Does This Mean That The Jews Are The Antichrists?

Mr. Ofo Oao

Sep 19, 2014

I wanted to ask, does this scripture from the New Testament mean that the Jews are the antichrists (1 John 2:22-23, NIV:)

"(22)Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.(23)No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also."

Since the Jews as a tenet of their faith deny that Jesus is the Christ/Messiah, does this scripture mean that the Jews are the antichrists?

I have nothing against the Jews...I'm not a member of any religion and if there is a God, He/She/It will handle "the antichrists," I believe.

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We Jews don't believe Jesus was the Jewish Messiah because of Jewish messianic prophecies detailing what the messiah will be and do. Not out of any personal grudge or 'we don't like this Jesus guy.'

Can read all the scriptural evidence proving Jesus was NOT the prophecized Jewish messiah here (fair warning, if Christian, probably shouldn't read it, will only only make ya hate yourself for being stupid:)

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus
We Jews don't believe Jesus was the Jewish Messiah because of Jewish messianic prophecies detailing what the messiah will be and do. Not out of any personal grudge or 'we don't like this Jesus guy.'

Can read all the scriptural evidence proving Jesus was NOT the prophecized Jewish messiah here (fair warning, if Christian, probably shouldn't read it, will only only make ya hate yourself for being stupid:)

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus

Well, I'm not a member of any religion but the New Testament says that the kingdom of God is within. Could the prophecies that you are referring to be spiritual prophecies?

I wanted to ask, does this scripture from the New Testament mean that the Jews are the antichrists (1 John 2:22-23, NIV:)

"(22)Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.(23)No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also."

Since the Jews as a tenet of their faith deny that Jesus is the Christ/Messiah, does this scripture mean that the Jews are the antichrists?

I have nothing against the Jews...I'm not a member of any religion and if there is a God, He/She/It will handle "the antichrists," I believe.


Well, your title to your OP is a little confusing. You use the word "Antichrists" plural, but capitalize the "A" as if you are hinting towards The Antichrist.

Anyone who denies Christ is anti-Christ. Plain and simple. And there is one way to fix that status which is to accept Christ. :biggrin:

On the other hand, there is a specific individual who is called "The Antichrist" and who is also referred to as The Assyrian. He will deceive all those who are anti-christ into believing that he is God and should be worshiped instead of God.
We Jews don't believe Jesus was the Jewish Messiah because of Jewish messianic prophecies detailing what the messiah will be and do. Not out of any personal grudge or 'we don't like this Jesus guy.'

Can read all the scriptural evidence proving Jesus was NOT the prophecized Jewish messiah here (fair warning, if Christian, probably shouldn't read it, will only only make ya hate yourself for being stupid:)

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus
If indeed you are Jewish, you evidently do not speak for all Jews. You should change that to "Some Jews..." or "Most Jews..." or "A large number of Jews..."
Statement of Faith - Who We Are - About Jews for Jesus - Jews for Jesus

They're all over the place.
Branches - Jews for Jesus
We Jews don't believe Jesus was the Jewish Messiah because of Jewish messianic prophecies detailing what the messiah will be and do. Not out of any personal grudge or 'we don't like this Jesus guy.'

Can read all the scriptural evidence proving Jesus was NOT the prophecized Jewish messiah here (fair warning, if Christian, probably shouldn't read it, will only only make ya hate yourself for being stupid:)

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus

I think every Christian should indeed read them and ponder deeply. I have the deepest respect for the Jewish faith though I stick with my own tribe. I believe the Jews to be God's chosen people and, whatever happens in the "end times" will be up to God and no way can anyone say with authority what that will be it is with all of us critters of limited understanding and imagination. I think too many don't "get" that whatever our creed we are all in a heck of a lot of need of Divine Mercy. In fact without it, we're stuffed; especially I.PBrain!!

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We Jews don't believe Jesus was the Jewish Messiah because of Jewish messianic prophecies detailing what the messiah will be and do. Not out of any personal grudge or 'we don't like this Jesus guy.'

Can read all the scriptural evidence proving Jesus was NOT the prophecized Jewish messiah here (fair warning, if Christian, probably shouldn't read it, will only only make ya hate yourself for being stupid:)

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus
If indeed you are Jewish, you evidently do not speak for all Jews. You should change that to "Some Jews..." or "Most Jews..." or "A large number of Jews..."
Statement of Faith - Who We Are - About Jews for Jesus - Jews for Jesus

They're all over the place.
Branches - Jews for Jesus
I figured that most Jews consider J to be a Teacher of some sort who got a bum deal from the Romans and Roman appointed "King". I would suggest that most would be ambivalent to Jesus in the message of Peace and such but let's face it; a lot of His followers have left a lot to be desired. But hey; the world turns and why bother with what is in the past except to learn: NEVER AGAIN. And that is not only wrt the Jews, though the connection is obvious, but with all humanity.

We Jews don't believe Jesus was the Jewish Messiah because of Jewish messianic prophecies detailing what the messiah will be and do. Not out of any personal grudge or 'we don't like this Jesus guy.'

Can read all the scriptural evidence proving Jesus was NOT the prophecized Jewish messiah here (fair warning, if Christian, probably shouldn't read it, will only only make ya hate yourself for being stupid:)

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus

Well, I'm not a member of any religion but the New Testament says that the kingdom of God is within. Could the prophecies that you are referring to be spiritual prophecies?

