Does the GOP think children cleaning toilets is better for the US than an education?

It would assure cheap labor in the future.

Well, that's what the likes of Newt and Trump want but its not what is best for our country.

The rest of the world is educating their children to better compete on the world stage. Languages, math, computer sciences ... But, the very best the GObP/repubs have to offer want uneducated laborers to mow their lawns and pick their produce.

No wonder we're falling behind.

I remember when we ALL wanted our kids to inherit a better world than we did. Now, its just the opposite. The GObP/Repubs want us in the gutter. They want us to be working FOR the third world countries.

No engineers or computers geniuses, no First Rate health care, no more being FIRST in anything. Just servants to the 15%.

Seems harsh. Seems too awful to be true. But then you look at their actions. What other conclusion could you come to?

Well, going by their actions .... they're against adults making a living and they're against kids getting an education so, yeah - that's the conclusion one has to come to.
You have some real problems but since you've brought your own child into this, I'm out cuz this could get real sick, real quick.:cuckoo:

wtf. you brought my kid into are the one with problems. and if it got REAL SICK it would be because of I'm glad you're OUT..good riddance

My mistake. I meant to talk about kids in general terms but not about individual kids.

No problem...but as far as I know it's not against the rules to speak of one's own family on here. It's when others get out LINE on speaking about others family members.
wtf. you brought my kid into are the one with problems. and if it got REAL SICK it would be because of I'm glad you're OUT..good riddance

My mistake. I meant to talk about kids in general terms but not about individual kids.

No problem...but as far as I know it's not against the rules to speak of one's own family on here. It's when others get out LINE on speaking about others family members.

Okay, glad we're clear on that.

But, just to let you know up front, I don't usually answer or converse with those who use nasty language rather than facts or opinions. I think its cheap and childish and I believe its something to hide behind. I almost didn't take this further because of that. JMO and I realize that others think its just fine to call each other foul names rather than just talk to each other.

And, to be very frank, I've fallen into a similar thing by using "pub, bag" because its easier and faster than typing it out.

Flame if you want but that's my opinion.

Good night.
Archived-Articles: Why Shakir Can't Read

My friend's class is not a large one; she has five to eight students. She also has a teaching assistant, and between them, the kids receive a lot of personal, one-to-one attention. Nevertheless, Shakir still can't read.

The why of this phenomenon is quite important; you see, there are lots of Shakirs in the black community. For he is one of many kids flunking his way through the educational system, even as he advances through it.

A large part of the problem is that Shakir refuses to do his bit to educate himself. Given classwork in school, Shakir engages in a series of acts of avoidance. He will disrupt, pick fights with his classmates, curse, destroy objects in his environment, sleep, declare that he will do nothing, or take the entire day simply to write his name. No amount of cajoling, promises, or behavioral modification methods can change Shakir's mind. For him to work for a little bit, there must be some immediate object or event that he finds desirable to attain or participate in.

Shakir's family situation is a significant part of his problem. He is one of four children to a twenty-something mother who has three other children by three different men, and she might well be pregnant again by her current boyfriend. Shakir's mother is unemployed and on welfare.

His mother is either a high school dropout or limped her way to graduation with a poor academic record herself. She does not check his book-bag, makes no effort to ensure that he does his homework, nor does she provide any assistance with his reading.

What she will do, when school authorities call her to complain about her son's behavior, is come to the school ready to curse and fight his teachers. No matter how badly Shakir acts in school, his mother will, in front of him, blame his teachers. Often, she will add to the lack of stability in the boy's life by changing his school because she thinks his teachers are out to get him. Thus, Shakir has been to several schools in his district and has even gone to schools in a neighboring state. Nevertheless, Shakir still can't read.

If he does not sound ghetto, he experiences a loss of black identity. More than that, he will be preyed upon by the gang-bangers and thugs who will consider him easy prey. So, he has to be tough, and educational achievement is not part of the toughness.

