Does Trump prepare us for reality..."...shutdown Muslims Entering U.S."


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
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So what is the difference between Trump's barring Muslims from entering the country and FDR's rounding up Japanese and regulating German/Italian movements?

In December 1941 and January 1942 three Presidential Proclamations were signed, "to regulate the conduct and movement of enemy aliens":
In February of 1942, the mentioned Executive Order 9066 was signed. Month later certain groups of enemy aliens were excluded from that order. The list of them contained such conditions as e.g. old age, poor health or close family members of US Army soldiers. It was clearly stated that all those exclusions could apply only to aliens of German or Italian origins, not to Japanese, except for the poor health condition (deaf, blind or hospital residents).
Why were there no Internment camps for German-American Citizens in USA during WW2?

Are we at war with Muslims? NO.
Is the Islamic caliphate at war with Western Civilization? YES.
ISIS could take over world: US intel
I'm beginning to think it's all too late already. the citizens just aren't paying enough attention on their Government (that is now OUT OF CONTROL and doing just what they want over us) and with all the illegal immigrations we have had over the years and nothing done by our so called, LEADERS but wanting " to make them legal" terrorist and all.

I think we are doomed from within. and they didn't even have to fire a shot

and you can thank those fearless leaders up like Obama, Hillary, Bernie, etc who can't even say, radical Islam
Ten Facts You Probably Should Know about the New Caliphate
Meet the very dangerous man who claims to be caliph of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims.

The legality of all emirates, groups, states and organisations becomes null by the expansion of the caliph’s authority and the arrival of its troops to their areas,’ said the group’s spokesman Abu Mohamed al-Adnani. ‘Listen to your caliph and obey him. Support your state, which grows every day.’

Ten Facts You Probably Should Know about the New Caliphate

See the above Map!
Ten Facts You Probably Should Know about the New Caliphate
Meet the very dangerous man who claims to be caliph of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims.

The legality of all emirates, groups, states and organisations becomes null by the expansion of the caliph’s authority and the arrival of its troops to their areas,’ said the group’s spokesman Abu Mohamed al-Adnani. ‘Listen to your caliph and obey him. Support your state, which grows every day.’
Ten Facts You Probably Should Know about the New Caliphate
Smells like war propaganda.

If it is it is because Islamic Caliphate declared it!
Just because YOU don't think Western civilized people, i.e. Non-muslims are not at war doesn't mean these extremists Islamic caliphate followers aren't at war with us!
WAKE UP Non-Muslims and peace-loving Muslims and recognize reality!

While Obama has killed more terrorists than anyone else, the right is refusing to attack terrorists and are actually siding with terrorists. Instead of fighting terrorists, the right attacks the very same people as the terrorists do.

While more than 65 countries are following Obama's lead and are also attacking terrorists, the right has armed known and suspected terrorists, illegals, criminals and crazies.

Obama kills terrorists. The right attacks the US.

Repubs and RWNJs are traitors.
healthmyths does not understand the Constitution.

We can block anyone because they may be a threat.

We cannot block religionist per se.,
healthmyths does not understand the Constitution.

We can block anyone because they may be a threat.

We cannot block religionist per se.,

Why not?
From the Constitution:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" his or her choosing.
It ensures the autonomy houses of worship and other religious institutions from government in matters of internal governance and religious law.
It prohibits government from enacting laws that specifically target religion. Importantly, it empowers the government to provide houses of worship with special
accommodations and exemptions from civil law that might otherwise interfere with religious worship or practice.

The Establishment, Free Exercise and Religious Test Clauses all complement one other to guard against "[a] union of government and religion," which in the words of distinguished U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, "tends to destroy government and to degrade religion." Engel v. Vitale, 370 U. S. 421, 431 (1962).

The United States Constitution also contains a provision called the "Religious Test Clause."
It prohibits any kind of religious test for citizens to hold elected public office, or to be a public official or employee.
Found in Article VI of the Constitution, the Clause states: "[N]o religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." So for example, the government cannot require a citizen to be Christian, Muslim or Jewish, or subscribe to particular religious beliefs in order to hold public office.
It also cannot disqualify a citizen from holding public office because he or she is an adherent to a specific faith (e.g. Christian,Jewish, or Muslim) or holds particular religious beliefs.

Where does the above Constitutional amendments STATE anything about keeping religious people out?

As Andy McCarthy points out, the U.S. already asks asylum applicants about their religion. They do this to determine whether the applicant is being persecuted for their religious beliefs. The reason they ask is that we, as Americans, find oppression of people on the basis of religious faith morally wrong and unacceptable, and we want to protect people who are threatened because of their beliefs. The inquiry is to determine whether they are being victimized for their religion, NOT to determine whether their religion is acceptable to American authorities or compatible with American life. Ultimately, a significant number of Americans currently think that the Muslim faith is incompatible with American life and values, and even that Muslims are inherently enemies of the United States. (If you really believe that, why would internment camps be ruled out of the question?)

Read more at: A Muslim Immigration Ban and the Constitution, by Jim Geraghty, National Review

I am not sure in today's world what other religion is calling for the extermination of "infidels".
In order to protect MY right to practice my faith I need to be alive. If another group feels offended by my right to exist... then ISIL is a threat to me.
ISIL stands for Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.
U.S. officials use ISIL instead of ISIS to emphasize the group's goal to expand its influence beyond the borders of Syria and Iraq.
healthmyth, we have been through this before.

You have not been appointed to SCOTUS.

Thus you have an opinion, a wrong one, nothing more.

While Obama has killed more terrorists than anyone else, the right is refusing to attack terrorists and are actually siding with terrorists. Instead of fighting terrorists, the right attacks the very same people as the terrorists do.

While more than 65 countries are following Obama's lead and are also attacking terrorists, the right has armed known and suspected terrorists, illegals, criminals and crazies.

Obama kills terrorists. The right attacks the US.

Repubs and RWNJs are traitors.


Jesus.. you drunk already?

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