Doing The Right Thing: Alabama County Refuses To Lower Flag To Honor Orlando Victims

Good for them. A muzzie shooting a bunch of cowardly fags is no reason to put the flag at half mast.

Alabama county officials refuse to lower flag to honor Orlando shooting victims -
And you expected different from uneducated white christian trash? Alabama , Mississippi and Louisiana are literally and figuratively the underbelly of America .

You've obviously never been to Upstate Ny more racist and bigots than any Southern state I've visited. St. Louis has a scary amount of White Power morons. I dated a black women in California and got more hate from other Black people than I did from Whites.

I have traveled to every state in the continental US and although not at the levels that the left claims, racism and bigotry is not the sole domain of the Southern States it certainly isn't just a white thing either. .

By the way I'm originally from Alabama. .
I have to agree with Steve. I don't think ur flag needs to be lowered for every attack that kills Americans. Leave it for dignitaries like Presidents, except the tractor Barrack Obama. Instead , shoot conferring out of cannons in celebration.
The guy was just on TV. He said he considers the terrorist attack another 9-11 and he wants that flag raised and flying at full mast just as the NYFD did post 9-11. McGarrett misrepresented the truth.
Good for them. A muzzie shooting a bunch of cowardly fags is no reason to put the flag at half mast.

Alabama county officials refuse to lower flag to honor Orlando shooting victims -
Why must you be such an asshole?

Why should a flag be flown at half staff because a certain group of individuals were killed. That is was a mass shooting doesn't change things.

If we are going to do that as a country when people are killed, we'd have to keep it at half staff.
What's your point?
If you don't get it, you never will

You posted the word "Alabama". It's a state.

Not my fault you can't explain what you mean but you'll blame me for your inabilities like the good little Liberal.

TheOldSchool: "Alabama!"
Conservative65: "Liberals!"

The OldSchool can't explain what he meant. Conservative65 simply called him out for blaming me as if it's my fault for his failures.

Conservative65: "Liberal idiots!"
TheOldSchool: "White trash Trump voters!"
Jihadist terrorist: "Death to America!"
C65 is a dumbass 'Bama
Good for them. A muzzie shooting a bunch of cowardly fags is no reason to put the flag at half mast.

Alabama county officials refuse to lower flag to honor Orlando shooting victims -
And you expected different from uneducated white christian trash? Alabama , Mississippi and Louisiana are literally and figuratively the underbelly of America .
Thus speaketh the white-hating, Christian-hating underbelly of the LibTards on this message board system...
I have to agree with Steve. I don't think ur flag needs to be lowered for every attack that kills Americans. Leave it for dignitaries like Presidents, except the tractor Barrack Obama. Instead , shoot conferring out of cannons in celebration.
God I hate iPad auto fill. Tractor =traitor, conferring = confetti
The original purpose of lowering the US flag to half mast, was to honor the death of a head of state, or head of state government, not for every tragic event that comes along. Once you start lowering the flag to half mast every time a tragic event occurs or popular individual dies, it loses its impact and you might just as well keep it at half mast.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, as the flag is first raised - then slowly lowered to half-staff, let us stand, cross our hands over our genitals (Obama style) and join in the Liberal National Anthem:

There is such a thing as flag etiquette. It's not supposed to be lowered for any tragic event. It's reserved for government dignitaries and elected officials mainly. Nowadays it's lowered on every politically driven whim.
If you don't get it, you never will

You posted the word "Alabama". It's a state.

Not my fault you can't explain what you mean but you'll blame me for your inabilities like the good little Liberal.

TheOldSchool: "Alabama!"
Conservative65: "Liberals!"

The OldSchool can't explain what he meant. Conservative65 simply called him out for blaming me as if it's my fault for his failures.

Conservative65: "Liberal idiots!"
TheOldSchool: "White trash Trump voters!"
Jihadist terrorist: "Death to America!"
C65 is a dumbass 'Bama

Yet you still can't explain what you meant.
Good for them. A muzzie shooting a bunch of cowardly fags is no reason to put the flag at half mast.

Alabama county officials refuse to lower flag to honor Orlando shooting victims -
And you expected different from uneducated white christian trash? Alabama , Mississippi and Louisiana are literally and figuratively the underbelly of America .

Yo, lowering the Flag, has nothing to do with people in Orlando, they did nothing for the Honor! It is for people who served this Country with Honor! If Obama wishes to fly his private Flag at Half Staff, then he can, but maybe he should leave it there, because Americans die everyday, including White People!

Flying the Flag at Half Staff, has nothing to do with being un-Educated, Poor, Black or White, it`s actually an Educated Decision on the part of the Official in Alabama! Dumb Obama has ordered the Flag to be put at Half Staff more times then any other President in History! That should tell you how he has kept the American Citizen Safe?

It`s like a "Tool for Votes" for Obama, he could careless about a bunch of Gays getting shot up, simple as that!!!