Shakir's peers are not focused on education. Instead, their everyday talk is of gang-related activities, shooting with B-B guns, fighting, or engaging in illicit activity. For instance, Shakir and his friends are already gang members.

All across America, schools are confronted with Shakirs who either do not show up for school or who attend school but hang out in the hallways, bathrooms, and other hideaways. Even in well disciplined schools, there are Shakirs who go to class and put their heads on the desk. They refuse to work; the same way, their parents refuse to attend parent-teacher meetings. They sleep, they disrupt, curse, fight, and do no work.

Cleaning toilets might be beyond the capability of many of America's students.
Gingrich asks Trump to create 'apprentice' program for poor schoolchildren

"Really poor children in really poor neighborhoods have no habits for working and have nobody around them who works. So they literally have no habit of showing up on Monday. They have no habit of staying all day. They have no habit of I do this and you give me cash unless it's illegal," he explained last week in Des Moines.

First Read - Gingrich asks Trump to create 'apprentice' program for poor schoolchildren

I'm guessing they will be given the opportunity to clean toilets in the Trump Tower.
Why is scrubbing piss off toilets only good for POOR children. I would think if it was such a valuable lesson then all the expensive exclusive schools would have all their spoiled little rich kids scrubbing the piss and shit off toilets! Did Trump's kids scrub shit off toilets at their grammar schools? What about Snooty Newtie's kids?
My mistake. I meant to talk about kids in general terms but not about individual kids.

No problem...but as far as I know it's not against the rules to speak of one's own family on here. It's when others get out LINE on speaking about others family members.

Okay, glad we're clear on that.

But, just to let you know up front, I don't usually answer or converse with those who use nasty language rather than facts or opinions. I think its cheap and childish and I believe its something to hide behind. I almost didn't take this further because of that. JMO and I realize that others think its just fine to call each other foul names rather than just talk to each other.

And, to be very frank, I've fallen into a similar thing by using "pub, bag" because its easier and faster than typing it out.

Flame if you want but that's my opinion.

Good night.

nasty language? you talking about three letters I used?
so instead of bag, you would use TEABAGGER, but it's too long for you to type?
good night...sheeesh:lol:
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Gingrich asks Trump to create 'apprentice' program for poor schoolchildren

"Really poor children in really poor neighborhoods have no habits for working and have nobody around them who works. So they literally have no habit of showing up on Monday. They have no habit of staying all day. They have no habit of I do this and you give me cash unless it's illegal," he explained last week in Des Moines.

First Read - Gingrich asks Trump to create 'apprentice' program for poor schoolchildren

I'm guessing they will be given the opportunity to clean toilets in the Trump Tower.
Why is scrubbing piss off toilets only good for POOR children. I would think if it was such a valuable lesson then all the expensive exclusive schools would have all their spoiled little rich kids scrubbing the piss and shit off toilets! Did Trump's kids scrub shit off toilets at their grammar schools? What about Snooty Newtie's kids?

Those children are already working at other jobs. The poor kids have to start someplace commensurate with their ability.
Gingrich asks Trump to create 'apprentice' program for poor schoolchildren

"Really poor children in really poor neighborhoods have no habits for working and have nobody around them who works. So they literally have no habit of showing up on Monday. They have no habit of staying all day. They have no habit of I do this and you give me cash unless it's illegal," he explained last week in Des Moines.

First Read - Gingrich asks Trump to create 'apprentice' program for poor schoolchildren

I'm guessing they will be given the opportunity to clean toilets in the Trump Tower.
Why is scrubbing piss off toilets only good for POOR children. I would think if it was such a valuable lesson then all the expensive exclusive schools would have all their spoiled little rich kids scrubbing the piss and shit off toilets! Did Trump's kids scrub shit off toilets at their grammar schools? What about Snooty Newtie's kids?

Those children are already working at other jobs. The poor kids have to start someplace commensurate with their ability.
And there you have your true elitist!!! Being born with a silver spoon automatically makes you more exceptional and able than someone born poor. If scrubbing the piss off a toilet is beneath a spoiled brat, then it is also beneath a poor child.
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Well this thread is going where the other five went.

totally out into left field. now they have the children scrubbing shit and piss of toilets.

