DOJ, FBI CRIMINAL collusion proof uncovered in Trump Investigation

This story is 3 months old.

Its still the Obama DoD? not yet the Trump DoD?

Did you know Halper served in 3 previous republican administrations.
The payment information and the solid proof of criminal intent to deprive a duly elected president of the office is nothing short of TREASON. They were employing foreign agents in the effort to subvert the election.. That is fucked up to the max...


Where in the hell is Jeff Sessions?
Nobody knew about the FBI russia investigation prior to voting. It was only revealed after Trump assumed office.
What russians were paid?
What about Butina in the NRA?
Everyone knows what took place in 2016...Obama spied on Trump's campaign via his henchmen in the CIA...the FBI....the wasn't that long ago when libtards hated those agencies but now that they were using their power to conduct a coup on Trump they are cheering them know you must be on the wrong side when you must resort to changing teams so willy nilly.....
Breaking News- Sara Carter just revealed, on Hannity, the physical evidence of An FBI/DOJ plot to hire Russians and Entrap Trump campaign staffers through Professor Eric Halper.

Halper recrutied Russians to meet with Trump staffers, Halper set up Flynn. Halper set up Papadopoulos. Halper assisted with the making up of the dossier and recruitment to forward the collusion narrative. Halper supplied false information to the FISA court through his FBI handlers.

Evidence presented shows that the FBI PAID Halper to bring known Russians into the Trump campaign and set up Flynn, Papadopoulos, among others. The money trail is solid proof of criminal intent by the FBI and DOJ in a criminal attempt to remove Trump from office.

This is a nuclear bomb that should kill the Mueller investigation. All of his evidence is now tainted.

Links forthcoming....

Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up" - Sara A. Carter
Sean InsHannity said it so it must be true. Just like all the other times there was "proof" and people got arrested and prosecuted and stuff.

Oh wait! That has never happened!
I took the time to Read Sara's writings and my long profession in law enforcement has netted many contacts... The FBI rank and file are pissed like never before, this week when this information became well known, you had many people begin looking for internal evidence... They want these traitors out! This is not over.

Feel free to keep you head up your ass. I'm sure a boot will come along soon enough and dislodge it.
Lol, it's been weeks.

This is just another attempt at distraction.

Its not going anywhere either, just like the rest.
Sara Carter is beyond awesome. Man oh man, she's rocked this from the beginning.

You are correct. God bless Carter, Hannity, Tucker, Rush, and the rest of them. If it weren't for people like those, the criminal scumbag elitists in this country would be fooling all of the people all of the time.

Cracked pots all. This would not make it in a movie. You people are the criminal scumbags in this country.
Everyone knows what took place in 2016...Obama spied on Trump's campaign via his henchmen in the CIA...the FBI....the wasn't that long ago when libtards hated those agencies but now that they were using their power to conduct a coup on Trump they are cheering them know you must be on the wrong side when you must resort to changing teams so willy nilly.....

Everybody knows what happened. They know your story is a fairy tale.
All those Trump cabinet members who had to quit think they are off scott free?

Well they aren't. They can still be prosecuted.
All those Trump cabinet members who had to quit think they are off scott free?

Well they aren't. They can still be prosecuted
Why do you ignore all of the Obama CIA....FBI and DOJ agents that have been fired demoted or forced to retire?.....I think we got ya beat buttkiss.....
I;m not a journalist or news person but I watch everyday as the people running our country and reporting about it are acting like school children spatting over who gets to have the last word Im neither left or right but never wrong If anybody in our Govt hasn't lied to get where they are or stepped on their opponents necks on the way there please let me know who you are I'd love to look into the veracity of your statementsotherwise shut up and let our President do what presidents are hired to do Lead from the front thank you
All those Trump cabinet members who had to quit think they are off scott free?

Well they aren't. They can still be prosecuted.
All those Trump cabinet members who had to quit think they are off scott free?

Well they aren't. They can still be prosecuted.
All those Trump cabinet members who had to quit think they are off scott free?

Well they aren't. They can still be prosecuted
Why do you ignore all of the Obama CIA....FBI and DOJ agents that have been fired demoted or forced to retire?.....I think we got ya beat buttkiss.....
they ignore them because the powers that (wish to be ) in Washington are not working for Ameica they are working to cover up anything that could get them thrown in jail this scandal about the Fisa court YADA yada went clear to the Oval office if it didn't they wouldn't be fighting so hard to keep the information classified What would happen if the people actually knew that an outgoing admin tried to rig an election and got caught Mr Nixon wasn't off limits maybe it was just a better lie by the DNC
This story is 3 months old.

