Does the New World Order exist ? Or did the Jews make it up ?

I don't see how you get Jew out of globalist? A "Jew" is merely someone who practices Judaism. That is a religion, not economics! And there are many multi-national corporations run by people who have nothing to do with religion.
The right uses globalist as shorthand for jewish. Soros,Rothschilds are all globalists and of course jewish.
It is likely to get worse now that trump is embracing holocaust deniers.
The right uses globalist as shorthand for jewish. Soros,Rothschilds are all globalists and of course jewish.
It is likely to get worse now that trump is embracing holocaust deniers.
You wonder how worse can it get, then, as always with Trump, you find another rock layer! Let's dig a little deeper!

I know this is mainstream in the US where "globalists" is shorthand fpr Jew. Is there any evidence for this ?

It really does sound like nazis using code to express their hatred of Jews.

Where is the proof ? Behind the chem trails in my opinion.

There have been many, many New World Orders.. for instance, Napoleon, Alexander, Hitler etc.
I've never made a connection between Jews and the New World Order. Take a look at who attended the World Economic Forum. There is a good percentage of the New World Order that I suppose includes some Jewish people. I don't know and don't care.

There have been many New World Orders.
When I first got into conspiracy theories I thought the New World Order meant a one world government with the United Nations in control. Eventually I figured out that the United Nations is just a clown show meant to convince every nation that they have an equal say in global affairs. The real New World Order is global US hegemony.

The New World Order is crumbling before our eyes and has been for several years now. The Great Reset is the replacement which is a bipolar world order. The two poles are Anglo-America and Sino-Russia. If Europe can ever get its act together it will emerge as a third pole, but Europeans appear to be satisfied with being under the thumb of the US.
On that basis trump is a globalist. He trades in many nations and exports jobs to China for personal profit.
As always pinochio your nose keeps growing sense thst is biden you just spoke of not trump liar.the dnc sure pays you big bucks to lie.

I know this is mainstream in the US where "globalists" is shorthand fpr Jew. Is there any evidence for this ?

It really does sound like nazis using code to express their hatred of Jews.

Where is the proof ? Behind the chem trails in my opinion.

Why is the Jewish population in Wales just 0.0006%?

So you dont have an answer.
I answered your stupid question moron. You asked in your post #30, "Why isnt trump a globalist ?" To which I answered in my post #31, "Because he's an American." You're not real sharp are you? There seem to be a few of your ilk on this board that ask a question and then claim they weren't answered when the response doesn't fit with what you want to hear. Run along, I have no patience with stupidity.
I answered your stupid question moron. You asked in your post #30, "Why isnt trump a globalist ?" To which I answered in my post #31, "Because he's an American." You're not real sharp are you? There seem to be a few of your ilk on this board that ask a question and then claim they weren't answered when the response doesn't fit with what you want to hear. Run along, I have no patience with stupidity.
What has his nationality got to do with it ? Bezos is a globalist.
So you dont have an answer.
The motives of individuals pushing world government are what is questionable. Are they benevolent? Are they malevolent? It seems many agendas they push see people suffering. We do not have access to 2nd and3rd world nations and the way they really live as this happens in recent years. As for the United States, for world government we need to get poorer. If the dollar collapses for any reason, our citizens will know it. And all of the foolish protests that are shallow and have cost a lot of resources will be part of the reason we shall reap the whirlwind storm of a lot more poverty.

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