 5 minutes I use my N95 mask.

Folks are making a big deal about wearing a mask...I'll ask you...what's the harm?

Many places I go I must wear a hardhat, safety glasses, steel toed boots and I hi-viz vest. The chance I'll need them are very low...I've done this for 20 years and have never had anything fall on my head, foot or fly into my eye. But what's the harm in added protection? Nothing.

As a figure skating fan, for years we have noted that some Asian fans, specifically a number the Japanese, Chinese and Korean skating fans, have been wearing masks to live events for years. To be honest, we thought it funny, but it seemed to be a thing among Asians. Today they look prescient, and when living sporting events resume, I'm likely to be one of them.

I recall we had people screaming about "freedom" when they were legally required to wear helmets to ride motorcycles too or use seatbelts in cars too. There are some people who have a warped view of what "freedom" really is.

We used to go to the airport an hour before take off, go to the departure lounge and relax. Now we have to put our toiletries in tiny bottles, measure our luggage, present photo ID, and go through screening, scanning, and a host of other indignities before they'll let us get on a plane. To keep someone from hijacking a plane. I find all of the bullshit you now have to go since 9/11 through to get on a plane, ridiculous, including having to turn up 3 hours before your flight on an international flight. But for some reason, conservatives have no problem with these "safety" protocols, which I find extraordinarily intrusive, and the antithesis of "freedom".

I find all freedoms that libs and cons are destroying completely repulsive. Wearing face masks to show solidarity in fear and suppression with willing submission to tyranny is just as detrimental to freedom as W when he was telling folks about your emails and if you don't have anything to hide you shouldn't be concerned if govt has a look. They're both appalling. None of these guidelines being put forth by local or state officials are law and neither are they constitutional.
That is a fucking lie...... Conservative have been screaming against the Patriot Act since it was implemented. Homeland Security is a joke and has not stopped one single terrorist act. it is a joke that women have to have their purses searched when going into a stadium for a ball game. We all would be better off without Homeland Security
The United States has totally given up the concept of Innocent til proven guilty... and it transfers over to the masks since they now assume you are sick until you are proven healthy
I dont wear one nor will I wear one. Its actually dangerous to do so. First, you're trapping the viruses that you're exhaling and then breathing them back in. Second, we breathe in about 100 million viruses a day through interaction with the public. Our body builds billions of antibodies to all of these viruses. Third, the immune system is suppressed when you continually stop the natural occurrence of inhalation of viruses. This isn't difficult to understand. All one needs to do is look at what happened with the native americans when the europeans and spaniards came over. They were dying of simple colds, diseases, that wouldnt bother a person with a normal immune system.

Ill not take the vaccine either if they do find one.
yeah, perfessor. those native Americans should not have worn masks.
I wear a mask when I go inside anywhere. If I'm going to be there more than 5 minutes I use my N95 mask.

Folks are making a big deal about wearing a mask...I'll ask you...what's the harm?

Many places I go I must wear a hardhat, safety glasses, steel toed boots and I hi-viz vest. The chance I'll need them are very low...I've done this for 20 years and have never had anything fall on my head, foot or fly into my eye. But what's the harm in added protection? Nothing.

As a figure skating fan, for years we have noted that some Asian fans, specifically a number the Japanese, Chinese and Korean skating fans, have been wearing masks to live events for years. To be honest, we thought it funny, but it seemed to be a thing among Asians. Today they look prescient, and when living sporting events resume, I'm likely to be one of them.

I recall we had people screaming about "freedom" when they were legally required to wear helmets to ride motorcycles too or use seatbelts in cars too. There are some people who have a warped view of what "freedom" really is.

We used to go to the airport an hour before take off, go to the departure lounge and relax. Now we have to put our toiletries in tiny bottles, measure our luggage, present photo ID, and go through screening, scanning, and a host of other indignities before they'll let us get on a plane. To keep someone from hijacking a plane. I find all of the bullshit you now have to go since 9/11 through to get on a plane, ridiculous, including having to turn up 3 hours before your flight on an international flight. But for some reason, conservatives have no problem with these "safety" protocols, which I find extraordinarily intrusive, and the antithesis of "freedom".

I find all freedoms that libs and cons are destroying completely repulsive. Wearing face masks to show solidarity in fear and suppression with willing submission to tyranny is just as detrimental to freedom as W when he was telling folks about your emails and if you don't have anything to hide you shouldn't be concerned if govt has a look. They're both appalling. None of these guidelines being put forth by local or state officials are law and neither are they constitutional.
That is a fucking lie...... Conservative have been screaming against the Patriot Act since it was implemented. Homeland Security is a joke and has not stopped one single terrorist act. it is a joke that women have to have their purses searched when going into a stadium for a ball game. We all would be better off without Homeland Security
The United States has totally given up the concept of Innocent til proven guilty... and it transfers over to the masks since they now assume you are sick until you are proven healthy
they screamed TERRORIST LOVER at anyone voicing dissent about the PATRIOT act.
I wear a mask when I go inside anywhere. If I'm going to be there more than 5 minutes I use my N95 mask.

