Does the left realize it'd never lose another election if it'd just fuck off when it comes to guns?


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Outlawing guns would be stupid and ineffective for the same reasons outlawing drugs is stupid and ineffective. Supply and demand is a thing no matter what the law says. All the law will determine is who makes money off that demand. Do we want to see black market arms dealers get paid, or legitimate businesses that employ people and pay taxes? If you people could just wake up I truly believe the left would outright win.
You're kidding ... the left has way bigger problems than their stance on gun control. Or gun safety, or 2nd amendment rights, or however you want to label it.
You're kidding ... the left has way bigger problems than their stance on gun control. Or gun safety, or 2nd amendment rights, or however you want to label it.

It's one of the big ones, and they've got their heads so far up their asses on the issue it's inconceivable. I know so many people that vote for the gun issue alone. I think the scale would tip.
Outlawing guns would be stupid and ineffective for the same reasons outlawing drugs is stupid and ineffective. Supply and demand is a thing no matter what the law says. All the law will determine is who makes money off that demand. Do we want to see black market arms dealers get paid, or legitimate businesses that employ people and pay taxes? If you people could just wake up I truly believe the left would outright win.

Outlawing guns?
Man, are you out of touch.
Drama queen.
The liberals and a LOT of Republicans want the same thing.
Wake the fuck up, idiot.
90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn’t this a political slam dunk?
Outlawing guns would be stupid and ineffective for the same reasons outlawing drugs is stupid and ineffective. Supply and demand is a thing no matter what the law says. All the law will determine is who makes money off that demand. Do we want to see black market arms dealers get paid, or legitimate businesses that employ people and pay taxes? If you people could just wake up I truly believe the left would outright win.

Outlawing guns?
Man, are you out of touch.
Drama queen.
The liberals and a LOT of Republicans want the same thing.
Wake the fuck up, idiot.
90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn’t this a political slam dunk?

I guess I'm the only one that hears left voters and politicians attack the idea of owning guns every time there's a shooting? Most of the left wants to take it much further, and I think honest people would admit that. Just because 90% agree on background checks doesn't mean the left calls it a win and stops there. Come on dude...
Bullshit. The left has completely jumped the shark and it's not only the gun control issue that will prevent them from winning an election. That's why they're so hellbent on replacing white people with 3rd world dirtbags.
Outlawing guns would be stupid and ineffective for the same reasons outlawing drugs is stupid and ineffective. Supply and demand is a thing no matter what the law says. All the law will determine is who makes money off that demand. Do we want to see black market arms dealers get paid, or legitimate businesses that employ people and pay taxes? If you people could just wake up I truly believe the left would outright win.
A huge 3rd party would be created that would torpedo every Democrat out of office.
Those on the left have far worse problems than gun matters to overcome these days. Those crazy shits in antifa have seen to that.
Those on the left have far worse problems than gun matters to overcome these days. Those crazy shits in antifa have seen to that.

Blaming antifa for everything is also an oversimplification of the left's problems. They declared Obama the messiah and hillary was one of his disciples. When she lost the election, they lost their minds. What's their winning strategy? What's their message? Fuck if I know, all you hear from them nowadays is hate.
Those on the left have far worse problems than gun matters to overcome these days. Those crazy shits in antifa have seen to that.

Blaming antifa for everything is also an oversimplification of the left's problems. They declared Obama the messiah and hillary was one of his disciples. When she lost the election, they lost their minds. What's their winning strategy? What's their message? Fuck if I know, all you hear from them nowadays is hate.

I wasn't oversimplifying, I was lazy.

If that's true, then why has the Constitution not been amended to allow it? As long as the Second Amendment stands, it is flat-out illegal for government to interfere in any way with the people's right to keep and bear arms, including “background checks”. By wise design, amending the Constitution is not easy nor trivial, but it's the only legitimate way to impose any “gun control”, and 90% support would be enough to guarantee a successful ratification of a Constitutional amendment.

I say that the fact that no such amendment has been ratified, and that there is, in fact, no credible attempt underway to even put forth such an amendment, proves that the 90% claim is a lie.
Outlawing guns would be stupid and ineffective for the same reasons outlawing drugs is stupid and ineffective. Supply and demand is a thing no matter what the law says. All the law will determine is who makes money off that demand. Do we want to see black market arms dealers get paid, or legitimate businesses that employ people and pay taxes? If you people could just wake up I truly believe the left would outright win.

Outlawing guns?
Man, are you out of touch.
Drama queen.
The liberals and a LOT of Republicans want the same thing.
Wake the fuck up, idiot.
90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn’t this a political slam dunk?

Read this board and realize the endgame is to outlaw all firearms!
I say that the fact that no such amendment has been ratified, and that there is, in fact, no credible attempt underway to even put forth such an amendment, proves that the 90% claim is a lie.
No, it indicates that 90% of Americans don't pay for politicians' election campaigns.
Read this board and realize the endgame is to outlaw all firearms!

It's ridiculous when the left plays games that imply their end goal isn't to seriously hinder our ability to own firearms. They'll take whatever they can get. It just so happens a lot of people are cool with background checks. That seems reasonable to me too.

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