Doesn't Nikki Haley see what the liberals are doing to de-rail Trump-Doesn't she CARE?

So you are not desperate to jail Trump? For an election year stunt?
It would not hurt my feelings to see a few convictions if juries (acceptable to prosecution and defense) are empaneled, and guilt is determined. I don't see him in prison for long.
Yep but their time is coming... I really think people are waking up... there are some very important left of center people starting to sound the alarm that the democrat party is way off course with the American people...
I left the Democratic party when Carter was president for that reason. They never recovered.
Yep but their time is coming... I really think people are waking up... there are some very important left of center people starting to sound the alarm that the democrat party is way off course with the American people...

Meh if Tater finally croaks or is pushed aside you'll be dealing with that disaster pretty boy from Kookyfornia
It would not hurt my feelings to see a few convictions if juries (acceptable to prosecution and defense) are empaneled, and guilt is determined. I don't see him in prison for long.
I look forward to seeing Biden get a prison number assigned to him. Think Martha Stewart.
You started this. We will put Biden in prison faster than you can to Trump. At least with Biden he is a criminal.
You're not going to put anyone in prison, especially Biden, Skippy.

Or is there another Russian spy in the works?
You drink too much Kool aid
Those on left believe the same thing as those on the right with exception of the Trumpeters, both candidates are too old and it's a choice between two evils.

In the polls, Haley does much better against Biden than Trump. This becomes more and more important if Trump picks up felony convictions in the coming months. Republicans may be shooting themselves in the foot. The true believers may stick with Trump no matter what, however independents, democrats, and republican less enamored with Trump are not going to vote for a convicted felon.
, I don't see any accusations thrown on the real culprits here, the liberals trying to gain power in DC
That is because the courts are not liberal. They are fact based.
When you are a life long thief, well, shit can go south.

What you should be concerned with is what your orange Jesus says about her husband.
But you like deplorable things like that, don't you?
I left the Democratic party when Carter was president for that reason. They never recovered.
In my twenties my dad introduced me to Limbaugh's radio show... Rush was still in Sacramento and I was a liberal at the time... young and know nothing... my time in the service woke my ass up fast and all of those times in the garage with my dad as Limbaugh's voice rained out into the street paid off... I became a Ditto head...
As I have aged I have easily figured out the war on working class folk. They need to deny corporations a work force.
You started this. We will put Biden in prison faster than you can to Trump. At least with Biden he is a criminal.
For what reason? Resorting normalcy? Restoring a strong unitef NATO?
Bringing us the most robust economy the world has ever seen?

WEF money?...
I can only loosely surmise it's some rightard conspiracy that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is secretly a one world elitist government out to take free dumb from us. :rolleyes: On par with the Deep State/Bilderberg stuff, I assume? :dunno: Who the fuck knows.

All very stupid, I know.

Thus, to these magaturd trolls, it would seem WEF is apparently responsible for bankrolling Nikki Haley for... Reasons. :dunno: They are also apparently responsible for bankrolling whatever democrat they hate. It seems to change depending on the mood/argument of the magaturd.

Toldya. It is all quite stupid.
In my twenties my dad introduced me to Limbaugh's radio show... Rush was still in Sacramento and I was a liberal at the time... young and know nothing... my time in the service woke my ass up fast and all of those times in the garage with my dad as Limbaugh's voice rained out into the street paid off... I became a Ditto head...
Hey, I was in CA at that time. Yes, Rush woke a lot of them up. Come to think of it, maybe he also changed my mind. I became a R to elect Reagan in 1980.

Who did Trump have at a state of the Union? YES, Rush was his guest.
I'd be shocked if he chose her for vp

I say vp should be Greg Abbott

or how about Winsome Sears?

She has a good spirit... and very pro life
Millions of people have a great spirit and are very pro life. But very few of those have the knowledge, instinct, vision, know how, skill set to do the job of President of the United States. Winsome Sears has an impressive resume but unfortunately it shows that she is a naturalized citizen having been born in Jamaica. which automatically disqualifies her per the Constitutional requirement for Presidents.

Gregg Abbott's term as Governor won't be up until 2027 and we need him in Texas badly. A weaker governor likely would not be as effective against a 'woke' coalition determined to turn Texas blue.

Nobody seems to be suggesting Nikki be the VP pick, but that's why I won't rule that out as a possibility. But like you I think it is probably less likely than more likely. Just not out of the question.

Trump has never been one to be PC so it would mildly surprise me if he will intentionally pick a black person or a female as his VP pick just for appearances. That's more a Democrat thing anyway.

But we'll see how it goes. I think he is deliberately teasing and tantalizing us all with the possibilities while keeping his list out of the press. :)
In my twenties my dad introduced me to Limbaugh's radio show... Rush was still in Sacramento and I was a liberal at the time... young and know nothing... my time in the service woke my ass up fast and all of those times in the garage with my dad as Limbaugh's voice rained out into the street paid off... I became a Ditto head...
Is ole Rushblow still waiting for that Brinks truck to back up to his grave?
Is ole Rushblow still waiting for that Brinks truck to back up to his grave?
I don't know did your piddley little SSN check come in yet so you can go and buy a bunch of over priced Bidenomics food?....

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