DOJ, FBI CRIMINAL collusion proof uncovered in Trump Investigation

Fact 1: Junior is informed the Russian government has some dirt on Clinton and wants to meddle in our election to help his father:

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.


Rob Goldstone

Fact 2: Junior gleefully accepts the Russian government's offer to meddle in our election:

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:53, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?



Fact 3: A meeting is suggested at which Junior can discuss the Clinton dirt with the Russian government via a cutout:


Hope all is well

Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.

I believe you are aware of the meeting - and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?

I assume it would be at your office.


Rob Goldstone

Fact 4: Junior agrees to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to discuss the Clinton dirt at Trump Tower, thereby colluding with Russia in their efforts to meddle in our election:

On Jun 7, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

How about 3 at our offices? Thanks rob appreciate you helping set it up.


On the very same day, Candidate Trump announces to the world he is going to release some very damaging information on Clinton. Trump clearly was informed of the upcoming meeting with the Russian government reps who wanted to help him win.

You can watch Trump read his teleprompter speech in the video below. And then you can see him stop reading from the teleprompter at around the 7:15 mark and say, "I am going to give a major speech. Probably Monday of next week. And we’re going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons. I think you’re going to find it very informative and very, very interesting.”

The "Monday of next week" was June 13.

Fact 5: Junior actually meets with the Russian government cutout.


CNN bull shit...

Gawd you folks are predictable.. To bad the real evidence is not bearing your view out..

Those are Trump Junior's own emails, retard.

Christ, you really are willfully blind.
Gee....the foreign spy Hillary paid to get her hands on a false Russian-authored report also worked for the FBI...


Gee...when that news broke the FBI 'fired' the spy - Steele...but only publicly. They then used a member of the DOJ to communicate back and forth with the spy, to keep getting his help on pushing the false report as Legitimate Intel, which they knew was not the case....


Gee...the wife of this DOJ employee, a Russian expert (what are the odds?), was working for Fusion GPS who was working for the Russians, who was the company who was the middle-man between Hillary and the foreign spy and Russians.

Everyone knows what took place in 2016...Obama spied on Trump's campaign via his henchmen in the CIA...the FBI....the wasn't that long ago when libtards hated those agencies but now that they were using their power to conduct a coup on Trump they are cheering them know you must be on the wrong side when you must resort to changing teams so willy nilly.....

Everybody knows what happened. They know your story is a fairy tale.

How much do you get paid by the DNC to post on this site?

It has to be a lot for you to lower yourself to such depravity and ridicule.

Anyone who is in their right mind and rejects your crazy conspiracy theories works for the DNC. How much do you get paid by Trump? Do you get a commission per conspiracy? It is Trump people like you who are the fools.
Gee...CIA Director Brennan got his hands on the dossier...and with the help of FBI agent Strzok - who is at the center of everything crooked and illegal in this whole coup, authored an Intel Community Report - based on the Russian-authored report - and passed it around a limited Intel community - with the help of NIA Director Clapper.

Once they got the response they wanted they then authored an Intel Community Assessment - based on the Russian-authored report...and passed it off to Congress as Legitimate Intel, which they knew it wasn't....

Gee...WHAT ARE THE ODDS of Hillary, CIA Director Brennan, NIA Director Clapper, FBI Director Comey, FBI Deputy Director McCabe, FBI Agent Strzok, foreign spy Steele, DOJ employee Ohr, and the Russians who authored the report all working on / off of the same fake report in an attempt the same exact goal - 'GET TRUMP'?!

The statistics/calculations for all that to be mere coincidence must be off the chart.....
Gee...CIA Director Brennan got his hands on the dossier...and with the help of FBI agent Strzok - who is at the center of everything crooked and illegal in this whole coup, authored an Intel Community Report - based on the Russian-authored report - and passed it around a limited Intel community - with the help of NIA Director Clapper.

Once they got the response they wanted they then authored an Intel Community Assessment - based on the Russian-authored report...and passed it off to Congress as Legitimate Intel, which they knew it wasn't....