Folks are making a big deal about wearing a mask...I'll ask you...what's the harm?

Many places I go I must wear a hardhat, safety glasses, steel toed boots and I hi-viz vest. The chance I'll need them are very low...I've done this for 20 years and have never had anything fall on my head, foot or fly into my eye. But what's the harm in added protection? Nothing.

As a figure skating fan, for years we have noted that some Asian fans, specifically a number the Japanese, Chinese and Korean skating fans, have been wearing masks to live events for years. To be honest, we thought it funny, but it seemed to be a thing among Asians. Today they look prescient, and when living sporting events resume, I'm likely to be one of them.

I recall we had people screaming about "freedom" when they were legally required to wear helmets to ride motorcycles too or use seatbelts in cars too. There are some people who have a warped view of what "freedom" really is.

We used to go to the airport an hour before take off, go to the departure lounge and relax. Now we have to put our toiletries in tiny bottles, measure our luggage, present photo ID, and go through screening, scanning, and a host of other indignities before they'll let us get on a plane. To keep someone from hijacking a plane. I find all of the bullshit you now have to go since 9/11 through to get on a plane, ridiculous, including having to turn up 3 hours before your flight on an international flight. But for some reason, conservatives have no problem with these "safety" protocols, which I find extraordinarily intrusive, and the antithesis of "freedom".

I find all freedoms that libs and cons are destroying completely repulsive. Wearing face masks to show solidarity in fear and suppression with willing submission to tyranny is just as detrimental to freedom as W when he was telling folks about your emails and if you don't have anything to hide you shouldn't be concerned if govt has a look. They're both appalling. None of these guidelines being put forth by local or state officials are law and neither are they constitutional.
That is a fucking lie...... Conservative have been screaming against the Patriot Act since it was implemented. Homeland Security is a joke and has not stopped one single terrorist act. it is a joke that women have to have their purses searched when going into a stadium for a ball game. We all would be better off without Homeland Security
The United States has totally given up the concept of Innocent til proven guilty... and it transfers over to the masks since they now assume you are sick until you are proven healthy
they screamed TERRORIST LOVER at anyone voicing dissent about the PATRIOT act.
I wear a mask when I go inside anywhere. If I'm going to be there more than 5 minutes I use my N95 mask.

Folks are making a big deal about wearing a mask...I'll ask you...what's the harm?

Many places I go I must wear a hardhat, safety glasses, steel toed boots and I hi-viz vest. The chance I'll need them are very low...I've done this for 20 years and have never had anything fall on my head, foot or fly into my eye. But what's the harm in added protection? Nothing.

As a figure skating fan, for years we have noted that some Asian fans, specifically a number the Japanese, Chinese and Korean skating fans, have been wearing masks to live events for years. To be honest, we thought it funny, but it seemed to be a thing among Asians. Today they look prescient, and when living sporting events resume, I'm likely to be one of them.

I recall we had people screaming about "freedom" when they were legally required to wear helmets to ride motorcycles too or use seatbelts in cars too. There are some people who have a warped view of what "freedom" really is.

We used to go to the airport an hour before take off, go to the departure lounge and relax. Now we have to put our toiletries in tiny bottles, measure our luggage, present photo ID, and go through screening, scanning, and a host of other indignities before they'll let us get on a plane. To keep someone from hijacking a plane. I find all of the bullshit you now have to go since 9/11 through to get on a plane, ridiculous, including having to turn up 3 hours before your flight on an international flight. But for some reason, conservatives have no problem with these "safety" protocols, which I find extraordinarily intrusive, and the antithesis of "freedom".

I find all freedoms that libs and cons are destroying completely repulsive. Wearing face masks to show solidarity in fear and suppression with willing submission to tyranny is just as detrimental to freedom as W when he was telling folks about your emails and if you don't have anything to hide you shouldn't be concerned if govt has a look. They're both appalling. None of these guidelines being put forth by local or state officials are law and neither are they constitutional.
That is a fucking lie...... Conservative have been screaming against the Patriot Act since it was implemented. Homeland Security is a joke and has not stopped one single terrorist act. it is a joke that women have to have their purses searched when going into a stadium for a ball game. We all would be better off without Homeland Security
The United States has totally given up the concept of Innocent til proven guilty... and it transfers over to the masks since they now assume you are sick until you are proven healthy

Most were against it. But there were some who were down with the Patriot act.
I wear a mask when I go inside anywhere. If I'm going to be there more than 5 minutes I use my N95 mask.

