DOJ Forms Domestic Terrorist Unit

Excellent. They have their work cut out for them.

This is an asymmetrical battle, just as with the jihadis. No uniforms, no rules, all covert. I assume this will involve infiltrating domestic terrorist organizations across the political spectrum.

Just a reminder:

Excellent. They have their work cut out for them.

This is an asymmetrical battle, just as with the jihadis. No uniforms, no rules, all covert. I assume this will involve infiltrating domestic terrorist organizations across the political spectrum.

Soccer Mom's at the PTA to be arrested soon following.
This dedicated unit of lawyers within the DOJ seems be a useful development.

Domestic terroism has changed with the internet and its defining feature of instant communication across vast swaths of users.
Witness what we saw at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, and the revealed communications amongst the various bad actors at the January 6th attack on the seat of our government. In short, bad actors can now mobilize and gather much quicker than previously, and have the potential for greater harm. And can do it easily crossing state lines and jurisdictions which makes it more than challenging for local enforcement or even state enforcement. A unit that mitigates that jurisdicitonal issue has utility.

Nor should it be a surprise that law enforcement has decided to focus more resources against an emerging perceived threat. After all, America has been signalled time and time again by the leadership of the FBI and the DOJ of their data showing that these actors are numbers, in violence, and in intent.

So, from my view, this group of DOJ lawyers dedicated to monitoring those groups who espouse violent solutions to their animus against Jews, Blacks, Muslims, immigrants, and others.....well, that's a good thing for America.

It will be interesting to watch for an uptick in arrests. And hopefully, the diminishment of the threat.
Frankly this would cover Antifa and other leftist terrorist groups as well. With Mexico and Central America imploding, narco terrorism is an increasing threat as well.
Excellent. They have their work cut out for them.

This is an asymmetrical battle, just as with the jihadis. No uniforms, no rules, all covert. I assume this will involve infiltrating domestic terrorist organizations across the political spectrum.

The good news is they won't have a political bias or agenda. :D
Man, a couple of years ago a lot of right wingers in this thread would have gone apeshit supporting anti-terrorism task forces because they would have assumed they’d be going after Muslims.
Political assassinations...that is what is going to happen. This is what they call "justice". You saw that on 1/6 with the zip ties and gallows and earlier than that with the Whitmer plot.

They are blunt instruments and this is their answer to losing elections and the browning of America. They've lost 7 of the last 8 national popular votes....their message is no longer resonating and the only reason they have any power at all is because of two things; the Senate structure and gerrymandering. One is set in stone; the other...they lose a few large states (Texas for one) governor's mansion at the wrong time and there goes the gerrymandering. So yeah; political assassinations are going to be what the right wing loons resort to.
Interesting -

Seems to know nothing about the FBI involvement in 1/6 and the Whitmer Hoax.

Doesn't know what Gerrymandering is - at all.

But thinks themself to be superior.

Interesting and weird.
Excellent. They have their work cut out for them.

This is an asymmetrical battle, just as with the jihadis. No uniforms, no rules, all covert. I assume this will involve infiltrating domestic terrorist organizations across the political spectrum.

Hell yeah. There is no difference between a group who chops off peoples heads, stones women to death and parents who want a say in their children's education.

So similar to the feeling after 9/11. Learning that people have a blind, seething hatred for you, people who think you are, literally, "evil". People, full of grievance and rage, who have decided that they're the victims, so they're going to war against this "enemy" that has victimized them. Even though you're not at war with them. Many of whom are walking among us, here, waiting to act.

Incredible. Good luck, DoJ.
Yeah, good luck, DOJ.

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