Its still the Obama DoD? not yet the Trump DoD?

Did you know Halper served in 3 previous republican administrations.
The payment information and the solid proof of criminal intent to deprive a duly elected president of the office is nothing short of TREASON. They were employing foreign agents in the effort to subvert the election.. That is fucked up to the max...


Where in the hell is Jeff Sessions?
Nobody knew about the FBI russia investigation prior to voting. It was only revealed after Trump assumed office.
What russians were paid?
What about Butina in the NRA?

Christopher Steele paid Russian informants and none of his dossier was verified. Steele himself in British court documents admitted that the dossier was unverified.
All those Trump cabinet members who had to quit think they are off scott free?

Well they aren't. They can still be prosecuted
Why do you ignore all of the Obama CIA....FBI and DOJ agents that have been fired demoted or forced to retire?.....I think we got ya beat buttkiss.....

It is called retaliation.

The IG wasn't retaliating against anyone when he issued his reports.

The fact is that they were demoted, fired or forced to retire because Trump put pressure on the agencies to retaliate against these employees.
All those Trump cabinet members who had to quit think they are off scott free?

Well they aren't. They can still be prosecuted
Why do you ignore all of the Obama CIA....FBI and DOJ agents that have been fired demoted or forced to retire?.....I think we got ya beat buttkiss.....

It is called retaliation.

The IG wasn't retaliating against anyone when he issued his reports.

The fact is that they were demoted, fired or forced to retire because Trump put pressure on the agencies to retaliate against these employees.

Bullshit. Take McCabe for example.

Read the report: Justice Department Inspector General's investigation of Andrew McCabe
The Justice Department Inspector General alleges that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe inappropriately authorized the disclosure of sensitive information to a reporter and then misled investigators and former FBI Director James B. Comey about it on several occasions, according to a report made public Friday.
Breaking News- Sara Carter just revealed, on Hannity, the physical evidence of An FBI/DOJ plot to hire Russians and Entrap Trump campaign staffers through Professor Eric Halper.

Halper recrutied Russians to meet with Trump staffers, Halper set up Flynn. Halper set up Papadopoulos. Halper assisted with the making up of the dossier and recruitment to forward the collusion narrative. Halper supplied false information to the FISA court through his FBI handlers.

Evidence presented shows that the FBI PAID Halper to bring known Russians into the Trump campaign and set up Flynn, Papadopoulos, among others. The money trail is solid proof of criminal intent by the FBI and DOJ in a criminal attempt to remove Trump from office.

This is a nuclear bomb that should kill the Mueller investigation. All of his evidence is now tainted.

Links forthcoming....

Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up" - Sara A. Carter
Which means being the first in reporting this plot, I was right all along since the beginning and that means those with egg on their face have to eat a giant crow pie

So they need to Teshuva. And now with the last Pope going down by a scandal I expressed concern about in 1996 that still is not resolved, means it's time to finally overturn this failed imposter Temple and build the real Mikdash in the name, in the city in the name of the "TRUE GUARDIAN" WATCHING OVER YOU AND BRINGING YOU TO Shalem.
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Don't worry forum trolls and sock puppets, I hear crow taste likes chicken.
This is a huge bombshell...

The FBI officer who uncovered this was fired and his security clearances removed long before he could expose the criminal conduct. When he blew the whistle on this he was released and punished for reporting this criminal conduct by the FBI under Comey, Brennen, Obama and Lynch...

Is this what you are incoherently babbling about?

"Spygate," the false allegation that the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign, explained

“Spygate,” the false allegation that the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign, explained
Stefan Halper, a professor and FBI informant, didn’t “spy” on Trump. Here’s what actually happened.
Vox is a communist propaganda organ
WTF is Sahara Carter?
And it's George Papadopoulos.
Drink much?
you really should try harder.... your not making any sense...

Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up" - Sara A. Carter

You should really try linking to a legitimate news outlet, not a blog.
Hannity obviously used this blog for his talking points tonight.

LOL! Go to her about us page:
"Sara A. Carter is currently an investigative reporter and Fox News Contributor. Her stories can be found at She formerly worked as a senior national security correspondent for Circa News."""

SUCKER. There won't be any bombshells because of this chick's OPINION.
"Legitimate news outlets" like Vox?

Who are you trying to kid?

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