Folks are making a big deal about wearing a mask...I'll ask you...what's the harm?

Many places I go I must wear a hardhat, safety glasses, steel toed boots and I hi-viz vest. The chance I'll need them are very low...I've done this for 20 years and have never had anything fall on my head, foot or fly into my eye. But what's the harm in added protection? Nothing.

As a figure skating fan, for years we have noted that some Asian fans, specifically a number the Japanese, Chinese and Korean skating fans, have been wearing masks to live events for years. To be honest, we thought it funny, but it seemed to be a thing among Asians. Today they look prescient, and when living sporting events resume, I'm likely to be one of them.

I recall we had people screaming about "freedom" when they were legally required to wear helmets to ride motorcycles too or use seatbelts in cars too. There are some people who have a warped view of what "freedom" really is.

We used to go to the airport an hour before take off, go to the departure lounge and relax. Now we have to put our toiletries in tiny bottles, measure our luggage, present photo ID, and go through screening, scanning, and a host of other indignities before they'll let us get on a plane. To keep someone from hijacking a plane. I find all of the bullshit you now have to go since 9/11 through to get on a plane, ridiculous, including having to turn up 3 hours before your flight on an international flight. But for some reason, conservatives have no problem with these "safety" protocols, which I find extraordinarily intrusive, and the antithesis of "freedom".

I find all freedoms that libs and cons are destroying completely repulsive. Wearing face masks to show solidarity in fear and suppression with willing submission to tyranny is just as detrimental to freedom as W when he was telling folks about your emails and if you don't have anything to hide you shouldn't be concerned if govt has a look. They're both appalling. None of these guidelines being put forth by local or state officials are law and neither are they constitutional.
That is a fucking lie...... Conservative have been screaming against the Patriot Act since it was implemented. Homeland Security is a joke and has not stopped one single terrorist act. it is a joke that women have to have their purses searched when going into a stadium for a ball game. We all would be better off without Homeland Security
The United States has totally given up the concept of Innocent til proven guilty... and it transfers over to the masks since they now assume you are sick until you are proven healthy
they screamed TERRORIST LOVER at anyone voicing dissent about the PATRIOT act.
Not anyone I know.... The Patriot Act is a disgrace to the American standards. Giant waste of money, the Patriot Act and Homeland Security has not prevent a thing, except inconveniencing millions of American Air travelers
I wear a mask when I go inside anywhere. If I'm going to be there more than 5 minutes I use my N95 mask.

Folks are making a big deal about wearing a mask...I'll ask you...what's the harm?

Many places I go I must wear a hardhat, safety glasses, steel toed boots and I hi-viz vest. The chance I'll need them are very low...I've done this for 20 years and have never had anything fall on my head, foot or fly into my eye. But what's the harm in added protection? Nothing.

As a figure skating fan, for years we have noted that some Asian fans, specifically a number the Japanese, Chinese and Korean skating fans, have been wearing masks to live events for years. To be honest, we thought it funny, but it seemed to be a thing among Asians. Today they look prescient, and when living sporting events resume, I'm likely to be one of them.

I recall we had people screaming about "freedom" when they were legally required to wear helmets to ride motorcycles too or use seatbelts in cars too. There are some people who have a warped view of what "freedom" really is.

We used to go to the airport an hour before take off, go to the departure lounge and relax. Now we have to put our toiletries in tiny bottles, measure our luggage, present photo ID, and go through screening, scanning, and a host of other indignities before they'll let us get on a plane. To keep someone from hijacking a plane. I find all of the bullshit you now have to go since 9/11 through to get on a plane, ridiculous, including having to turn up 3 hours before your flight on an international flight. But for some reason, conservatives have no problem with these "safety" protocols, which I find extraordinarily intrusive, and the antithesis of "freedom".

I find all freedoms that libs and cons are destroying completely repulsive. Wearing face masks to show solidarity in fear and suppression with willing submission to tyranny is just as detrimental to freedom as W when he was telling folks about your emails and if you don't have anything to hide you shouldn't be concerned if govt has a look. They're both appalling. None of these guidelines being put forth by local or state officials are law and neither are they constitutional.
That is a fucking lie...... Conservative have been screaming against the Patriot Act since it was implemented. Homeland Security is a joke and has not stopped one single terrorist act. it is a joke that women have to have their purses searched when going into a stadium for a ball game. We all would be better off without Homeland Security
The United States has totally given up the concept of Innocent til proven guilty... and it transfers over to the masks since they now assume you are sick until you are proven healthy
they screamed TERRORIST LOVER at anyone voicing dissent about the PATRIOT act.
Not anyone I know.... The Patriot Act is a disgrace to the American standards. Giant waste of money, the Patriot Act and Homeland Security has not prevent a thing, except inconveniencing millions of American Air travelers

Oh I agree with you.

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