Dogs Being Murdered In Spain By Muslims

This is the religion of peace at work in Europe:

Apparently, poisoning dogs in Spain isn’t enough, now Muslims are attacking people walking their dogs

August 6, 2012 by BareNakedIslam 105 Comments

BNI has reported on the shocking rise in pet dog poisonings near Muslim areas of Europe and in Muslim-majority countries. Now, Muslim hatred of dogs has become violent, with several attacks on people walking their dogs in the park. When police arrive to help, they are attacked by Muslims, too.

Apparently, poisoning dogs in Spain isn’t enough, now Muslims are attacking people walking their dogs
When I lived in Saudi Arabia from 1991 to 1996, there were no dogs there, but plenty of cats. The Muslims f
This is the religion of peace at work in Europe:

Apparently, poisoning dogs in Spain isn’t enough, now Muslims are attacking people walking their dogs

August 6, 2012 by BareNakedIslam 105 Comments

BNI has reported on the shocking rise in pet dog poisonings near Muslim areas of Europe and in Muslim-majority countries. Now, Muslim hatred of dogs has become violent, with several attacks on people walking their dogs in the park. When police arrive to help, they are attacked by Muslims, too.

Apparently, poisoning dogs in Spain isn’t enough, now Muslims are attacking people walking their dogs
We all know that Dog is a delicacy of the Muslims.

Dog is a delicacy for Muslims? Source?
Penny dear----you get more and more TRITE by the day. Try to think before you post

Are you going to talk about the dead dogs or just take stabs at me?

the report was that muslims living in spain are killing dogs. -----
If you read the Koran---you will learn that muhummad did not
like dogs.-----but he liked cats. If you worked with &/or socialized with muslims, you would know that muslims have a very low opinion of dogs and people who keep them as PETS. In Islamic cultures dogs are considered DIRTY and
making a pet out of a dog is a DIRTY KAFFIR CUSTOM.
The poisoning of neighborhood dogs by muslims would be an ASSERTION of Islamic supremism. Is that better, penny, dear?

No, its not. Prove that Muslims in Spain have been murdering dogs.

your post is TYPICALLY IDIOTIC. There are news reports as such. Such a phenomenon (ie muslims poisoning neighborhood dogs) would be CONSISTENT with Islamic belief and "culture" There have been instances in FAIRLY RECENT TIMES in which muslim societies have OUTLAWED the owning of pet dogs and initiated programs to destroy
"pet dogs" Such programs have been inflicted even on non muslims in those societies. YOUR "PROVE DEMAND" proves that you are an idiot
This is the religion of peace at work in Europe:

Apparently, poisoning dogs in Spain isn’t enough, now Muslims are attacking people walking their dogs

August 6, 2012 by BareNakedIslam 105 Comments

BNI has reported on the shocking rise in pet dog poisonings near Muslim areas of Europe and in Muslim-majority countries. Now, Muslim hatred of dogs has become violent, with several attacks on people walking their dogs in the park. When police arrive to help, they are attacked by Muslims, too.

Apparently, poisoning dogs in Spain isn’t enough, now Muslims are attacking people walking their dogs
When I lived in Saudi Arabia from 1991 to 1996, there were no dogs there, but plenty of cats. The Muslims f
This is the religion of peace at work in Europe:

Apparently, poisoning dogs in Spain isn’t enough, now Muslims are attacking people walking their dogs

August 6, 2012 by BareNakedIslam 105 Comments

BNI has reported on the shocking rise in pet dog poisonings near Muslim areas of Europe and in Muslim-majority countries. Now, Muslim hatred of dogs has become violent, with several attacks on people walking their dogs in the park. When police arrive to help, they are attacked by Muslims, too.

Apparently, poisoning dogs in Spain isn’t enough, now Muslims are attacking people walking their dogs
We all know that Dog is a delicacy of the Muslims.

Dog is a delicacy for Muslims? Source?

It is not-----dog meat is not hallal. Dogs are consided so loathsome that muslims do not pray in the presence of a dog and like to sneer KHALBAH (bitch) at non muslims. Muhummad is said (in the Koran) to dislike dogs---but liked cats. He also liked the color green. Good muslims EMULATE that rapist thief in all things-----including his animal
preferences and his color preferences
This is the religion of peace at work in Europe:

Apparently, poisoning dogs in Spain isn’t enough, now Muslims are attacking people walking their dogs

August 6, 2012 by BareNakedIslam 105 Comments

BNI has reported on the shocking rise in pet dog poisonings near Muslim areas of Europe and in Muslim-majority countries. Now, Muslim hatred of dogs has become violent, with several attacks on people walking their dogs in the park. When police arrive to help, they are attacked by Muslims, too.

Apparently, poisoning dogs in Spain isn’t enough, now Muslims are attacking people walking their dogs

Islam is incompatible with the west!

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