Dog Lovers Thread

Here's one for the dog lovers:

[ame=]Blind dog rescue: Fiona - Please SHARE on FB & Twitter and help us raise awareness. Thanks! - YouTube[/ame]
my thor is a purchase...doberman....buddy i got when he was turned in to be put to sleep...his owner died and the kids just turned in all their dads pets....i got billie the fat cat first then went i went back 3 weeks later...and buddy was still there...i took him home too...made sense at the time....

clark came from the humane...tiff was a feral we trapped as a kitten.....yoda was found at the end of the drive way and i swear i called the humane..and they could only put the kitten found at the end of the driveway to sleep cause he had an eye husband and i had just had this big ass fight....we had agreed NOT to buy something and he went and got it he couldnt say much when i called him from the vets and told him about kitten carpet is ruined...with 4 cats you have one puking about daily....the dogs claws ruin the hardwood...leaves deep grooves.....

buddy is limping....its just a normal day at bonez' house
but the reason i didnt get a pup for my birthday....i have to have room for just one more abandon or in trouble one...i always try to have room for one more.....
horrible confession: i stole a dog was beside the road..sitting in the rain....starved....i get home with it...and it wont eat son is going...doesnt look starved to me...but i hold to my story...hubby gets is rather heavy....hubby begins to question me about this 'rescue'

the dog was on the side of the the rain....nearest house was 100 ft or so away...i plead my case...hubby asks...'what time was this'....i reply....2 30 ish....

then he says what struck terror in me....

loyal dog waiting on his kid to get off the school bus?

you talk about tossing a dog into the car and tearing back to the site of the 'rescue'...where when released the dog went right down the road to his house....
I'm in a pet-free apartment complex ... or I would have a pet. I do, however, have grand-dogs ... and a grand-gecko.

Sammy is a big white husky/wolf mix - who I love dearly (he's the oldest); Samantha is a big black mix of lab and something else - who is growing on me; Hendrix is a tiny mix of "hot dog" and something - looks like a tiny little pincher and sleeps with me when I go to my daughter's house; Cracker Jack is a Jack Russel aka Crack Daddy when he gets really wound up; Grendle is a Boston; ChocoTaco is one of those little Mexican dogs (that I also can't spell); and the gecko is Roo. I haven't met Roo yet so don't know what he does.
I'm pretty sure I mentioned this in another thread (which I can't find), but our dog bit a neighbor a few weeks ago. It took me all day (and a 30 mile drive) to find a vet that would sign the home quarantine release. It states that the vet is responsible (liable) for the dog while in the home for that 10 day period.

So this evening I met with the health and safety committee of the County Board. I told them it's ridiculous to make it all but impossible to quarantine a dog in the home. Our dog is 15 and I said 10 days in a kennel would kill him. I think I got their attention. I'll follow up the the chair of that committee next month and see if any action's been taken.

Last time I had a dog was in 2006-07. She was husky Shepherd mix.
80lbs and had one brown eye and one blue. Had to put her down because of a huge cancer tumor on the very top of her head...

miss her great dog. Couldn't keep her in the yard though. we lived in a town of 350 people, I'd get a call. Clementine, Clem for short is down the road. We'd go and get her...I think she loved it like a game or something.
Last time I had a dog was in 2006-07. She was husky Shepherd mix.
80lbs and had one brown eye and one blue. Had to put her down because of a huge cancer tumor on the very top of her head...

miss her great dog. Couldn't keep her in the yard though. we lived in a town of 350 people, I'd get a call. Clementine, Clem for short is down the road. We'd go and get her...I think she loved it like a game or something.

Gorgeous dog!
Baron. He's 11 now.

Duke. He's 6. He was less than 1 year old here.

EDIT. They are father and son.

are they weimaraner?

Yes ma'am.
The only breed I've ever owned.
Those are #7 and #8.
I had another one, Max, along with these 2.

I had to put him down a little over a year ago. He lived to be 16..almost unheard of in larger breed dogs...but a testament to good care and a loving home. :)

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