Gee...WHAT ARE THE ODDS of Hillary, CIA Director Brennan, NIA Director Clapper, FBI Director Comey, FBI Deputy Director McCabe, FBI Agent Strzok, foreign spy Steele, DOJ employee Ohr, and the Russians who authored the report all working on / off of the same fake report in an attempt the same exact goal - 'GET TRUMP'?!

The statistics/calculations for all that to be mere coincidence must be off the chart.....

Hope Issa starts investigating big time.
Laughing my ass off now... Not only is the Deep State now fully exposed Trumps approval numbers went UP even after all the hype from democrats in the last week. SO all the hype of Trumps worst week had LITTLE TO NO EFFECT...

Yeah, he’s sure rockin’ it with that massive 43% approval rating.
Try again 48.3%
Put the bong down...


41% when you poll all adults. Makes you just cream, dudn’t it?
The truth always comes out in the end......

"Mr. Lovinger unwittingly shined a spotlight on the deep state’s secret weapon – Stefan Halper – and threatened to expose the truth about the Trump-Russia collusion narrative than being plotted: that it was all a set-up.”

No has been coming out a little at a time. The evidence has been there the whole time.

Case in point: The 'Trump Tower Meeting'.

Obama overrode his own Immigration department that had banned the lawyer from entering the United States - the ONLY reason she was here was because Obama wanted it to be so and made it happen.

The meeting location was known in advance, well enough in advance to have the location bugged and to have Obama's own personal ex-FBI Russian Interpreter in the room during the meeting.

You can smell 'SET-UP' all over the place....and maybe Trump Jr did, too. The meeting only lasted 7 minutes - Trump Jr left abruptly and no information ever exchanged hands.

The Democrats were left with a LEGAL meeting (collecting opposition research is LEGAL)...and NO information was ever passed.

Case In Point #2: Papadopoulos

The FBI received a 'TIP' about a 'drunken conversation' held between a Trump Campaign member and an Australian Representative in the bathroom of a British Pub'
- The 'TIP' came from the SAME Australian Rep Papa supposedly talked to....who happened to be a HUGE DNC and Hillary DONOR, a HUGE Hillary supporter, and a Trump-hater.


Just another crazy conspiracy theory. Do you ever run out of them? You throw out baseless allegations. The fact is that Trump Jr colluded with a Russian national. He went out there expecting to get dirt. Doesn't matter whether he actually got it. Intent is enough.

Excuse me this person in question was a Australian Ambassador. He did not give money to the DNC because he could not.
What pi$$es me off is that Brennan was caught red-handed, dead-to-rights, having committed Perjury by lying to Congress when he said the CIA did NOT illegally spy on the Senate. Within a week the evidence was READ TO HIM. The SOB should have been indicted and sent to prison....instead, he was protected

If you remember, it was REPORTED AT THE TIME the GOP who AGREED TO A DEAL with Democrats.....
-- Wait a second...WHERE THE F* IS THE DOJ? This was an open and shut case...what gave elected politicians to play 'Let's Make A Deal; to allow traitors and criminals walk?

The 'Deal' was that Brennan would stand before Congress and apologize for lying (Committing PERJURY) and for violating the Separation of powers Act by spying on the US Senate....WHICH HE DID.

The SOB didn't learn his lesson...unless the lesson was that he could violate the Constitution, break the law, commit perjury...and be protected from prison. Here we are now, a few years later, and Brennan was caught perjuring himself again, claiming he knew nothing of the dossier, only to have the evidence of his crime read to him again.....and have Mueller ignored it...

We can thank the GOP for cutting that 'deal' instead of sending his treasonous ass to prison where it belonged years ago.
Breaking News- Sara Carter just revealed, on Hannity, the physical evidence of An FBI/DOJ plot to hire Russians and Entrap Trump campaign staffers through Professor Eric Halper.

Halper recrutied Russians to meet with Trump staffers, Halper set up Flynn. Halper set up Papadopoulos. Halper assisted with the making up of the dossier and recruitment to forward the collusion narrative. Halper supplied false information to the FISA court through his FBI handlers.