Like doing JANITOR work is all that is..
When you want to take money from others by force, it's called robbery. If you don't like being called a robber, then stop advocating Robbery. Pretty simple.

But you are so arrogant, you'd never consider that you are the problem

To them, calling for and being OK with the Federal Government taxing the shit out of the Rich isn't robbery.

They can lie to themselves all they want. I'm not going to coddle them in their lies.

When the rich buy Republican politicians and laws are changed so a massive redistribution of wealth occurs legally to the top 1%, right wingers call that "justified". Because they are the "jobs creators" (play heavenly music here).
Why is scrubbing piss off toilets only good for POOR children. I would think if it was such a valuable lesson then all the expensive exclusive schools would have all their spoiled little rich kids scrubbing the piss and shit off toilets! Did Trump's kids scrub shit off toilets at their grammar schools? What about Snooty Newtie's kids?

Those children are already working at other jobs. The poor kids have to start someplace commensurate with their ability.
And there you have your true elitist!!! Being born with a silver spoon automatically makes you more exceptional and able than someone born poor. If scrubbing the piss off a toilet in beneath a spoiled brat, then it is also beneath a poor child.

I did it! I started out cleaning law offices, scrubbing toilets. I was poor, so I scrubbed toilets while I went to school and learned to type. If I were "rich" no doubt caring parents would have made sure I had a skill. If the poor had skills, they wouldn't be so poor now would they?

Liberals are SUCH idiots. Is this really the difference between the rich and poor? The rich make sure their kids can do something besides scrub toilets, the poor crack open a beer and change the channel on the tv.

I am glad I had that opportunity to scrub toilets in a law office, to learn on my own time and at my own expense. To advance and slug through law school to become one of the elites born with a silver spoon in my mouth - at least to liberals.

Liberals have got to be the most disgusting denizens of the deepest slime pits. Of COURSE they don't want the poor to work. They don't want poor children to learn ANYTHING not even how to scrub out a toilet. Just condemn them to welfare and life of sloth. Maybe they will grow up to shit in the streets like a good little protester since they obviously won't be good for anything else.
You know what? I'm sick and tired of hearing about YOUR interpretation of what our founding fathers meant... Just like I am sick and tired of YOUR interpretation of Christianity. You are wrong on both counts. They weren't against taxation.... they were against taxation without representation.... and life was a hell of a lot simpler back then. So... unless you want to let all the roads, the electrical grid(which only operates at 37% efficiency anyway) and all of the rest of the shit that YOU take for granted deteriorate and die...and go back to that "simpler time"... fuck off and pay up... just like the rest of us Patriots do.

How much is OK with you???? How much of YOUR money are you willing to give up to the overeating assholes in local and federal gov't entities?

We work hard for what we earn, and to see it wasted the way it is is sickening!

Those children are already working at other jobs. The poor kids have to start someplace commensurate with their ability.
And there you have your true elitist!!! Being born with a silver spoon automatically makes you more exceptional and able than someone born poor. If scrubbing the piss off a toilet in beneath a spoiled brat, then it is also beneath a poor child.

I did it! I started out cleaning law offices, scrubbing toilets. I was poor, so I scrubbed toilets while I went to school and learned to type. If I were "rich" no doubt caring parents would have made sure I had a skill. If the poor had skills, they wouldn't be so poor now would they?

Liberals are SUCH idiots. Is this really the difference between the rich and poor? The rich make sure their kids can do something besides scrub toilets, the poor crack open a beer and change the channel on the tv.

I am glad I had that opportunity to scrub toilets in a law office, to learn on my own time and at my own expense. To advance and slug through law school to become one of the elites born with a silver spoon in my mouth - at least to liberals.

