Doing The Right Thing: Alabama County Refuses To Lower Flag To Honor Orlando Victims

Probably ought not be be flying an American flag. After all, this is no longer the America we knew. Now it's Obamerica but the pink panties have not yet been officially adopted as the new flag.
Sorry, the America you love is not coming back. Slavery is dead forever.

August West slavery has expanded to affect all taxpayers.
the closer our tax rate rises to 40% that 3/5 free and 2/5 slave to govt.

The ACA mandates basically compelled citizens to give up our income
and labor to govt and pay fines if we didn't pay to insurance companies that cut a deal
with Obama to get trillions paid to them up front also using our tax dollars while we are charged for the cost of the bill.

Do you remember the divide and conquer tactic of dividing
field slaves from house slaves, both competing for privileges from the masters?

Now look at the parties divided over the poor blaming the rich for being wealthier
and the poor for being poor and dependent on help. instead of both parties
going after the crooks that cost taxpayer money, whether these are rich or poor who owe the debts.
All a distraction, division by class, instead of people uniting to solve and liberate ourselves from the real problems.

And in the meantime the corporate media and politicians they keep in office
profit off conflicts that just give them more leverage to hold over the voters
the taxpayers who are charged all this money from govt problems never being solved but escalating and piling on.

Yo I agree, Vote all Socialist Democrats out of office now! Who pushed Obama-Care down our throats? The Socialist Democrats! Who negotiated with the Insurance Companies? The Socialist Democrats! Who runs most of the Media? The Socialist Democrats! Who Divided America into Groups? The Socialist Democrat Party! Who is going after our Rights? The Socialist Democrats! I could go on all night about the Invaders in this Country, the Socialist Democrat Party!!!

P.S. I can`t believe you said this below, and it`s happening today, in 2016! Why not just say it! Why do you think Trump is doing so well? Just speak the truth! You put the blame on Parties? You should`ve said the "Socialist Party" is the cause of the problems of today!!! We need people who can speak up, and tell the American People facts about the other Party, who is devastating the U.S.A.!!! Like Bush said after the 9/11 attack, either you`re with us, or you`re against us!

emilynghiem below:
"""Do you remember the divide and conquer tactic of dividing
field slaves from house slaves,"""

The Democrats Then:

The Socialist Democrats Now:
Probably ought not be be flying an American flag. After all, this is no longer the America we knew. Now it's Obamerica but the pink panties have not yet been officially adopted as the new flag.
I'm about to raise a white flag myself asking for a truce/ceasefire.

I can't keep track of which side is shooting down which person anymore
For the Orlando incident I thought there was more unity coming
out in support of gun rights and law enforcement against terrorists.

But with Trump and the conservatives turning on each other, this is like the last straw for me.
If this can't be sorted out, something else is going on.

If we have differences, we either need to resolve the conflicts/objections behind them,
or identify/accept the core beliefs that cannot change so we can include all of those equally,
but dividing and bullying for power over the other isn't helpful but hurtful and counterproductive.

If the issue is over the Trump/Ryan split, then why not sit down and work out which way
we want that to go, and how all sides can get what they want. Otherwise if two mothers
fight over the same baby, that poor baby gets split right in half and nobody wins.

Yo, sorry, but your Post here, sounds like it should be in another Thread? And, you calling Paul Ryan a Conservative? That is like calling Nancy Pelosi a Lovely woman! Paul Ryan has let his Position go to his Head, like Harry Reid in the Senate did!!!

Thanks 1stRambo I think you're right I was mixing two threads.
the first part was okay, on Orlando being more unifying than divisive.

But the second part was a carry over from another thread:
See Disagree with 'liberals' on anything any you are thrown out
and the post after that where I cannot figure out what is going on
with the division on the right over Tea Party and Trump.
Disagree with 'liberals' on anything any you are thrown out
Can you follow that thread and answer the questions on that? Thanks Rambo!
I don't agree with homosexuality, but I would have lowered the flag anyone because of the victims being American just like the rest of us are.

God bless you and every impacted family always!!!

Why do all male-homo events and venues resemble orgies?
I already know the answer but I just want to hear the left wing excuses.
I thought the 80s metal scene was more like that. One of my friends who led a death metal band has tons of stories of the drugs and doing trains on drunk women, banging each other's girlfriends and wives. That was like the Ronan and Greek orgies going overboard with excess . And killing ppl where their bodies fall apart later from all the abuses. So I wouldn't limit this to the gay community.

Today look at the sex parties thrown for athletes during recruitment campaigns. Lots of stories of rapes covered up.

Look at the trafficking of women and children as part of the drug trade. This isn't a gay issue it's global affecting all communities. Not just the border but in the prisons across cities and states.

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