So Gay Boy, it`s America, and you have Free Speech to throw your Hate at Southern States all you want, but Officials in Alabama have the same Rights as you do!!! So, get your Gay Head Out of Your Ass, and try being an American!!!

The original purpose of lowering the US flag to half mast, was to honor the death of a head of state, or head of state government, not for every tragic event that comes along. Once you start lowering the flag to half mast every time a tragic event occurs or popular individual dies, it loses its impact and you might just as well keep it at half mast.
This has NOTHING to do with Orlando, but I agree about how frequently we lower the flag nowadays. It used to mean something. Now the flag seems to be at half mast as much as it is flying high. I don't even know why half the time. But, now that we've started this, we can't stop without offending people--they will say, "Well, you lowered the flag for so and so, why aren't you giving us equal respect?" See how that goes? I don't like to see the flag lowered. To me it's a visual of our country on its knees.
And bless the victims of the terrorist attack and their bereaved families and all the wounded who are trying to heal. This has nothing to do with them.
Are you kidding? I am not a gay rights supporter, but THIS goes beyond the pale. Shooting unarmed innocent people that are no threat to anyone, HOW is that the right thing? Why not lower the flag in respect? Don't tell me this was created just to bait people, because I am that damn cynical. Please stop all this, the baiting, the hate and the gun violence. Enough is enough.

The flag in front of my house wasn't lowered either. Lowering the flag should be reserved for the death of Heroes and for National Tragedies. Orlando doesn't fit either category.
Apparently the commissioner practiced some selective reading of the Flag Code and conducted things based on that selective editing.
Probably ought not be be flying an American flag. After all, this is no longer the America we knew. Now it's Obamerica but the pink panties have not yet been officially adopted as the new flag.
Sorry, the America you love is not coming back. Slavery is dead forever.
Probably ought not be be flying an American flag. After all, this is no longer the America we knew. Now it's Obamerica but the pink panties have not yet been officially adopted as the new flag.
I'm about to raise a white flag myself asking for a truce/ceasefire.

I can't keep track of which side is shooting down which person anymore
For the Orlando incident I thought there was more unity coming
out in support of gun rights and law enforcement against terrorists.

But with Trump and the conservatives turning on each other, this is like the last straw for me.
If this can't be sorted out, something else is going on.

If we have differences, we either need to resolve the conflicts/objections behind them,
or identify/accept the core beliefs that cannot change so we can include all of those equally,
but dividing and bullying for power over the other isn't helpful but hurtful and counterproductive.

If the issue is over the Trump/Ryan split, then why not sit down and work out which way
we want that to go, and how all sides can get what they want. Otherwise if two mothers
fight over the same baby, that poor baby gets split right in half and nobody wins.
Probably ought not be be flying an American flag. After all, this is no longer the America we knew. Now it's Obamerica but the pink panties have not yet been officially adopted as the new flag.
Sorry, the America you love is not coming back. Slavery is dead forever.

August West slavery has expanded to affect all taxpayers.
the closer our tax rate rises to 40% that 3/5 free and 2/5 slave to govt.

The ACA mandates basically compelled citizens to give up our income
and labor to govt and pay fines if we didn't pay to insurance companies that cut a deal
with Obama to get trillions paid to them up front also using our tax dollars while we are charged for the cost of the bill.

Do you remember the divide and conquer tactic of dividing
field slaves from house slaves, both competing for privileges from the masters?

Now look at the parties divided over the poor blaming the rich for being wealthier
and the poor for being poor and dependent on help. instead of both parties
going after the crooks that cost taxpayer money, whether these are rich or poor who owe the debts.
All a distraction, division by class, instead of people uniting to solve and liberate ourselves from the real problems.

And in the meantime the corporate media and politicians they keep in office
profit off conflicts that just give them more leverage to hold over the voters
the taxpayers who are charged all this money from govt problems never being solved but escalating and piling on.
Probably ought not be be flying an American flag. After all, this is no longer the America we knew. Now it's Obamerica but the pink panties have not yet been officially adopted as the new flag.
I'm about to raise a white flag myself asking for a truce/ceasefire.

I can't keep track of which side is shooting down which person anymore
For the Orlando incident I thought there was more unity coming
out in support of gun rights and law enforcement against terrorists.

But with Trump and the conservatives turning on each other, this is like the last straw for me.
If this can't be sorted out, something else is going on.

If we have differences, we either need to resolve the conflicts/objections behind them,
or identify/accept the core beliefs that cannot change so we can include all of those equally,
but dividing and bullying for power over the other isn't helpful but hurtful and counterproductive.

If the issue is over the Trump/Ryan split, then why not sit down and work out which way
we want that to go, and how all sides can get what they want. Otherwise if two mothers
fight over the same baby, that poor baby gets split right in half and nobody wins.

Yo, sorry, but your Post here, sounds like it should be in another Thread? And, you calling Paul Ryan a Conservative? That is like calling Nancy Pelosi a Lovely woman! Paul Ryan has let his Position go to his Head, like Harry Reid in the Senate did!!!


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