Zone1 Does this makes sense? Dahmer is (allegedly) in Heaven but Catholics are going to Hell?!


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
Yeh, at another thread here, a poster claims Dahmer went straight to Heaven.. didn't pass Go, didn't collect any purification whatsoever in .. I dunno.. Purgatory.. but Catholics who center their lives on Christ, hear His Word every day (some Catholics go to daily Mass), don't fornicate, and don't murder anyone-- even when it is legal to do so (abortion)...

yep... hell-bound fools! :eek::dev3:

Does that make sense to anyone here?

:eusa_doh:There you go again, sending people to hell. God's grace is greater than our sin. If Dalmer was repentant of what he had done and accepted Christ as his savior, then this applies:

Romans 5:20-21 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

You limit God's grace, and inject your own. Thankfully, God does not.
Ask King David< murderer and fornicator, forgiven by God...
Yeh, at another thread here, a poster claims Dahmer went straight to Heaven.. didn't pass Go, didn't collect any purification whatsoever in .. I dunno.. Purgatory.. but Catholics who center their lives on Christ, hear His Word every day (some Catholics go to daily Mass), don't fornicate, and don't murder anyone-- even when it is legal to do so (abortion)...

yep... hell-bound fools! :eek::dev3:

Does that make sense to anyone here?

For US Christians this makes perfect sense …….
Yeh, at another thread here, a poster claims Dahmer went straight to Heaven.. didn't pass Go, didn't collect any purification whatsoever in .. I dunno.. Purgatory.. but Catholics who center their lives on Christ, hear His Word every day (some Catholics go to daily Mass), don't fornicate, and don't murder anyone-- even when it is legal to do so (abortion)...

yep... hell-bound fools! :eek::dev3:

Does that make sense to anyone here?

N is all manmade lies. Don't get bent out of shape. Go left, go right, makes no difference.

moths 331.jpg
Why on earth would I do that, when I can go right to what the Lord Himself said?
You rely on Pope Francis, and I'll rely on Christ for salvation.
You are so dishonest (and/or haven't read many of my posts, but nevertheless, you think you know enough about me to condemn me... wonder how that will work out on Judgment Day? Hope Jesus doesn't say to you Depart from Me, you evildoer)

What about this other person who "went straight to God"?

She said God told her to throw her child down the stairs, which she did. The child survived but was really harmed..

So much for going straight to God (with your human weaknesses and accompanying proneness to delusion)
Yeh, at another thread here, a poster claims Dahmer went straight to Heaven.. didn't pass Go, didn't collect any purification whatsoever in .. I dunno.. Purgatory.. but Catholics who center their lives on Christ, hear His Word every day (some Catholics go to daily Mass), don't fornicate, and don't murder anyone-- even when it is legal to do so (abortion)...

yep... hell-bound fools! :eek::dev3:

Does that make sense to anyone here?
Some believe that upon death, we are asleep until end times.
Some believe people are immediately in heaven or hell.
Some believe that those who cannot yet endure being in the full presence of God due to sins they have not been able to overcome, will be purified (purgatory).

Scripture tells us that God does not wish anyone to perish, and love flows between him and us. None of us know whether Dahmer entered into this love or just uttered the words people wanted to hear. This judgment call is in God's hands. All I know is that if anyone can love Dahmer, that being is God, and God is known for miracles.
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Dahmer's last words before being beaten to death in prison were "I used to eat guys like you for breakfast."
God looks for opportunities to SAVE souls, not to condemn.
Comparing yourself with others is futile. He will judges us all as INDIVIDUALS. We will all give an accounting of our own lives. Best to worry about yourself and not compare yourself with anyone else
You are so dishonest (and/or haven't read many of my posts, but nevertheless, you think you know enough about me to condemn me... wonder how that will work out on Judgment Day? Hope Jesus doesn't say to you Depart from Me, you evildoer)

What about this other person who "went straight to God"?

She said God told her to throw her child down the stairs, which she did. The child survived but was really harmed..

So much for going straight to God (with your human weaknesses and accompanying proneness to delusion)
Not only do I not condemn you, I try to get you to stop judging and condemning others to hell. Your lack of percipience is going to come back and bite you in the ass if you don't stop.
And, it isn't on behalf of the people you condemn, because you have no eternal jurisdiction over them at all.
It is because of the damage you are inflicting on yourself:

Matthew 7:1-3 Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Your measure is to condemn people whose sins offend you to hell.
Yeh, at another thread here, a poster claims Dahmer went straight to Heaven.. didn't pass Go, didn't collect any purification whatsoever in .. I dunno.. Purgatory.. but Catholics who center their lives on Christ, hear His Word every day (some Catholics go to daily Mass), don't fornicate, and don't murder anyone-- even when it is legal to do so (abortion)...

yep... hell-bound fools! :eek::dev3:

Does that make sense to anyone here?

I don't think it is given to us, the created, to say who is or who isn't going to hell. Not one of us knows what was in Dahmer's heart when he left his earthly body, but God knows and it is God's call who will be with Him in Heaven. I don't worry about those who say this or that person will be in hell. I don't worry about those who say I will be in hell. They don't know and have absolutely no authority to make that pronouncement.

I know God loves us and accepts all who accept His salvation. I don't think He cares all that much about our church affiliation or theology. I hope to find out more of what He thinks when I get to Heaven. :)
I don't worry about those who say I will be in hell. They don't know and have absolutely no authority to make that pronouncement
This is EXACTLY what Jesus was talking about when He uttered those words so many liberals like to parrot:

Judge not lest you be judged

More than anything else He was saying Do not CONDEMN someone to hell
Some believe that upon death, we are asleep until end times.
Some believe people are immediately in heaven or hell.
Some believe that those who cannot yet endure being in the full presence of God due to sins they have not been able to overcome, will be purified (purgatory).

Scripture tells us that God does not wish anyone to perish, and love flows between him and us. None of us know whether Dahmer entered into this love or just uttered the words people wanted to hear. This judgment call is in God's hands. All I know is that if anyone can love Dahmer, that being is God, and God is known for miracles.
so tell me something I don't know

and by the way, I couldn't care less what "some say"

only what Jesus Christ and His Church says
Not only do I not condemn you, I try to get you to stop judging and condemning others to hell

You are either flat out LYING or did NOT comprehend what I was saying.

Maybe you should go back and re-read it. Show me where I condemned anyone to Hell?

And BTW my own opinion about who is in Hell doesn't amount to a hill of beans to God,

so why does it matter to YOU?

Now go and show me where I condemned anyone to Hell anyway...

and another thing: You may want to look up the word Sarcasm
yep... hell-bound fools! :eek::dev3:
There ya go. :up:

And by the way, as I said before, the damage you are causing is to yourself:

Matthew 5:22 ...but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

You may want to give Christ His judgment robe back and look up the words mercy and grace...
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