Does the ignorance on the right ever ever end?

‘It’s Fake News!’: Congresswoman Who Said Most Mass Shooters Are Democrats Cuts Off Interview
“Bye. Done. It’s ridiculous.”

Until you are a victim of this madness, until you are huddled into a room and forced to lay on the ground while bullets fly and moans of death are heard....WHAT FUCKIN DIFFERENCE BITCH DOES IT MAKE THE PARTY AFFILIATION OF THE KILLER? DO NOTE HOWEVER, DUMB WHITE BITCH, ITS USUALLY WHITE MEN/BOYS..THAT IS CERTAIN!!

Name a mass shooter with no links to leftism or Islamism.

They're all right here idiot.

FACT CHECK: Is This List of Democrat Shooters Accurate?

You are a total moron.

Snopes "Fact Checks" Christian Satire Website Babylon Bee
‘It’s Fake News!’: Congresswoman Who Said Most Mass Shooters Are Democrats Cuts Off Interview
“Bye. Done. It’s ridiculous.”

Until you are a victim of this madness, until you are huddled into a room and forced to lay on the ground while bullets fly and moans of death are heard....WHAT FUCKIN DIFFERENCE BITCH DOES IT MAKE THE PARTY AFFILIATION OF THE KILLER? DO NOTE HOWEVER, DUMB WHITE BITCH, ITS USUALLY WHITE MEN/BOYS..THAT IS CERTAIN!!

Name a mass shooter with no links to leftism or Islamism.

They're all right here idiot.

FACT CHECK: Is This List of Democrat Shooters Accurate?

You are a total moron.

Snopes "Fact Checks" Christian Satire Website Babylon Bee

Seems this is a Snope ALTER--- ALT- BS-LIES-facts link. Why is that? Feet cold?
‘It’s Fake News!’: Congresswoman Who Said Most Mass Shooters Are Democrats Cuts Off Interview
“Bye. Done. It’s ridiculous.”

Until you are a victim of this madness, until you are huddled into a room and forced to lay on the ground while bullets fly and moans of death are heard....WHAT FUCKIN DIFFERENCE BITCH DOES IT MAKE THE PARTY AFFILIATION OF THE KILLER? DO NOTE HOWEVER, DUMB WHITE BITCH, ITS USUALLY WHITE MEN/BOYS..THAT IS CERTAIN!!

Name a mass shooter with no links to leftism or Islamism.

They're all right here idiot.

FACT CHECK: Is This List of Democrat Shooters Accurate?

If I was 17 years old, huddled on the floor while some crazy white boy is last thoughts will not be his party affiliation.....does the bs ever end with these people?
FACT: most if not all mass shooters in this country are white people, mainly males under the age of 50, who lack humanity and compassion....fact!!
1,077 killed
The people who were killed came from nearly every imaginable race, religion and socioeconomic background. Their ages range from the unborn to the elderly; 176 were children and teenagers. In addition, thousands of survivors were left with devastating injuries, shattered families and psychological scars.
99.99% all home grown, corn fed, Kansas City white boys and men!!!

If these was nigga's or Muslims......their party affiliation wouldn't even hit the radar screen....just another prime example of CONSERVATIVE REDNECKS NEEDING A LABEL FOR THE SINS THEIR ARYAN RACE DOES THIS COUNTRY!!
‘It’s Fake News!’: Congresswoman Who Said Most Mass Shooters Are Democrats Cuts Off Interview
“Bye. Done. It’s ridiculous.”

Until you are a victim of this madness, until you are huddled into a room and forced to lay on the ground while bullets fly and moans of death are heard....WHAT FUCKIN DIFFERENCE BITCH DOES IT MAKE THE PARTY AFFILIATION OF THE KILLER? DO NOTE HOWEVER, DUMB WHITE BITCH, ITS USUALLY WHITE MEN/BOYS..THAT IS CERTAIN!!

