Does the Left have a solution for ISIS?


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
More specifically, does the Left have any kind of plan to combat radical Islamic terrorism?

I hear them continually bashing the Right as warmongers and morons who don't get it... but I have never seen or heard any sort of plan from the liberal Left to deal with this problem. Are we just supposed to resign ourselves to ongoing and increasing terrorists attacks? Should we empathize with the terrorists? Should we ignore them and pretend it doesn't bother us for them to kill innocent people? What exactly is the plan?

I mean... can ANY of you come up with SOMETHING? Maybe we should tax the rich and try to buy them off? Maybe we should give them nukes and let them blow things up until they satisfy their lust for death? Maybe if we let them exterminate the Jews and take over the Saudi oil supply? Perhaps we can bring their leader here and let him run for president?

It seems clear that the Left is not interested in confronting the terrorists with military force. All efforts to have diplomatic resolve have failed. Sticking our heads in the sand the past 7 years hasn't been effective. Sending John Kerry over there to talk hasn't resulted in anything. Even the "smartest woman in the world," Hillary Clinton hasn't been able to solve this.

So ask this in earnest, WHAT IS THE PLAN?
Yes. Hilary said she will defeat them with love and kindness. Seriously Google it. That dumb bitch actually said that.

They're gonna apply their inner city "Hug A Thug" crime fighting tactic (failed miserably) to fighting global terror. It's gonna be so awesome.
Yes. Hilary said she will defeat them with love and kindness. Seriously Google it. That dumb bitch actually said that.

They're gonna apply their inner city "Hug A Thug" crime fighting tactic (failed miserably) to fighting global terror. It's gonna be so awesome.
But first the Democrats have to get them here...

Oh, wait... Obozo's working on that already, isn't he????
Best middle east policy = stay out of that hellhole

Now that I agree with. Bring our troops home from Germany and Japan too.

Task the Army, Navy and Marines with securing our borders and ports. Let the Air Force do air protection. Supplement it all with Coast Guard and law enforcement. Become the strictest nation on Earth with who we let in....and....severe deportation consequences for any non citizen who commits crime or threatens the homeland.

Sound good?
Best middle east policy = stay out of that hellhole

But it should be obvious that isn't going to stop radical Islamic terrorism around the world.

And, how do we function without the oil from the middle east?
We are the top oil producing nation on the planet. We are also pursuing alternative energy.

Stopping radical Islamic terrorism is not our job. In case you haven't noticed they are killing each other over there, and we are on the complete opposite side of the planet. There is nothing for us over there.
Best middle east policy = stay out of that hellhole

But it should be obvious that isn't going to stop radical Islamic terrorism around the world.

And, how do we function without the oil from the middle east?
We are the top oil producing nation on the planet. We are also pursuing alternative energy.

Stopping radical Islamic terrorism is not our job. In case you haven't noticed they are killing each other over there, and we are on the complete opposite side of the planet. There is nothing for us over there.

You must have slept through Ft Hood, San Berdardino and Boston
I think the current plan is giving them Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Harlem.

Other options are the south side of Chicago, and the Haight-Asbury section of San Francisco.
Best middle east policy = stay out of that hellhole

But it should be obvious that isn't going to stop radical Islamic terrorism around the world.

And, how do we function without the oil from the middle east?
We are the top oil producing nation on the planet. We are also pursuing alternative energy.

Stopping radical Islamic terrorism is not our job. In case you haven't noticed they are killing each other over there, and we are on the complete opposite side of the planet. There is nothing for us over there.
Maybe you should send the Idiot-in-Chief another memo....

He apparently didn't get the one you sent before his fuck-ups in Lybia and Syria...
Best middle east policy = stay out of that hellhole

But it should be obvious that isn't going to stop radical Islamic terrorism around the world.

And, how do we function without the oil from the middle east?
We are the top oil producing nation on the planet. We are also pursuing alternative energy.

Stopping radical Islamic terrorism is not our job. In case you haven't noticed they are killing each other over there, and we are on the complete opposite side of the planet. There is nothing for us over there.

