Does the Constitution guarantee Americans a right to privacy?

I get that rights are natural. But they are given or taken away by man not God.​

Natural Citizen finished his thought:


Ringtone laughed his ass off.

No... like claiming the 2020 election was ripe with fraud.
It was.
Twitter censoring the NYP and anyone bringing up the laptop story. Traditional media ignoring it. Same with COVID19 where they blamed Trump for it when it was a global pandemic. Ballot harvesting in swing states.

Yeah it was ripe with fraud and corruption and afterward Twitter said my bad we should not have blocked / suspended users. Now the laptop story is true.

Bury that head of yours in the sand.
How is it possible to guarantee citizens "a right to privacy"? Lefties have been attacking the 2nd Amendment for decades that contains a simple statement that guarantees the right to keep and bear a firearm and meanwhile they found some vague innuendo that they expanded and worked at and stretched into a impossible "right to privacy" and then they doubled down and used that bogus "right" to murder tens of millions of unborn (and partially born) citizens.

The right of privacy is inherently derivative per the imperatives of natural and constitutional law. Griswald v. Connecticut is good law. But the right of privacy is not absolute because manually induced abortions, for example, do not naturally arise. That's why Roe v. Wade is bad law. Roe v. Wade does not logically follow from Griswald and Connecticut.

The inherent rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights, for example, naturally subsist whether their expressions be artificially suppressed or not.

Indeed, the inherent rights of natural law subsist whether they be enumerated or not, and, by the way, they are not exhaustively enumerated in the Constitution (see Amendments IX and X).
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That's all protected by the 1st amendment.

It's not election fraud.
You also cut out the rest of my post. So yeah it was riddled with fraud and bullshit. But again you bury that head in the sand. Twitter will be acquired and things will change. Red Wave 2022. People will wake up.
Privacy of medical decisions means that only the person and their physician have a say in those medical decisions. That the government can't interfere. That the government can't outlaw any medical procedure without a compelling government interest to do so.
Your point?
You also cut out the rest of my post.
O.K. here's the whole thing.

It was.
Twitter censoring the NYP and anyone bringing up the laptop story. Traditional media ignoring it. Same with COVID19 where they blamed Trump for it when it was a global pandemic. Ballot harvesting in swing states.

Yeah it was ripe with fraud and corruption and afterward Twitter said my bad we should not have blocked / suspended users. Now the laptop story is true.

Bury that head of yours in the sand.
Discribe how everything after "laptop story" adds meaning.
The"right to privacy" is a canard, in order for abortionists to rationalize their death cult.

They cling to it, even though the most left of leftist lawyers can agree that Roe, with its "right to privacy" canard, is terrible law.
Precisely! Roe does not logically follow from the derivative right of privacy. See post #98 and #111.
Your point?
The government can violate a right, if there is a good reason to do so. They can't violate a right, without a good reason to do so.
Such as they can stop you from yelling fire in a crowded theatre (when there is no fire), but they can't stop you from saying Mexico paid us for the wall (when there was no payment)
O.K. here's the whole thing.

Discribe how everything after "laptop story" adds meaning.
It adds meaning because afterward Twitter said they should not have done that and the laptop story is true and could have swung votes. Maybe Trump should have started a Disinformation Ministry? Eh? Your leftist biased head would have exploded. Is that a sufficient explanation or should I dumb it down for you further? Do tell.
The government can violate a right, if there is a good reason to do so. They can't violate a right, without a good reason to do so.
Such as they can stop you from yelling fire in a crowded theatre (when there is no fire), but they can't stop you from saying Mexico paid us for the wall (when there was no payment)
“Good reason” = subjective. Like in Canada when Trudeau went all dictator. What a sheep you are.
Funny how you didn’t address this

afterward Twitter said my bad we should not have blocked / suspended users. Now the laptop story is true.
No different than the Bush administration saying that Iraq had WMD's, and afterward saying "my bad", Iraq didn't have WMD's , or ties to 9-11, or any of the claims they made to justify starting a war.

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