DOJ Appeals Trump Judges Special Master Ruling

Because I have followed Trump's lies and cheating since the 1980s.
From an Hezbollah camp in Lebanon?


Weren't you fighting for the GLORY of your god Muhammad and his little dog Allah to overthrow the Christians? A terrorist soldier of Islam in the 1980's?
So you are obsessed. Tell us something we did not know.

You don't have to be "obsessed" to observe what a lying criminal Trump has been all of his adult life. And given that Trump has obsessively courted publicity and attention all of his life, it's been hard to avoid what a disgrace to the human race he's always been.

I originally took note of him from the business pages, when he built Trump Tower. He seemed "promising", at that time, but all of his subsequent projects were mired in battles over his attempted use of "eminent domain" to force long-time residents out of their homes, zoning fights, and fights with local politicians. They all lost money, and none of them lived up to Trump's claims as to what they'd do for the community. Trump became a public joke.

Then came the very public divorces. Trump very publicly cheated on wife #1, with wife #2, and then cheated on wife #2 with wife #3. Once again, Trump's behaviour was odious, at best. To publicly humiliate a woman he had been married to for 17 years in this fashion, and with children old enough to know what was going on, showed a degree of selfishness seldom seen.

And of course Trump took his casinos public, throughout the 1990's and then managed them into bankruptcy - all while bragging how much money he was personally pocketing from the bankruptcies. American banks stopped lending to him in 2000. Shortly thereafter, Donnie started selling Manhattan real estate to Russians, and all of his money problems went away.

Trump has openly bragged about bribing public officials, and on that score I believe him. I worked in big money real estate for the last 15 years of my career and no big money developer is clean. But Trump also has a very bad reputation for shoddy workmanship, and poor management.

If you are up on business and corporate media, Trump has been promoting himself since Trump Tower opened. It's Trump's only real success, other than his TV show, and it's been rumored for years that Fred pulled a lot of strings and called in a lot of favours to make it happen.
You don't have to be "obsessed" to observe what a lying criminal Trump has been all of his adult life. And given that Trump has obsessively courted publicity and attention all of his life, it's been hard to avoid what a disgrace to the human race he's always been.

I originally took note of him from the business pages, when he built Trump Tower. He seemed "promising", at that time, but all of his subsequent projects were mired in battles over his attempted use of "eminent domain" to force long-time residents out of their homes, zoning fights, and fights with local politicians. They all lost money, and none of them lived up to Trump's claims as to what they'd do for the community. Trump became a public joke.

Then came the very public divorces. Trump very publicly cheated on wife #1, with wife #2, and then cheated on wife #2 with wife #3. Once again, Trump's behaviour was odious, at best. To publicly humiliate a woman he had been married to for 17 years in this fashion, and with children old enough to know what was going on, showed a degree of selfishness seldom seen.

And of course Trump took his casinos public, throughout the 1990's and then managed them into bankruptcy - all while bragging how much money he was personally pocketing from the bankruptcies. American banks stopped lending to him in 2000. Shortly thereafter, Donnie started selling Manhattan real estate to Russians, and all of his money problems went away.

Trump has openly bragged about bribing public officials, and on that score I believe him. I worked in big money real estate for the last 15 years of my career and no big money developer is clean. But Trump also has a very bad reputation for shoddy workmanship, and poor management.

If you are up on business and corporate media, Trump has been promoting himself since Trump Tower opened. It's Trump's only real success, other than his TV show, and it's been rumored for years that Fred pulled a lot of strings and called in a lot of favours to make it happen.
TLDR. Face it, you just are not worth anyone's time.
You don't have to be ashamed to admit that you're unable to read or comprehend words of two or more syllables.

The issue is the boiler plate blather you spew as a CCP troll.

You post meaningless rants of your hatred for Donald Trump.

We get it, Trump stood up to your Emperor Xi and you're angry about it. But you have your lackey Biden as Resident now, and he does exactly as your Emperor orders.
Good. That means I understand liar and cheat. You don't.

So you voted for Trump because he's a liar and a cheat????? As a former banker and a member of the legal trades, I have zero patience for either. It's the only possible reason for voting such dishonesty and incompetence.
So you voted for Trump because he's a liar and a cheat????? As a former banker and a member of the legal trades, I have zero patience for either. It's the only possible reason for voting such dishonesty and incompetence.
Everyone in the illegitimate administration is a liar and a cheat and traitor. What part of that don't you get?
So you voted for Trump because he's a liar and a cheat????? As a former banker and a member of the legal trades, I have zero patience for either. It's the only possible reason for voting such dishonesty and incompetence.

But you're a liar and a cheat, so why is Trump held to a different standard?
I will apologize if the total appeal process proves Cannon was wrong.
I don't know how many times Trump could appeal.
I'm awaiting your apology with eagerness. The time for Trump to appeal has expired and as such the entire farce has been concluded.

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