You must have slept through Ft Hood, San Berdardino and Boston
You claim every day that the US created ISIS. You want to know what would have prevented that? If we had stayed the fuck out of the middle east shithole. But we have idiots like you who say the middle east is our responsibility.
The Left's attitude towards ISIS: if you can't beat 'em, enable 'em.

After all, they have a common enemy: Freedom.
Best middle east policy = stay out of that hellhole

But it should be obvious that isn't going to stop radical Islamic terrorism around the world.

And, how do we function without the oil from the middle east?
We are the top oil producing nation on the planet. We are also pursuing alternative energy.

Stopping radical Islamic terrorism is not our job. In case you haven't noticed they are killing each other over there, and we are on the complete opposite side of the planet. There is nothing for us over there.
Maybe you should send the Idiot-in-Chief another memo....

He apparently didn't get the one you sent before his fuck-ups in Lybia and Syria...
Me and many others were saying it. He fucked it up anyways.
Stopping radical Islamic terrorism is not our job. In case you haven't noticed they are killing each other over there, and we are on the complete opposite side of the planet. There is nothing for us over there.

Well San Bernardino and Ft. Hood aren't over there. NYC's World Trade Centers and the Pentagon weren't over there. I don't have a problem with them killing each other over there. If that's all that were happening, I would agree with you. Although, I still don't understand how we manage without middle east oil reserves... they simply cut production and our price of gas goes over $4 a gallon as a result. We don't have an alternative fuel source built into our infrastructure.
Best middle east policy = stay out of that hellhole

But it should be obvious that isn't going to stop radical Islamic terrorism around the world.

And, how do we function without the oil from the middle east?
We are the top oil producing nation on the planet. We are also pursuing alternative energy.

Stopping radical Islamic terrorism is not our job. In case you haven't noticed they are killing each other over there, and we are on the complete opposite side of the planet. There is nothing for us over there.

You must have slept through Ft Hood, San Berdardino and Boston
You claim every day that the US created ISIS. You want to know what would have prevented that? If we had stayed the fuck out of the middle east shithole. But we have idiots like you who say the middle east is our responsibility.

Please show where I have ever said the US created ISIS, ISIS is just another wing of radical Islam. Then show me where I have ever said the ME is the US's responsibility. If it were it to me I'd let them war like they have for centuries...and will for the next century. The problem is they want to bring it here, do we sit and say bring it or do we take it to them?
Stopping radical Islamic terrorism is not our job. In case you haven't noticed they are killing each other over there, and we are on the complete opposite side of the planet. There is nothing for us over there.

Well San Bernardino and Ft. Hood aren't over there. NYC's World Trade Centers and the Pentagon weren't over there. I don't have a problem with them killing each other over there. If that's all that were happening, I would agree with you. Although, I still don't understand how we manage without middle east oil reserves... they simply cur production and our price of gas goes over $4 a gallon as a result. We don't have an alternative fuel source built into our infrastructure.

We armed Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS. Want to know how that could have been prevented? If we'd stayed the fuck out.

Again, we are the number one oil producer on the planet. You want to make OPEC obsolete? Elect someone who will let us export oil. Actually, OPEC is already pretty obsolete because Saudi Arabia is doing whatever the hell it wants anyways.

Oh, or you could support alternative energies instead of succumbing to oil company propoganda. They're the richest companies on the planet in case you didn't know.
Best middle east policy = stay out of that hellhole

But it should be obvious that isn't going to stop radical Islamic terrorism around the world.

And, how do we function without the oil from the middle east?
We are the top oil producing nation on the planet. We are also pursuing alternative energy.

Stopping radical Islamic terrorism is not our job. In case you haven't noticed they are killing each other over there, and we are on the complete opposite side of the planet. There is nothing for us over there.

You must have slept through Ft Hood, San Berdardino and Boston
You claim every day that the US created ISIS. You want to know what would have prevented that? If we had stayed the fuck out of the middle east shithole. But we have idiots like you who say the middle east is our responsibility.

So when they do shit like 9/11 we just turn the other cheek? I agree stay out....but ONLY if we use our forces to establish the strictest borders and immigration checks in the world and severe deportation consequences for even small crimes.

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