Does the Constitution guarantee Americans a right to privacy?

We know from the Ninth Amendment that there are rights that are not specifically listed in the Constitution

Yeah, but really, you have to use a different part of the Constitution other than the ninth. No one takes that one seriously anymore after the Federal Government nullified it.
That is why personal acts like drinking alcohols and doing drugs can NOT ever be made illegal in a republic.
More than 125 years of history and law show otherwise. I'll stick with the facts rather than baseless theories.
The Supreme Court has previously ruled regarding the people's right to privacy, in a rather famous landmark ruling.
Yes, I familiar with the case but Roe v. Wade is not predicated on that line of decidendi. Rather, it's predicated on the Griswald line of decidendi, which goes directly to the right of privacy relative in the acquisition and use of contraceptive devices and chemicals.
The "laws of the land" do not have any authority at all to dictate behavior in any way, as long as it does not violate the rights of others.
The only legal justification for any laws, comes from the need to protect rights of individuals from violation by other individuals.
That is why personal acts like drinking alcohols and doing drugs can NOT ever be made illegal in a republic.
Prohibition and the War on Drugs are totally and completely beyond the authority any government can have in a republic.
Any attempt to dictate the actions of individuals that harm the rights of not one else, are totally and completely illegal.
Drugs do harm others as do illegals crossing the border? These aren’t victimless crimes.
see you spew Bs. It is a global pandemic and more have died under Biden than Trump. Biden lied. He said get the vaccine and you won’t get COVID19. Trump did warp speed. Trump did the PPP loans. Cuomo killed people in nursing homes and was glorified as a hero. November cannot come soon enough so that the idiot in change can get impeached.
One of Biden's own appointees puller his other out of a Nursing home before flooding the same nursing home with Covid Patients.
Drugs do harm others as do illegals crossing the border? These aren’t victimless crimes.
The societal wreckage we pay for every day for everything from low birth weight and addicted babies to the crimes addicts commit to support their habits is directly caused by illicit drugs and is a huge burden on every taxpayer in the country.
Only up to a certain point. Being in private doesn't protect a right to do anything you want. You're still subject to the laws of the land.
There are many things that privacy allows us to do, that are fundamental freedoms. Like eating what we want. Teaching our children what we want. Or from who, and how we receive medical treatment.
There are many things that privacy allows us to do, that are fundamental freedoms. Like eating what we want. Teaching our children what we want. Or from who, and how we receive medical treatment.
Largely correct but some foods you cannot even legally possess in the US due to USDA import restrictions.
Yes, I familiar with the case but Roe v. Wade is not predicated on that line of decidendi. Rather, it's predicated on the Griswald line of decidendi, which goes directly to the right of privacy relative in the acquisition and use of contraceptive devices and chemicals.
That's just it, returning abortion to the states where it rightfully belongs isn't going to remove our privacy rights.

We simply don't' have an unrestricted right to abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason or no reason at all.

All we have to do now is that each state will set the limits where they feel appropriate and if the legislatures and governors are far out of step with their constituents, there's going to be a huge flushing in the next election.

Personally I hope the final opinion goes further than the leaked one setting clear limits on when abortions may be performed and why under the basis that every successful abortion kills at least one innocent human being completely overturning the whole notion of "personhood" of the unborn excusing AOD.
Yeah, but really, you have to use a different part of the Constitution other than the ninth. No one takes that one seriously anymore after the Federal Government nullified it.
This ruling as written actually relies on the 9th and 10th once again giving both teeth.
Biden won because Trump totally screwed the country with his response to COVID. You don't see more Americans killed from a "Hoax", then from a world war, and people don't pay attention.

I do not care for Trump, but he was right about covid.
What killed over 800,000 people actually was not covid itself.
Covid had low lethality and low infectiousness.
But the way to reduce deaths is to end any epidemic as quickly as possilbe.
And instead, Fauci chose to "flatten the curve" preventing the epidemic from ever being able to end.
And it then was Fauci who caused almost all the deaths in the US.

So how could Fauci has ended covid much sooner and saved almost all those lives?

One method is full quarantine. It is what they used in Italy.
You close everything, like transportation, stores, etc., and you do contact tracing.
That guarantees the end of any epidemic in less than a month.
But it would have been VERY expensive.

So we did not do full quarantine.
But there are other strategies that have ended epidemics for hundreds of millions of years.
What normally ends epidemics is herd immunity.
That is when you have enough who got recovery immunity, that there no longer are enough hosts to keep the epidemic alive.
Fauci did not do that because he claimed it would take 2.4 million dead that way.
Clearly he is wrong.
He used a lethality in his estimate, of 2% deaths from all those who get infected.
But the general lethality for all actually was about half that, since the many asymptomatic were not being counted.
Then there is the age differential.
It turns out that if you were to deliberately infect volunteers under 40, and quarantine those over 70, then you get a lethality 400 times lower.
Then the lethality is only 0.0025.
So instead of Fauci's 2.4 million, the reality would have been only 6,000.
Which means the one to blame is Fauci, NOT Trump.
Trump was basically right, that covid is not a significant threat.
Except in 2020 it went into a whole new level. And you admit Biden won due to lies. Glad you can at least admit this much.
I think most folks that have done their research, it took a lot more than lies to help him over the finish line.

Do a search for the names, "Guillermina Fuentes and Alma Juarez, finger prints, ballot harvesting" to really understand how it all works.

FBI included in those search terms helps too.

The government can violate a right, if there is a good reason to do so. They can't violate a right, without a good reason to do so.
Such as they can stop you from yelling fire in a crowded theatre (when there is no fire), but they can't stop you from saying Mexico paid us for the wall (when there was no payment)
The government can never legitimately violate inherent rights. Oxymoron. Their free expression or acquisition can be legitimately suspended in cases of emergency. But such suspensions are not punitive or permanent, and the prohibition against falsely yelling fire in a theater, for example, entails the endangerment of others' lives and property.
A safety search, one done as part of an arrest or when search is a condition of entry to a location, can become an evidentiary search if illicit items are discovered.

The location of such items creates probable cause.
I think we agree as long as it's understood that probable cause must precede arrest or search, and of course any additional illicit items discovered thereafter may serve to further incriminate one.
Idiocy. Based on what was known at the time there was nothing more he could have done other than closing the borders, the mere suggestion of which caused intent wailing and gnashing of teeth with cries of "Racism" and "xenophobia" even from our own "scientists" that knew better.

Trump never said "Covid was a hoax" or anything resembling same, stop peddling lies.
Trump called the political response to COVID, the "democratic hoax".


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