Does violent speech of muslims have effect on violence?

so words matter?
The shooter listen to this group
They call the U.S a free country well,
it's not it and you know it.
It's nothing but facism, capitalism, and fear.
They're lying and we're crying out to everyone here.
We can fight back, we can fight back!
They're got us bowing on our knees.
We can fight back, we can fight back!

ANTI-FLAG LYRICS - Watch The Right

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People who want to limit speech are just as dangerous as any imagined physical threat.
asking for voluntary avoidance of violent imagery has nothing to do with curtailing speech
what response did you expect?

I really could not find anything very salient about it to comment on.
I really dont think it is acceptable.

I dont think it serves this country any good.

There are those who would defend it , I think those people are wrong.

I really cant find a way to join the people who think its harmless to our society.

I just cant get there and nothing anyone has said yet anywhere has helped me see how its just fine.

And people think I am crazy when I point out that Islam foster violence. Funny thing about that is that I have never once tried to argue that any Muslim should be told what, and what not, to say.

Does speech sometimes lead to violence? Yes. An example would be if the leader of a NCAA rally called for people of color to rise up and lynch whitey. There is actually a pretty clear cut legal precedent that discusses the difference between a reasonable man seeing words as a call to action, and rhetoric. Even the pundits today understand the difference, which is why they keep calling it rhetoric.

Occasionally we get delusional nutcases who call for an end to rhetoric because they do not understand the difference. Fortunately sanity prevails and we get to keep exercising our right to free speech. If you prefer a country that bans rhetoric I understand Cuba is looking for more immigrants to work the sugar plantations.
Interesting. We know Imams make direct orders to Muslims to kill infidels. They don't post images with crosshairs and hope Soldiers of Allah get the hint.
Correct. There's no implication whatsoever, and no pretend metaphors.
So... under the argument we see todary re: inciding political violence and the need to restrict certain venues becaise of it, there's absolutely NO way to argue against the proposition that Imams must be restricted as well.
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I was wondering how people came down on this one.

Does it effect the actions of unbalenced muslim followers and possibly help spurn violent action?

Are you talking about thier religious leaders declaring jihad? A call to war?

For the most part no. Most muslims ignore the ramblings of thier half baked leaders.

some join up, for a variety of reasons. Patriotism, 3 hots and a cot, money, power, prestigue, chicks.

It takes a lot of work to get someone to actually kill themselves (I hope)
I was wondering how people came down on this one.

Does it effect the actions of unbalenced muslim followers and possibly help spurn violent action?

A very good Point there.

Seems like a lot of coverage recently on the rhetoric a Muslim Cleric said.
I even recall a thread on here from one on the right saying in essesce. See how evil they are.

How many were calling for him to be forced to preach Christianity? Why is it you do not see the difference?
I was wondering how people came down on this one.

Does it effect the actions of unbalenced muslim followers and possibly help spurn violent action?

A very good Point there.

Seems like a lot of coverage recently on the rhetoric a Muslim Cleric said.
I even recall a thread on here from one on the right saying in essesce. See how evil they are.

How many were calling for him to be forced to preach Christianity? Why is it you do not see the difference?

;) they seemed more desiring of his death than conversion.

come on tell me what the line is in your mind.

If in the next presidential election Obama says my opponent should be taken out while he holds a machete is that OK?

If my senator says that his opponent has bombed at his job and then lights a fuse with the guys picture attached its ok?

Is there a clear line that we can all agree on or is it just random what is too much?

There is no line, speech is protected. Nice speech needs no protection, its political rhetoric that needs protection.

Leave our right to free speech alone.

Please , no one has suggested any banning of anything, this is a cultural discussion about what our collective society can deside on.

Im asking from a moral point not from a legal point.

I am trying to understand you and trying to help you understand me.

I really and truely believe in my core of cores that infering violence on a political opponent is unhealthy for our poltical discourse.

I ussed to tease people and call names all day long, hell so does everyone else here.
I never threatened violence, I did on a couple of occations infer I would protect myself when someone threatened me.
I have stopped that for at least as long as I can muster it to try and REALLY and TRUELY TRY to understand the perameters of the other side and mines differances.

Im trying, Im really trying.

I jsut cant see how its good for us as a people to infer violence in our poltical sphere.

This is actually your pathetic attempt to shove your POV down my throat by trying to point out that I do not like Islam or the violence it teaches. Unfortunately for you, I have never called for any Muslim to be silenced, and I have even posted against the targeted assignation of a specific Muslim who has only used words. Could that be because I actually believe he has the right to call for my death if he wants to, just like I have the right to defend myself from his attacks.

The problem is not language and its use, the problem is the actions of some people.
When the sole American to be on an alleged list of those targeted (in this case literally targeted) for death by the Obama Administration is on there for being a head of al qaeda who has not only training responsibility but also motivational responsibility (he motivated Maj Nidal Hasan, for example), the left insists that you cannot put an American on such a list for it would deprive him of his Constitutional rights.

Besides, they tell us, all he did was preach and yo can't kill a man for preaching.

Well, no. He did more than preach. But you sure as hell can kill an enemy leader for effective propaganda. Ask Goebbels.

In any event, the question is whether speech can lead people to commit crime. The answer is "yes." It can. If you were to try to persuade others to take up arms against the US, for example, you could be prosecuted for it -- and this is particularly true if they then act upon your urgings.

The Holy Book of Islam, the Qur'an preaches violence. Islam is not the religion of peace. It is not A religion of peace. It is a religion based upon violence and which still preaches and exhorts violence.

So, yes, SOME speech CAN lead to violence. Other speech -- even speech with which you disagree and even speech which you deem "hateful" -- does not necessarily lead to violence.

There is no valid comparison between the rhetoric which makes an analogy between a "hunt" and the rough and tumble "sport" of politics on the one hand and the preachings of the violence-prone bigotry of Islam on the other hand.

Fucking leftwing goons have long used violent sports and hunting analogies when describing their rabid desire to defeat their political opponents. But when the right uses similar analogies, the hypocritical lefties then pretend that it's "hate speech." When confused, just remember the liberal "rules" for such "discussions:"

"When LIBS do it, it's ok. When conservatives do it, it's intolerable."

When a football coach motivates his team to "cram this up the other side's ass," guess what? He's not actually endorsing sexual abuse. It's just a graphic motivating analogy. That's all.

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