Dog or Wife

Depends on the number, maybe: I know TWO women who have five dogs each.
One had little dogs inside and her husband was schizophrenic and killed himself. After several failed attempts. The dogs may have been involved. . . .

The other has five LARGE collies, can't remember the type, which she keeps INSIDE the house. During meetings. With people (me) who don't like dogs. I like and have probably raised every kind of domestic animal except cattle up to and including llamas, but I'm a cat person. These giant, hysterical dogs run around jumping on people in big herds of dog hair and one went crazy and bit her elderly husband. None of this worked out well.

So when you say "dogs," most people here probably think you mean two ------------ I suspect you mean five.
Let me guess…you keep your local shel

Let me guess…you keep your local shelter full of unwanted pets.
Neither of us will ever know. Be honest. Do you really think a dog’s life is more valuable than a human’s life? There is no way you have been able to keep a relationship if you treat your partners as insignificant trash. I just don’t see it. Either you are lying or you are telling the truth. I don’t see a third option.
Dog absolutely. Here is one man's answer.
MY girlfriend does not like my beagle Molly. SO I have to rehome her. She is a purebred from a wealthy area and I have had her 4 years. She likes to play games. Not totally trained. Has long hair so she's a little high maintenance, especially the nails, but she loves having them done. Stays up all night yapping but sleeps while I work. Only eats the best, most expensive food. Will NEVER greet you at the door after a long day or give you unconditional love when you're down. Does not bite but she can be mean as hell!
So... anyone interested in my 30 year old, selfish, wicked, gold-digging girlfriend? Come and get her! Me and my dog want her re-homed ASAP!
Depends on the number, maybe: I know TWO women who have five dogs each.
One had little dogs inside and her husband was schizophrenic and killed himself. After several failed attempts. The dogs may have been involved. . . .

The other has five LARGE collies, can't remember the type, which she keeps INSIDE the house. During meetings. With people (me) who don't like dogs. I like and have probably raised every kind of domestic animal except cattle up to and including llamas, but I'm a cat person. These giant, hysterical dogs run around jumping on people in big herds of dog hair and one went crazy and bit her elderly husband. None of this worked out well.

So when you say "dogs," most people here probably think you mean two ------------ I suspect you mean five.
I’ve had as many as five…four now, with two cats.

It’s not a real scenario. It’s an exercise in philosophy. It helps us all understand as individuals how well respect our partners. Well. What did you learn from the exercise?
Neither of us will ever know. Be honest. Do you really think a dog’s life is more valuable than a human’s life? There is no way you have been able to keep a relationship if you treat your partners as insignificant trash. I just don’t see it. Either you are lying or you are telling the truth. I don’t see a third option.
The problem is you seem to think it is an either/or.
Yes but what did you learn about yourself. The troll thing was obvious.

How well do you value your partner? In your case multiple partners?
One partner. Unlike the hypothetical you, I choose a partner who would not force such a decision and who loves our pets as much as I. The issue isn’t me, it’s your poor choice of a hypothetical partner.
Wife are human beings. Humans suck. Dogs stay loyal forever.

Anyone EVER told me to choose would be shown the door.

I go to a dog rescue thrift shop often. On the wall is a cute meme that says "The kids were allergic to the we got rid of the kids".

I am NOT fond of I thought it a great saying.
I’m leaning towards my wife. I’m sure my dogs will find a good home. I don’t know where my wife would go.

I love my dogs but I want my wife to be happy. I think she just hates dog shit, dog hair, and the constant barking. I can see where she is coming from. You guys were quick to respond. I appreciate the feedback. I still got time to ponder on it.
Simple solution: Lock your dogs and your wife in the trunk of your car for an hour. Open it up and see which one is happy to see you. Keep those. It will be the dogs,
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My wife asked me yesterday to choose between the dogs and her. She is giving me one week to choose. What should I decide?

I am leaning towards choosing her. Any opinions?
The fact that she is giving you this ultimatum should give you your answer. Enjoy your shopping spree at PetSmart.

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