Doesn't Nikki Haley see what the liberals are doing to de-rail Trump-Doesn't she CARE?

Is ole Rushblow still waiting for that Brinks truck to back up to his grave?
If you will go to Arlington national Cemetery in VA, when the place is open, you can walk up to Kennedy's grave and piss on it.
Those on left believe the same thing as those on the right with exception of the Trumpeters, both candidates are too old and it's a choice between two evils.

In the polls, Haley does much better against Biden than Trump. This becomes more and more important if Trump picks up felony convictions in the coming months. Republicans may be shooting themselves in the foot. The true believers may stick with Trump no matter what, however independents, democrats, and republican less enamored with Trump are not going to vote for a convicted felon.
I agree... Its unbelievable to me that these are the two candidates have to choose from. I blame the party system that does NOT accurately reflect the will of the people but of the Money people.
Who's rushing you, bitch? :dunno: I'm not part of your fantasy scenario. I'm not the slightest bit emotionally invested in the guy sitting in the WH. Maybe that's why you sound so retarded to me.
Who's rushing you, bitch? :dunno: I'm not part of your fantasy scenario. I'm not the slightest bit emotionally invested in the guy sitting in the WH. Maybe that's why you sound so retarded to me.
Holy fuck. Shades of the Democrats. Man if you are not one of them, you sure act like a clone of them.
I agree... Its unbelievable to me that these are the two candidates have to choose from. I blame the party system that does NOT accurately reflect the will of the people but of the Money people.
Fine. Who are the independent's candidate's?
There are many Republicans who know how unfit and mentally unwell Trump is. Including his former cabinet.

They're all attacked as "RINOs" by the cult, of course, and they receive threats, but they deserve credit for their honesty and bravery.

Some things are more important than partisan advantage.
Their bravery? It is the people that support Trump that are getting their lives ruined. What a hack.
Ansewer my question. For what?
Resorting normalcy? Restoring a strong unitef NATO?
Bringing us the most robust economy the world has ever seen?

Hell no. Only a loon thinks Biden did any of that.
Resorting normalcy? Restoring a strong unitef NATO?
Bringing us the most robust economy the world has ever seen?

Hell no. Only a loon thinks Biden did any of that.

My question was, why did you say Biden
Would face charges.
For what?
I asked, for what?
The question is, was, for what?
In my twenties my dad introduced me to Limbaugh's radio show... Rush was still in Sacramento and I was a liberal at the time... young and know nothing... my time in the service woke my ass up fast and all of those times in the garage with my dad as Limbaugh's voice rained out into the street paid off... I became a Ditto head...
I was introduced to Limbaugh before I graduated high school. Listened religiously for about a year. Brilliant broadcaster, horrible human being. He was damn near centrist/contrarian back in those days, but, of course, with his patented right lean against the left. He would bust his own party's balls quite frequently. I enjoyed quite a few of his segments and his style. It faded.

Limbaugh realized the money is in the extremism, and subtly transitioned his talk radio show into something else. Can't fault the cash. Thus, he pioneered outrage radio. Almost a religious take on republican politics. Invoking a brand of Christianity, skin color, heterosexuality, republican, anti-immigrant, pro-life, pro-gun propaganda to his audience.

Limbaugh was such a pioneer as a propagandist for the political right wing his imitators are all over the place. Alex Jones. Tucker Carlson. Heck, I see early Limbaugh in Joe Rogan.

But at the end of the day, I never cared for him. :dunno:
I was introduced to Limbaugh before I graduated high school. Listened religiously for about a year. Brilliant broadcaster, horrible human being. He was damn near centrist/contrarian back in those days, but, of course, with his patented right lean against the left. He would bust his own party's balls quite frequently. I enjoyed quite a few of his segments and his style. It faded.

Limbaugh realized the money is in the extremism, and subtly transitioned his talk radio show into something else. Can't fault the cash. Thus, he pioneered outrage radio. Almost a religious take on republican politics. Invoking a brand of Christianity, skin color, heterosexuality, republican, anti-immigrant, pro-life, pro-gun propaganda to his audience.

Limbaugh was such a pioneer as a propagandist for the political right wing his imitators are all over the place. Alex Jones. Tucker Carlson. Heck, I see early Limbaugh in Joe Rogan.

But at the end of the day, I never cared for him. :dunno:


This video is probably mostly about undecided voters, but in the first part, it shows Haley going on and on about how Trump's campaign is interrupted by his court cases, so I guess he can't lead America because of that

So far, I don't see any accusations thrown on the real culprits here, the liberals trying to gain power in DC

but I will continue to watch :rolleyes:

I like the way that guy talks about accountability for $$ being sent to Ukraine, and how Ingraham makes the point that Trump asked for a (measly) 6 billion for the Wall, and was denied that amount, but we have given (if I recall this correctly) 160 billion to Ukraine for THEIR damn border
No she doesn't. She wants to be the Republican nominee. That's all.
I agree... Its unbelievable to me that these are the two candidates have to choose from. I blame the party system that does NOT accurately reflect the will of the people but of the Money people.
The will of the people is Trump.

This video is probably mostly about undecided voters, but in the first part, it shows Haley going on and on about how Trump's campaign is interrupted by his court cases, so I guess he can't lead America because of that

So far, I don't see any accusations thrown on the real culprits here, the liberals trying to gain power in DC

but I will continue to watch :rolleyes:

I like the way that guy talks about accountability for $$ being sent to Ukraine, and how Ingraham makes the point that Trump asked for a (measly) 6 billion for the Wall, and was denied that amount, but we have given (if I recall this correctly) 160 billion to Ukraine for THEIR damn border
She’s hanging around because she thinks Trump is not going to make it
I agree... Its unbelievable to me that these are the two candidates have to choose from. I blame the party system that does NOT accurately reflect the will of the people but of the Money people.
I think we should try a 3 party system. Maybe it will fail but I think we need to give it a try. We need younger president candidates than Biden or Trump. Biden looks terrible but so does Trump. I personally think Trump is going to crack under the pressure of 4 criminal trials that could send him to jail, and a court order that is going to be divesting to his business. Every time you see him on TV he sounds like an automaton firing insults at judges and prosecutors. He is not the candidate we saw in 2015 or 2019. He's an old tired man.

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