DOJ gives new reason for Trump Raid.... It never was about "nuclear paperwork".. Oh Really?

Just like a trained little puppy. Hah Ha Ha!
You think I haven't read damn near every thread on this site. I didn't answer you before because of your demands. Not me boy. Now you're my go fetch little puppy dog.
You think I haven't read damn near every thread on this site. I didn't answer you before because of your demands. Not me boy. Now you're my go fetch little puppy dog.
But you never questioned any thread that stated trump had nuclear information. But now you want to know where the FBI or DOJ made such a claim.
Comey said they were emails that contained top secret information
Yes, a national security lawyer determined that after the fact.

Nothing was properly marked classified on the emails because they were just discussions between the staff.
Yes, a national security lawyer determined that after the fact.

Nothing was properly marked classified on the emails because they were just discussions between the staff.
No not after the fact the 8 email chains were already top secret they were not up classified.
There were no top secret markings on those emails because they weren’t deemed top secret until the lawyer said so.
Holy shit dude Comey said nothing about the 8 emails were not marked he said the 8:email chains contained top secret information.
He didn't say that.

First, Director Comey explained that he was talking about only three emails out of the 30,000 his office reviewed, or 1/100 of 1% of the emails.

Second, Director Comey explained that these three specific emails were not properly marked as classified pursuant to federal guidelines and manuals. They did not have a classification header, and they did not list the original classifier, the agency and office of origin, the reason for classification, or the date for declassification. Instead they included only a single “(c)” for “confidential” on one paragraph lower down in the text
If they’re classified documents, Trump has committed a crime by retaining them in his house.

If they’re declassified, he is hiding government information from the people.

Either way, he’s wrong.
Once again, Marener...a President is the ultimate authority on classification. If a President wants to take documents to his home then he is authorized to do so.

If the Archivist thinks Trump has things that are in his possession that belong in the National Archive then he should have done what has been done with every other President...ask for them to be turned over. If the President resists...get a subpoena. If he resists the subpoena go to court and have a judge enforce that subpoena. President's have resisted handing over things before. There has NEVER been an FBI raid to seize them! The decision to do so now begs the Merrick Garland competent enough to do the job he currently has?

First, Director Comey explained that he was talking about only three emails out of the 30,000 his office reviewed, or 1/100 of 1% of the emails.

Second, Director Comey explained that these three specific emails were not properly marked as classified pursuant to federal guidelines and manuals. They did not have a classification header, and they did not list the original classifier, the agency and office of origin, the reason for classification, or the date for declassification. Instead they included only a single “(c)” for “confidential” on one paragraph lower down in the text
In addition to this highly sensitive information, we also found information that was properly classified as Secret by the U.S. Intelligence Community
Now this comes as no Suprise... They found no nuclear paperwork... So now the reason has to change... Now it's that Trump was hording documents that cleared him of wrongdoing, and THEY WANTED THEM.

WTF??? Now declassified papers that prove Trumps innocence is a problem.??

This excuse makes no sense... It is his right to retain papers that prove his innocence. They just exposed that they had no PROBABLE CAUSE TO OBTAIN THE WARRANT> RELEASE THE AFFIDAVIT!!!!

Who said there was no nuclear paperwork?
You are such an Idiot... You beloved CNN even says that's what they were looking for...

MY gawd you are such a left wing shill
You aren't answering. You're a fucking liar bitch.

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