The New Testament was written during a time of political turmoil between 30 and 70 years after the events it describes and, in my opinion, must be taken with a BIG grain of salt.
We Jews don't believe Jesus was the Jewish Messiah because of Jewish messianic prophecies detailing what the messiah will be and do. Not out of any personal grudge or 'we don't like this Jesus guy.'

Can read all the scriptural evidence proving Jesus was NOT the prophecized Jewish messiah here (fair warning, if Christian, probably shouldn't read it, will only only make ya hate yourself for being stupid:)

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus

Well, I'm not a member of any religion but the New Testament says that the kingdom of God is within. Could the prophecies that you are referring to be spiritual prophecies?

The New Testament was written during a time of political turmoil between 30 and 70 years after the events it describes and, in my opinion, must be taken with a BIG grain of salt.

There is a lot of crap about what the New testament says . Fundis, with whom I respectfully disagree, can believe what they like and that's their business. In the final analysis it comes down to faith. If there is "proof" then where is faith? Let's face it; God reaches each in his own way. It is up to us to accept or reject.....and be aware that others may differ in their journey. And yes: it's the same Gog of Abraham as there is no other. Such is life. I often think that God will have more mercy on an honest atheist that on an observant but hypocritical "any other faith" type.

But all will be revealed in good time....usually when we snuff it.

Besides... don't you think that if God is, She's way bigger than ALL of the ancient stories, let alone any one of them? :dunno:
We Jews don't believe Jesus was the Jewish Messiah because of Jewish messianic prophecies detailing what the messiah will be and do. Not out of any personal grudge or 'we don't like this Jesus guy.'

Can read all the scriptural evidence proving Jesus was NOT the prophecized Jewish messiah here (fair warning, if Christian, probably shouldn't read it, will only only make ya hate yourself for being stupid:)

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus

Well, I'm not a member of any religion but the New Testament says that the kingdom of God is within. Could the prophecies that you are referring to be spiritual prophecies?

The New Testament was written during a time of political turmoil between 30 and 70 years after the events it describes and, in my opinion, must be taken with a BIG grain of salt.

The Bible is basically the in house papers of the early church. They were selected as being true to the spirit of Christ's teachings at the time. Sounds reasonable to me.(Council of Cathage about AD400)

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Besides... don't you think that if God is, She's way bigger than ALL of the ancient stories, let alone any one of them? :dunno:
Of course: we are limited; God is not...nor as far as I can tell gender specific.

We Jews don't believe Jesus was the Jewish Messiah because of Jewish messianic prophecies detailing what the messiah will be and do. Not out of any personal grudge or 'we don't like this Jesus guy.'

Can read all the scriptural evidence proving Jesus was NOT the prophecized Jewish messiah here (fair warning, if Christian, probably shouldn't read it, will only only make ya hate yourself for being stupid:)

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus

Well, I'm not a member of any religion but the New Testament says that the kingdom of God is within. Could the prophecies that you are referring to be spiritual prophecies?

The New Testament was written during a time of political turmoil between 30 and 70 years after the events it describes and, in my opinion, must be taken with a BIG grain of salt.

The Bible is basically the in house papers of the early church. They were selected as being true to the spirit of Christ's teachings at the time. Sounds reasonable to me.(Council of Cathage about AD400)


Documents written, selected and edited by the rulers of the day, with all of the typical political, personal and/or power agendas, prejudices and fears that humans can bring to the table, some 400 years after the events they claim to document eh?

:eusa_hand: Pass.​
We Jews don't believe Jesus was the Jewish Messiah because of Jewish messianic prophecies detailing what the messiah will be and do. Not out of any personal grudge or 'we don't like this Jesus guy.'

Can read all the scriptural evidence proving Jesus was NOT the prophecized Jewish messiah here (fair warning, if Christian, probably shouldn't read it, will only only make ya hate yourself for being stupid:)

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus

Well, I'm not a member of any religion but the New Testament says that the kingdom of God is within. Could the prophecies that you are referring to be spiritual prophecies?

The New Testament was written during a time of political turmoil between 30 and 70 years after the events it describes and, in my opinion, must be taken with a BIG grain of salt.

The Bible is basically the in house papers of the early church. They were selected as being true to the spirit of Christ's teachings at the time. Sounds reasonable to me.(Council of Cathage about AD400)


Documents written, selected and edited by the rulers of the day, with all of the typical political, personal and/or power agendas, prejudices and fears that humans can bring to the table, some 400 years after the events they claim to document eh?

:eusa_hand: Pass.​

Yep. Mind you; there were a lot that were deemed not central but by and large most of them are there. I love it when some Fundi preachers I've heard rail against the Catholics using texts from the New if the Catholics had never heard them before. lol.

The Development of the Canon of the New Testament - The Canon approved by the third Synod of Carthage

Bloody amusing!!

Jesus and god - in the bible - are either 2 separate entities or Jesus is a schizophrenic. Father, why hast thou forsaken me?

Well, why ask?

Just more reasons that religions are derp shit.
Jesus and god - in the bible - are either 2 separate entities or Jesus is a schizophrenic. Father, why hast thou forsaken me?

Well, why ask?

Just more reasons that religions are derp shit.

Nope. Some things are just mysteries.

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