Most mass shooters are teens and young adults who have no political agenda, but are rather, mentally disturbed. A few others are motivated by the Koran (Orlando, San Bernardino, Chattanooga). One left-wing gunman would be the Las Vegas shooter. Now I must emphasize that this is my personal opinion based solely on a few factors. First we can lump him in with the earlier shooters mentioned...he was nuts. As for his political leaning, he was to me, a leftist. Why leftist? He was photographed attending a leftist gathering, wearing one of those pink hats, selected a country-western entertainment event which consisted of what could be considered a pro-right audience, due to the entertainment style and the guy absolutely didn't need to bring 23 weapons to do the job. At most, he just needed two of those he had. All the others in his room were there as, to him, were a clear statement. He wanted to kill right-wingers while making a case for disarming the general public. Again, this is my own opinion, but unless solid evidence to the contrary comes to light, I'll stick with it.

White mass shooters are mentally disturbed....blacks are animals, muslims are savages......this trying to always rationalize white men who do this is exhausting. Anybody that takes innocent lives, just for the fuck of it, is mental. However, white people seem the only race that gets that label, that gets that discussion, that debate and I think, its kinda fucked up. Like that cop shit in Fla. all cops are hero's, can't do any wrong, but the minute they show their true colors, suddenly its time to bring in the race card. Fla. cop that stayed outside was black....I mean you white people always want to label mf's the minute your pants are caught down and it shows just how fucked up and pathetic white people truly are....whites are a disgrace to mankind

‘It’s Fake News!’: Congresswoman Who Said Most Mass Shooters Are Democrats Cuts Off Interview
“Bye. Done. It’s ridiculous.”

Until you are a victim of this madness, until you are huddled into a room and forced to lay on the ground while bullets fly and moans of death are heard....WHAT FUCKIN DIFFERENCE BITCH DOES IT MAKE THE PARTY AFFILIATION OF THE KILLER? DO NOTE HOWEVER, DUMB WHITE BITCH, ITS USUALLY WHITE MEN/BOYS..THAT IS CERTAIN!!

you left out the white supremacist part.
‘It’s Fake News!’: Congresswoman Who Said Most Mass Shooters Are Democrats Cuts Off Interview
“Bye. Done. It’s ridiculous.”

Until you are a victim of this madness, until you are huddled into a room and forced to lay on the ground while bullets fly and moans of death are heard....WHAT FUCKIN DIFFERENCE BITCH DOES IT MAKE THE PARTY AFFILIATION OF THE KILLER? DO NOTE HOWEVER, DUMB WHITE BITCH, ITS USUALLY WHITE MEN/BOYS..THAT IS CERTAIN!!

Most mass shooters are teens and young adults who have no political agenda, but are rather, mentally disturbed. A few others are motivated by the Koran (Orlando, San Bernardino, Chattanooga). One left-wing gunman would be the Las Vegas shooter. Now I must emphasize that this is my personal opinion based solely on a few factors. First we can lump him in with the earlier shooters mentioned...he was nuts. As for his political leaning, he was to me, a leftist. Why leftist? He was photographed attending a leftist gathering, wearing one of those pink hats, selected a country-western entertainment event which consisted of what could be considered a pro-right audience, due to the entertainment style and the guy absolutely didn't need to bring 23 weapons to do the job. At most, he just needed two of those he had. All the others in his room were there as, to him, were a clear statement. He wanted to kill right-wingers while making a case for disarming the general public. Again, this is my own opinion, but unless solid evidence to the contrary comes to light, I'll stick with it.

White mass shooters are mentally disturbed....blacks are animals, muslims are savages......this trying to always rationalize white men who do this is exhausting. Anybody that takes innocent lives, just for the fuck of it, is mental. However, white people seem the only race that gets that label, that gets that discussion, that debate and I think, its kinda fucked up.

Being called mental is part of white privilege.
‘It’s Fake News!’: Congresswoman Who Said Most Mass Shooters Are Democrats Cuts Off Interview
“Bye. Done. It’s ridiculous.”

Until you are a victim of this madness, until you are huddled into a room and forced to lay on the ground while bullets fly and moans of death are heard....WHAT FUCKIN DIFFERENCE BITCH DOES IT MAKE THE PARTY AFFILIATION OF THE KILLER? DO NOTE HOWEVER, DUMB WHITE BITCH, ITS USUALLY WHITE MEN/BOYS..THAT IS CERTAIN!!

you left out the white supremacist part.

