DOJ, FBI CRIMINAL collusion proof uncovered in Trump Investigation

Pity you are too dumb to know the def of liberal.
No Latin?
Liber, free, for the individual and small gov.
Enjoy your socialist benefits
It is obvious that Democrats and snowflakes don't know Latin, as they continue to try to silence anyone who disagrees with them...

Just pointing out your lack of education darlin.
Spewing words you don't know the derivation of.
Sort of takes away from your made up mind argument
The truth always comes out in the end......

"Mr. Lovinger unwittingly shined a spotlight on the deep state’s secret weapon – Stefan Halper – and threatened to expose the truth about the Trump-Russia collusion narrative than being plotted: that it was all a set-up.”

No has been coming out a little at a time. The evidence has been there the whole time.

Case in point: The 'Trump Tower Meeting'.

Obama overrode his own Immigration department that had banned the lawyer from entering the United States - the ONLY reason she was here was because Obama wanted it to be so and made it happen.

The meeting location was known in advance, well enough in advance to have the location bugged and to have Obama's own personal ex-FBI Russian Interpreter in the room during the meeting.

You can smell 'SET-UP' all over the place....and maybe Trump Jr did, too. The meeting only lasted 7 minutes - Trump Jr left abruptly and no information ever exchanged hands.

The Democrats were left with a LEGAL meeting (collecting opposition research is LEGAL)...and NO information was ever passed.

Case In Point #2: Papadopoulos

The FBI received a 'TIP' about a 'drunken conversation' held between a Trump Campaign member and an Australian Representative in the bathroom of a British Pub'
- The 'TIP' came from the SAME Australian Rep Papa supposedly talked to....who happened to be a HUGE DNC and Hillary DONOR, a HUGE Hillary supporter, and a Trump-hater.


Just another crazy conspiracy theory. Do you ever run out of them? You throw out baseless allegations. The fact is that Trump Jr colluded with a Russian national. He went out there expecting to get dirt. Doesn't matter whether he actually got it. Intent is enough.

Excuse me this person in question was a Australian Ambassador. He did not give money to the DNC because he could not.

I guess you don't understand that getting dirt is not illegal in any way. You are a pathetic excuse for a liberal, and that means you suck worse than a typical libtard.

Try to read the guardians account.
Nothing to do with getting dirt.
Is that what knees news told you?

Hope this helps
jikes, it points out both sides.
No good for our old white fart all sucking of their socialist SS Medicare forum I guess
Q&A: what is Donald Trump accused of and what happens now?
Daryl Issa now questioning validity of Special Counsel as testimony shows clear evidence of criminal misconduct in order to seat Mueller... Just now FOX News interview... So many conflicts in testimony that he is openly questioning the legality of the Special Counsel...

Bruce Ohr has now opened Pandora's box..

Any day now....

Sent from my iPhone using
Pity you are too dumb to know the def of liberal.
No Latin?
Liber, free, for the individual and small gov.
Enjoy your socialist benefits
It is obvious that Democrats and snowflakes don't know Latin, as they continue to try to silence anyone who disagrees with them...

How could we try to silence a SO IMPRESSIVE Masked USA children's hero?
Snowflake? 19 C pro slavery white boys?
Thought you would be proud to be one
Daryl Issa now questioning validity of Special Counsel as testimony shows clear evidence of criminal misconduct in order to seat Mueller... Just now FOX News interview... So many conflicts in testimony that he is openly questioning the legality of the Special Counsel...

Bruce Ohr has now opened Pandora's box..

Any day now....

Sent from my iPhone using
I guess he's opened knees news box.
Omg he's spent decades investigating the Russian mafia, now it's anti orange blob
This is a huge bombshell...

The FBI officer who uncovered this was fired and his security clearances removed long before he could expose the criminal conduct. When he blew the whistle on this he was released and punished for reporting this criminal conduct by the FBI under Comey, Brennen, Obama and Lynch...

The fact it continued under Comey and Brennen after the election is further proof of their criminal intent.
but no security status was removed for political spite or reasons. :)
WTF is Sahara Carter?
And it's George Papadopoulos.
Drink much?
you really should try harder.... your not making any sense...

Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up" - Sara A. Carter

You should really try linking to a legitimate news outlet, not a blog.
Hannity obviously used this blog for his talking points tonight.

LOL! Go to her about us page:
"Sara A. Carter is currently an investigative reporter and Fox News Contributor. Her stories can be found at She formerly worked as a senior national security correspondent for Circa News."""

SUCKER. There won't be any bombshells because of this chick's OPINION.
if there are no "bombshells" and there's "nothing to see here" - why did he lose his security clearance?
WTF is Sahara Carter?
And it's George Papadopoulos.
Drink much?
you really should try harder.... your not making any sense...

Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up" - Sara A. Carter

You should really try linking to a legitimate news outlet, not a blog.
Hannity obviously used this blog for his talking points tonight.

LOL! Go to her about us page:
"Sara A. Carter is currently an investigative reporter and Fox News Contributor. Her stories can be found at She formerly worked as a senior national security correspondent for Circa News."""

SUCKER. There won't be any bombshells because of this chick's OPINION.
if there are no "bombshells" and there's "nothing to see here" - why did he lose his security clearance?
Political cover-up.... By Clinton and Obama sycophants.... That rock is now being lifted and they are looking under it..

Funny how you all have used every descriptive means to impute Sara and her reporting but the facts remain and you all look like fools. You fail to address the crimes being hidden from view and now that the rock is being lifted you all run like cockroaches...