Liberals have got to be the most disgusting denizens of the deepest slime pits. Of COURSE they don't want the poor to work. They don't want poor children to learn ANYTHING not even how to scrub out a toilet. Just condemn them to welfare and life of sloth. Maybe they will grow up to shit in the streets like a good little protester since they obviously won't be good for anything else.


Most of us schlubs had to start at the bottom.

Thats all Newt and Trump were trying to say.
You cant start at the top if you have no other skill sets but making crack or smuggling weed, and no Playstation and Wii does'nt count for computer experience :lol:
Historically the way the poor handled educating poor children was to apprentice them out. At quite young age, a child from a poor family went to work for a trademan or craftsman to work for room and board and learn something that would be their life's work.

It did very well. It's something we should bring back.
Historically the way the poor handled educating poor children was to apprentice them out. At quite young age, a child from a poor family went to work for a trademan or craftsman to work for room and board and learn something that would be their life's work.

It did very well. It's something we should bring back.

I was working with my dad in the garage from the time I was old enough to know the difference between a 9/16 & crescent wrench was.
Sure I didnt like it much, but damn it I learn a real work ethic.

I think the dumbass libs here want to make it look as though Trump and Newt want kids to go back tp work in the factories and shit... what a bunch of douches the libs on the left are :cuckoo:
how is learning how to work and learning humility going to prevent someone from getting an education?

In my experience, getting an education involves learning skills for dealing with the real world.

Maybe you live in a world where working hard and being humble aren't good things for us to learn. I don't know.

The classroom is supposed to be where you learn how to work hard and be humble. Of course that is constantly undermined by the ongoing conservative obsession of demonizing, degrading, and demeaning teachers.
Maybe Newt wants to put kids to work as janitors in school to teach them at an early

age that, yes,

the Government CAN create jobs!
how is learning how to work and learning humility going to prevent someone from getting an education?

In my experience, getting an education involves learning skills for dealing with the real world.

Maybe you live in a world where working hard and being humble aren't good things for us to learn. I don't know.

The classroom is supposed to be where you learn how to work hard and be humble.
I thought that was supposed to be the home... You know, where parents teach about hard work and humbleness...

Of course that is constantly undermined by the ongoing conservative obsession of demonizing, degrading, and demeaning teachers.
Bad teachers should not be rewarded for their shitty performance...

Good teachers should be rewarded for good performance...
Those children are already working at other jobs. The poor kids have to start someplace commensurate with their ability.
And there you have your true elitist!!! Being born with a silver spoon automatically makes you more exceptional and able than someone born poor. If scrubbing the piss off a toilet in beneath a spoiled brat, then it is also beneath a poor child.

I did it! I started out cleaning law offices, scrubbing toilets. I was poor, so I scrubbed toilets while I went to school and learned to type. If I were "rich" no doubt caring parents would have made sure I had a skill. If the poor had skills, they wouldn't be so poor now would they?

Liberals are SUCH idiots. Is this really the difference between the rich and poor? The rich make sure their kids can do something besides scrub toilets, the poor crack open a beer and change the channel on the tv.

I am glad I had that opportunity to scrub toilets in a law office, to learn on my own time and at my own expense. To advance and slug through law school to become one of the elites born with a silver spoon in my mouth - at least to liberals.

Liberals have got to be the most disgusting denizens of the deepest slime pits. Of COURSE they don't want the poor to work. They don't want poor children to learn ANYTHING not even how to scrub out a toilet. Just condemn them to welfare and life of sloth. Maybe they will grow up to shit in the streets like a good little protester since they obviously won't be good for anything else.
Next you'll try to tell me your children were scrubbing toilets in their daddy's law office while going to grammar school too. :eusa_liar:

Again, if scrubbing piss off toilets is such a great educational experience, then it should be a requirement for all schools just like reading or arithmetic.
Does the GOP think children cleaning toilets is better for the US than an education?

I don’t know about the GOP but Gingrich clearly wasn’t thinking when he made his ignorant and idiotic proposal.

It’s hard to believe someone so consistently wrong on so many substantive issues thinks he can become president.

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