‘It’s Fake News!’: Congresswoman Who Said Most Mass Shooters Are Democrats Cuts Off Interview
“Bye. Done. It’s ridiculous.”

Until you are a victim of this madness, until you are huddled into a room and forced to lay on the ground while bullets fly and moans of death are heard....WHAT FUCKIN DIFFERENCE BITCH DOES IT MAKE THE PARTY AFFILIATION OF THE KILLER? DO NOTE HOWEVER, DUMB WHITE BITCH, ITS USUALLY WHITE MEN/BOYS..THAT IS CERTAIN!!

Most mass shooters are teens and young adults who have no political agenda, but are rather, mentally disturbed. A few others are motivated by the Koran (Orlando, San Bernardino, Chattanooga). One left-wing gunman would be the Las Vegas shooter. Now I must emphasize that this is my personal opinion based solely on a few factors. First we can lump him in with the earlier shooters mentioned...he was nuts. As for his political leaning, he was to me, a leftist. Why leftist? He was photographed attending a leftist gathering, wearing one of those pink hats, selected a country-western entertainment event which consisted of what could be considered a pro-right audience, due to the entertainment style and the guy absolutely didn't need to bring 23 weapons to do the job. At most, he just needed two of those he had. All the others in his room were there as, to him, were a clear statement. He wanted to kill right-wingers while making a case for disarming the general public. Again, this is my own opinion, but unless solid evidence to the contrary comes to light, I'll stick with it.

White mass shooters are mentally disturbed....blacks are animals, muslims are savages......this trying to always rationalize white men who do this is exhausting. Anybody that takes innocent lives, just for the fuck of it, is mental. However, white people seem the only race that gets that label, that gets that discussion, that debate and I think, its kinda fucked up.

Being called mental is part of white privilege.

So there's never any black mentals?

I could swear Mr. lightbulb talker was black. Mental illness knows no racial boundaries.
‘It’s Fake News!’: Congresswoman Who Said Most Mass Shooters Are Democrats Cuts Off Interview
“Bye. Done. It’s ridiculous.”

Until you are a victim of this madness, until you are huddled into a room and forced to lay on the ground while bullets fly and moans of death are heard....WHAT FUCKIN DIFFERENCE BITCH DOES IT MAKE THE PARTY AFFILIATION OF THE KILLER? DO NOTE HOWEVER, DUMB WHITE BITCH, ITS USUALLY WHITE MEN/BOYS..THAT IS CERTAIN!!

Name a mass shooter with no links to leftism or Islamism.

They're all right here idiot.

FACT CHECK: Is This List of Democrat Shooters Accurate?

If I was 17 years old, huddled on the floor while some crazy white boy is last thoughts will not be his party affiliation.....does the bs ever end with these people?

‘It’s Fake News!’: Congresswoman Who Said Most Mass Shooters Are Democrats Cuts Off Interview
“Bye. Done. It’s ridiculous.”

Until you are a victim of this madness, until you are huddled into a room and forced to lay on the ground while bullets fly and moans of death are heard....WHAT FUCKIN DIFFERENCE BITCH DOES IT MAKE THE PARTY AFFILIATION OF THE KILLER? DO NOTE HOWEVER, DUMB WHITE BITCH, ITS USUALLY WHITE MEN/BOYS..THAT IS CERTAIN!!

Blacks are responsible for close to half of the gun violence in America. So trying to live in a vacuum and only talk about a tiny percentage (less than 1%) of the shootings is pretty damned dishonest.
‘It’s Fake News!’: Congresswoman Who Said Most Mass Shooters Are Democrats Cuts Off Interview
“Bye. Done. It’s ridiculous.”

Until you are a victim of this madness, until you are huddled into a room and forced to lay on the ground while bullets fly and moans of death are heard....WHAT FUCKIN DIFFERENCE BITCH DOES IT MAKE THE PARTY AFFILIATION OF THE KILLER? DO NOTE HOWEVER, DUMB WHITE BITCH, ITS USUALLY WHITE MEN/BOYS..THAT IS CERTAIN!!

She appears to be sparring with Michelle Bachmann for craziest conservative ho.

Conservatives period are fuckin crazy, just like their base

You are a conservative, dipshit.

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