Does the Constitution guarantee Americans a right to privacy?

No children being attention. But I guess you are like Tom Heck.....we do NOT have the right to privacy.
If the entity in the womb has a heart beat, and brain wave activity? Yes, it is probably a human being. Ending its life is tantamount to murder.

Clutching to your aforementioned POV, despite these facts, probably makes you a psychopathic partisan. . . .

Seek help.
It adds meaning because afterward Twitter said they should not have done that and the laptop story is true and could have swung votes.
That's protected by the 1st amendment. People have the right to say whatever they want to say.
What about when the Bush administration admitted they lied in order to start a war and get Americans killed.
They said Iraq had WMD's, ties to 9-11, the works, and then admitted it was all made up.

You don't think Bush the wartime president, swung the election in 2004?
No different than the Bush administration saying that Iraq had WMD's, and afterward saying "my bad", Iraq didn't have WMD's , or ties to 9-11, or any of the claims they made to justify starting a war.
And the Bush administration was wrong. So you justify this wrong with that wrong? Dubya was the worst president of all time until this disaster in office.
I get that rights are natural. But they are given or taken away by man not God.
That is why if you have a wise government? You behead all kings and queens, and get a constitution that outlines a Constitutional republic,. that specifically guaranties rights to the people.

Only idiots live under a system of government that bestows privileges to some by birth, like some sort of caste system or slavery system, while criticizing other's governments, which are more merit based systems, and are far superior.
That's protected by the 1st amendment. People have the right to say whatever they want to say.
What about when the Bush administration admitted they lied in order to start a war and get Americans killed.
They said Iraq had WMD's, ties to 9-11, the works, and then admitted it was all made up.

You don't think Bush the wartime president, swung the election in 2004?
So then why the disinformation bureau. So newspapers, tv stations and social media can lie. OK. Fake News. You just admitted Trump was right. Election was rife with lies and we get what we deserve.
And the Bush administration was wrong. So you justify this wrong with that wrong? Dubya was the worst president of all time until this disaster in office.
Lies from anywhere can swing an election. That's what the 1st amendment allows.
Nobody is arguing that you have a right to privacy if you chose to act in public, or to expose yourself to the public view. But when you're in your home, such that you would expect privacy, like with the curtains closed, than you indeed have a right to privacy.
Only up to a certain point. Being in private doesn't protect a right to do anything you want. You're still subject to the laws of the land.
The 4th guarantees: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated ....

Search - verb
try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly.

It means the government is not allowed to look in your house, or at your papers, or at your effects. (simple definition)
Actually cops can lawfully peer through open windows and through fences without violating the 4th Amendment.
So then why the disinformation bureau. So newspapers, tv stations and social media can lie. OK. Fake News. You just admitted Trump was right. Election was rife with lies and we get what we deserve.
Every election has lies. But the media is rarely responsible for them, not even in 2016 or 2020.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Except in 2020 it went into a whole new level. And you admit Biden won due to lies. Glad you can at least admit this much.
Biden won because Trump totally screwed the country with his response to COVID. You don't see more Americans killed from a "Hoax", then from a world war, and people don't pay attention.
In fact, in many situations, your person and property can be searched without a warrant.

For example, if you are arrested for any offense, you can be searched for the safety of the arresting officer,
That gets complicated. They first mush have a reasonable, articulable suspicion that you have committed a crime, are committing a crime, or are about to commit a crime to even detain you outside of a traffic stop and then it moves from "crime" to "traffic violation".

There are a whole lot of unlawful detentions and arrests with no predicate crime other than aggravating the officers conducting the stop.

Violations of "Stop and Identify" limits are probably the most common.

When cops demand ID and you refuse or you refuse a vehicle search a lot of them really get twisted off in a hurry.

Know your rights, never answer questions and never give permission to search.

In a "Terry Stop" a momentary detainment just to talk to you on a consensual basis, they can do a cursory pat down but you're under no obligation to answer questions nor can they lawfully go beyond the pat down absent evidence you committed a crime or are about to.
Only up to a certain point. Being in private doesn't protect a right to do anything you want. You're still subject to the laws of the land.

The "laws of the land" do not have any authority at all to dictate behavior in any way, as long as it does not violate the rights of others.
The only legal justification for any laws, comes from the need to protect rights of individuals from violation by other individuals.
That is why personal acts like drinking alcohols and doing drugs can NOT ever be made illegal in a republic.
Prohibition and the War on Drugs are totally and completely beyond the authority any government can have in a republic.
Any attempt to dictate the actions of individuals that harm the rights of not one else, are totally and completely illegal.
Biden won because Trump totally screwed the country with his response to COVID. You don't see more Americans killed from a "Hoax", then from a world war, and people don't pay attention.
see you spew Bs. It is a global pandemic and more have died under Biden than Trump. Biden lied. He said get the vaccine and you won’t get COVID19. Trump did warp speed. Trump did the PPP loans. Cuomo killed people in nursing homes and was glorified as a hero. November cannot come soon enough so that the idiot in change can get impeached.
Biden won because Trump totally screwed the country with his response to COVID. You don't see more Americans killed from a "Hoax", then from a world war, and people don't pay attention.
Idiocy. Based on what was known at the time there was nothing more he could have done other than closing the borders, the mere suggestion of which caused intent wailing and gnashing of teeth with cries of "Racism" and "xenophobia" even from our own "scientists" that knew better.

Trump never said "Covid was a hoax" or anything resembling same, stop peddling lies.

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