Evidence presented shows that the FBI PAID Halper to bring known Russians into the Trump campaign and set up Flynn, Papadopoulos, among others. The money trail is solid proof of criminal intent by the FBI and DOJ in a criminal attempt to remove Trump from office.

This is a nuclear bomb that should kill the Mueller investigation. All of his evidence is now tainted.

Links forthcoming....

Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up" - Sara A. Carter
Sara and ha nitty?
Got a real source?
Only knees news watchers believe this garbage
This is a huge bombshell...

The FBI officer who uncovered this was fired and his security clearances removed long before he could expose the criminal conduct. When he blew the whistle on this he was released and punished for reporting this criminal conduct by the FBI under Comey, Brennen, Obama and Lynch...

The fact it continued under Comey and Brennen after the election is further proof of their criminal intent.

What's your legal qualifications again?
Knees news?
I must have missed it
Everybody knows what happened. They know your story is a fairy tale. wish it wasn't true but we all know better and so do you....

I am in my right mind sorry.

The problem is your LEFT mind has control of your being.

Even Ronald Reagan would be to the left of you .

That's funny considering the rightwingers that call me a liberal because I won't lie!
The truth always comes out in the end......

"Mr. Lovinger unwittingly shined a spotlight on the deep state’s secret weapon – Stefan Halper – and threatened to expose the truth about the Trump-Russia collusion narrative than being plotted: that it was all a set-up.”

No has been coming out a little at a time. The evidence has been there the whole time.

Case in point: The 'Trump Tower Meeting'.

Obama overrode his own Immigration department that had banned the lawyer from entering the United States - the ONLY reason she was here was because Obama wanted it to be so and made it happen.

The meeting location was known in advance, well enough in advance to have the location bugged and to have Obama's own personal ex-FBI Russian Interpreter in the room during the meeting.

You can smell 'SET-UP' all over the place....and maybe Trump Jr did, too. The meeting only lasted 7 minutes - Trump Jr left abruptly and no information ever exchanged hands.

The Democrats were left with a LEGAL meeting (collecting opposition research is LEGAL)...and NO information was ever passed.

Case In Point #2: Papadopoulos

The FBI received a 'TIP' about a 'drunken conversation' held between a Trump Campaign member and an Australian Representative in the bathroom of a British Pub'
- The 'TIP' came from the SAME Australian Rep Papa supposedly talked to....who happened to be a HUGE DNC and Hillary DONOR, a HUGE Hillary supporter, and a Trump-hater.


Just another crazy conspiracy theory. Do you ever run out of them? You throw out baseless allegations. The fact is that Trump Jr colluded with a Russian national. He went out there expecting to get dirt. Doesn't matter whether he actually got it. Intent is enough.

Excuse me this person in question was a Australian Ambassador. He did not give money to the DNC because he could not.

I guess you don't understand that getting dirt is not illegal in any way. You are a pathetic excuse for a liberal, and that means you suck worse than a typical libtard.
This is a huge bombshell...

The FBI officer who uncovered this was fired and his security clearances removed long before he could expose the criminal conduct. When he blew the whistle on this he was released and punished for reporting this criminal conduct by the FBI under Comey, Brennen, Obama and Lynch...

The fact it continued under Comey and Brennen after the election is further proof of their criminal intent.

Whatever you say Charlie Brown...


When are you going to say? You are costing US taxpayers and still have nothing. Shit or get off the pot
Everybody knows what happened. They know your story is a fairy tale. wish it wasn't true but we all know better and so do you....

I am in my right mind sorry.

The problem is your LEFT mind has control of your being.

Even Ronald Reagan would be to the left of you .

That's funny considering the rightwingers that call me a liberal because I won't lie!
Ah, John Wayne , our other draft dodger.
I guess you admire the orange blobs Vietnam sacrifice? Not o get a STD?
I guess you like the old joke?
"If you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great indoctrination and commie benefits"
Sucking off them?
The truth always comes out in the end......

