Does the Constitution guarantee Americans a right to privacy?

I just got told by a Republican running for Governor of Nevada that we do not....Tom

The Constitution does not explicitly call it a right to privacy but we do have the right to life, liberty & property. These are all individual rights that do not exist absent the right to privacy in the 14th Amendment.
The 2nd Amendment to private ownership of weapons.
The 9th Amendment says we have inviolate rights not enumerated specifically.
The 3rd protects the privacy of residences from housing soldiers.
The 4th involves the right to privacy in regards to search & seizure.
The Bill of Rights also guarantees our God given rights which would include privacy.
Do we have the right to privacy if we have a dozen dead bodies in the garage? No
Do we from unwarranted searches or monitoring, harassment, our beliefs, religion, weapons, medical info or speech? Absolutely

I do not follow you. Would you rewrite the following assertion, i.e., express it in a different or more explanatory way?

The Constitution does not explicitly call it a right to privacy but we do have the right to life, liberty & property. These are all individual rights that do not exist absent the right to privacy in the 14th Amendment.​

Specifically, are you saying that the 14th explicitly confers a right to privacy and that the inherent rights of natural law do not exist sans the 14th?

Not at all.
I'm saying the 9th acknowledges we have God given natural rights not enumerated at all. It does not confer them because conferring something we already own as birthright is both offensive & infers the govt has a right they do not possess.
The 14th strongly implies the right to privacy without naming it explicitly.
Privacy of property means when you own it, you are generally free to do what you will with it.
Privacy of life means they cannot take it from you & you can live it according to your private beliefs provided they do not violate Constitutional laws.
Privacy of liberty means they cannot take your freedom by capricious or arbitrary means & you are free to make your own decisions.
"Natural Rights" are inherent and our founding documents recognize they come from our creator.

If there is no higher authority than man we have no rights at all, just whatever privileges the ruling class chooses to allow us at any given moment.
In matters of The Spirit, we bow to the Lord.

In matters of this world, We the People decide what rights we have.
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depends on what you mean by privacy,,

if you want to dance naked with a goat with your windows wide open dont expect much privacy,,
I get that rights are natural. But they are given or taken away by man not God.
Edited for Typos!

False! Natural rights can neither be given, taken nor transferred. Their natural expressions can only be illegitimately violated or suppressed by the state. That's why tyrannical governments are inherently unstable. Murder, oppression, and theft are still murder, oppression, and theft. They do not magically become something else just because government declares such to be lawful.
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When this

So...if women were to get an abortion provider make house calls, that would be ok?
As long as they did not murder a baby, yes that's legal & covered by the right to privacy.
It's only when they commit infanticide in that home that the criminal activity negates the privacy rights.
Unless they are in a baby killing state to begin with

Not at all.
I'm saying the 9th acknowledges we have God given natural rights not enumerated at all. It does not confer them because conferring something we already own as birthright is both offensive & infers the govt has a right they do not possess.
The 14th strongly implies the right to privacy without naming it explicitly.
Privacy of property means when you own it, you are generally free to do what you will with it.
Privacy of life means they cannot take it from you & you can live it according to your private beliefs provided they do not violate Constitutional laws.
Privacy of liberty means they cannot take your freedom by capricious or arbitrary means & you are free to make your own decisions.
Okay! I was only asking for clarity. Thanks.
depends on what you mean by privacy,,

if you want to dance naked with a goat with your windows wide open dont expect much privacy,,
We're not talking what you do with your windows open, or out in public, but what you do in the privacy of your own home (or apartment) with the curtains closed.

The USSC even ruled that scientific means of invading that privacy, requires a search warrant, so the 4th protects peoples privacy in their homes.
We're not talking what you do with your windows open, or out in public, but what you do in the privacy of your own home (or apartment) with the curtains closed.

The USSC even ruled that scientific means of invading that privacy, requires a search warrant, so the 4th protects peoples privacy in their homes.
samething applies whether youre fucking a goat or eating dinner,, if you leave the windows open dont expect privacy,, in some cases if you want privacy its on you to create it,,
As long as they did not murder a baby, yes that's legal & covered by the right to privacy.
It's only when they commit infanticide in that home that the criminal activity negates the privacy rights.
Unless they are in a baby killing state to begin with
Didn't citizens united say that corporations are people, and as such don't businesses have the same right to privacy as individual citizens?
samething applies whether youre fucking a goat or eating dinner,, if you leave the windows open dont expect privacy,, in some cases if you want privacy its on you to create it,,

Nobody is arguing that you have a right to privacy if you chose to act in public, or to expose yourself to the public view. But when you're in your home, such that you would expect privacy, like with the curtains closed, than you indeed have a right to privacy.
people dont have a right to privacy,,
The 4th guarantees: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated ....

Search - verb
try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly.

It means the government is not allowed to look in your house, or at your papers, or at your effects. (simple definition)
In fact, in many situations, your person and property can be searched without a warrant.

For example, if you are arrested for any offense, you can be searched for the safety of the arresting officer,
Yes. But my understanding of the law is that such searches or seizures do not trump the imperative of due process sans a legitimate suspicion that one has committed an unlawful act.

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