Looks like we have a long list of trolls in this thread that do not want to discuss the facts presented..
Mueller and his Russia-connected Anti-Trump butt-buddies have been trying to find evidence of any crime to support their false claims for 2 years now...

...and now we find the the conspirators knew about Russian interference in 2014, knew about the Chinese spying on Hillary in 2015, yet HID THEM, actually PROTECTING not only Hillary but Russia and China as well.

This doesn't even include Bill selling missile technology to the Chinese, Hillary selling 20% of the US supply of uranium to Russia, or Diane Feinstein and her husband making millions of dollars working with the ChiComms and facilitation Chinese espionage for 20 years..

This goes FAR beyond the Democrats, as usual, accusing others of doing what they have done / doing what they do and of being who they are ..

This is Democrats committing Treason for personal wealth/gain for DECADES, facilitating enemy espionage, helping an enemy nation acquire the technology to strike the US and kill Americans, colluding with this nation's enemy by pushing Russian-authored lies as legitimate Intel to stage a political coup...


Rigging Primaries, cheating in debates, election fraud, election law and campaign finance law violations, mishandling classified, FOIA violations, Federal Records Act violations, Perjury, Obstruction, Conspiracy, Espionage, Influence Peddling, Treason...

The Democrats.- the DNC - have surpassed breaking laws as individuals and have collectively become a crime syndicate ... have literally become ENEMIES OF THE STATE by literally conspiring with, aiding, abetting, and facilitating crimes against this country ... For personal and party gain...
How could we try to silence a SO IMPRESSIVE Masked USA children's hero?
Snowflake? 19 C pro slavery white boys?
Thought you would be proud to be one

I"m native American, you ignorant douche! :p

Can't resist the uneducated insult can we?
I would hope you protest about the old white farts swatting on your lands
At least I know the def of snowflake and liberal
Mueller and his Russia-connected Anti-Trump butt-buddies have been trying to find evidence of any crime to support their false claims for 2 years now...

...and now we find the the conspirators knew about Russian interference in 2014, knew about the Chinese spying on Hillary in 2015, yet HID THEM, actually PROTECTING not only Hillary but Russia and China as well.

This doesn't even include Bill selling missile technology to the Chinese, Hillary selling 20% of the US supply of uranium to Russia, or Diane Feinstein and her husband making millions of dollars working with the ChiComms and facilitation Chinese espionage for 20 years..

This goes FAR beyond the Democrats, as usual, accusing others of doing what they have done / doing what they do and of being who they are ..

This is Democrats committing Treason for personal wealth/gain for DECADES, facilitating enemy espionage, helping an enemy nation acquire the technology to strike the US and kill Americans, colluding with this nation's enemy by pushing Russian-authored lies as legitimate Intel to stage a political coup...


Rigging Primaries, cheating in debates, election fraud, election law and campaign finance law violations, mishandling classified, FOIA violations, Federal Records Act violations, Perjury, Obstruction, Conspiracy, Espionage, Influence Peddling, Treason...

The Democrats.- the DNC - have surpassed breaking laws as individuals and have collectively become a crime syndicate ... have literally become ENEMIES OF THE STATE by literally conspiring with, aiding, abetting, and facilitating crimes against this country ... For personal and party gain...
Patience darlin.
Sweaty trey took 3 years re Benghazi, zero charges
How many guilty pleas has mueller got?
We're waiting for the golden showers and other Russian stuff
WTF is Sahara Carter?
And it's George Papadopoulos.
Drink much?
you really should try harder.... your not making any sense...

Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up" - Sara A. Carter

You should really try linking to a legitimate news outlet, not a blog.
Hannity obviously used this blog for his talking points tonight.

LOL! Go to her about us page:
"Sara A. Carter is currently an investigative reporter and Fox News Contributor. Her stories can be found at She formerly worked as a senior national security correspondent for Circa News."""

SUCKER. There won't be any bombshells because of this chick's OPINION.
if there are no "bombshells" and there's "nothing to see here" - why did he lose his security clearance?
WTF is Sahara Carter?
And it's George Papadopoulos.
Drink much?
you really should try harder.... your not making any sense...

Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up" - Sara A. Carter

You should really try linking to a legitimate news outlet, not a blog.
Hannity obviously used this blog for his talking points tonight.

LOL! Go to her about us page:
"Sara A. Carter is currently an investigative reporter and Fox News Contributor. Her stories can be found at She formerly worked as a senior national security correspondent for Circa News."""

SUCKER. There won't be any bombshells because of this chick's OPINION.
if there are no "bombshells" and there's "nothing to see here" - why did he lose his security clearance?
Political cover-up.... By Clinton and Obama sycophants.... That rock is now being lifted and they are looking under it..

Funny how you all have used every descriptive means to impute Sara and her reporting but the facts remain and you all look like fools. You fail to address the crimes being hidden from view and now that the rock is being lifted you all run like cockroaches...

Looks like we have a long list of trolls in this thread that do not want to discuss the facts presented..

Billy bob, say no more
How could we try to silence a SO IMPRESSIVE Masked USA children's hero?
Snowflake? 19 C pro slavery white boys?
Thought you would be proud to be one

I"m native American, you ignorant douche! :p

Can't resist the uneducated insult can we?
I would hope you protest about the old white farts swatting on your lands
At least I know the def of snowflake and liberal
Who cares exactly?

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