"Mr. Lovinger unwittingly shined a spotlight on the deep state’s secret weapon – Stefan Halper – and threatened to expose the truth about the Trump-Russia collusion narrative than being plotted: that it was all a set-up.”

No has been coming out a little at a time. The evidence has been there the whole time.

Case in point: The 'Trump Tower Meeting'.

Obama overrode his own Immigration department that had banned the lawyer from entering the United States - the ONLY reason she was here was because Obama wanted it to be so and made it happen.

The meeting location was known in advance, well enough in advance to have the location bugged and to have Obama's own personal ex-FBI Russian Interpreter in the room during the meeting.

You can smell 'SET-UP' all over the place....and maybe Trump Jr did, too. The meeting only lasted 7 minutes - Trump Jr left abruptly and no information ever exchanged hands.

The Democrats were left with a LEGAL meeting (collecting opposition research is LEGAL)...and NO information was ever passed.

Case In Point #2: Papadopoulos

The FBI received a 'TIP' about a 'drunken conversation' held between a Trump Campaign member and an Australian Representative in the bathroom of a British Pub'
- The 'TIP' came from the SAME Australian Rep Papa supposedly talked to....who happened to be a HUGE DNC and Hillary DONOR, a HUGE Hillary supporter, and a Trump-hater.


Just another crazy conspiracy theory. Do you ever run out of them? You throw out baseless allegations. The fact is that Trump Jr colluded with a Russian national. He went out there expecting to get dirt. Doesn't matter whether he actually got it. Intent is enough.

Excuse me this person in question was a Australian Ambassador. He did not give money to the DNC because he could not.

I guess you don't understand that getting dirt is not illegal in any way. You are a pathetic excuse for a liberal, and that means you suck worse than a typical libtard.
Pity you are too dumb to know the def of liberal.
No Latin?
Liber, free, for the individual and small gov.
Enjoy your socialist benefits
The truth always comes out in the end......

"Mr. Lovinger unwittingly shined a spotlight on the deep state’s secret weapon – Stefan Halper – and threatened to expose the truth about the Trump-Russia collusion narrative than being plotted: that it was all a set-up.”

No has been coming out a little at a time. The evidence has been there the whole time.

Case in point: The 'Trump Tower Meeting'.

Obama overrode his own Immigration department that had banned the lawyer from entering the United States - the ONLY reason she was here was because Obama wanted it to be so and made it happen.

The meeting location was known in advance, well enough in advance to have the location bugged and to have Obama's own personal ex-FBI Russian Interpreter in the room during the meeting.

You can smell 'SET-UP' all over the place....and maybe Trump Jr did, too. The meeting only lasted 7 minutes - Trump Jr left abruptly and no information ever exchanged hands.

The Democrats were left with a LEGAL meeting (collecting opposition research is LEGAL)...and NO information was ever passed.

Case In Point #2: Papadopoulos

The FBI received a 'TIP' about a 'drunken conversation' held between a Trump Campaign member and an Australian Representative in the bathroom of a British Pub'
- The 'TIP' came from the SAME Australian Rep Papa supposedly talked to....who happened to be a HUGE DNC and Hillary DONOR, a HUGE Hillary supporter, and a Trump-hater.


Just another crazy conspiracy theory. Do you ever run out of them? You throw out baseless allegations. The fact is that Trump Jr colluded with a Russian national. He went out there expecting to get dirt. Doesn't matter whether he actually got it. Intent is enough.

Excuse me this person in question was a Australian Ambassador. He did not give money to the DNC because he could not.

I guess you don't understand that getting dirt is not illegal in any way. You are a pathetic excuse for a liberal, and that means you suck worse than a typical libtard.

Try to read the guardians account.
Nothing to do with getting dirt.
Is that what knees news told you?
Pity you are too dumb to know the def of liberal.
No Latin?
Liber, free, for the individual and small gov.
Enjoy your socialist benefits
It is obvious that Democrats and snowflakes don't know Latin, as they continue to try to silence anyone who disagrees with them...

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