DOJ Guilty Of Discrimination

Do they even have the talent to do low level tasks? Perhaps Musk has certain requirements that these people can't meet. Do they have criminal records? Do they have a job history proving that they're reliable? Never, ever hire based on Lefits emotions and Democrat tears. That's bad policy.

Now you see the point. Musk was rejecting them before even vetting them.
During military funeral:


And Trump refused to see the WWII military cemetary in France to honor our fallen soldiers. Because the rain would mess up his hair.
Do they even have the talent to do low level tasks? Perhaps Musk has certain requirements that these people can't meet. Do they have criminal records? Do they have a job history proving that they're reliable? Never, ever hire based on Lefits emotions and Democrat tears. That's bad policy.
That has nothing to do with the lawsuit. Their hiring practices explicitly forbid legal permanent residents which is discrimination.
Trump keeps above Top Secret documents at Mar-a-lago. Documents more secret than anything Elon Musk has at Space-x.
sure, but we are talking about documents a foreign national must have access to, to do their job.

Trump's documents have nothing to do with anybody who is hired at Mar-a-lago.
The OP says illegal alien.

And you point: meaning, illegal or legal foreigners can not see the drawings and documents

What jobs do you think they're seeking? They're not rocket scientists.
They would be applying for jobs as welders, fitters, electricians, inspectors, and painters. Jobs that require the use of documents marked, NOFORN, meaning no foreign nationals may see them..
This thread is dildos.

Nobody in their right mind really thinks "migrants" (illegals under cover of lawless policies that Biden's band-o-turds made-up) can get the security clearances needed for any of those jobs....That would fall under those with a H1/2B visa or those who are already resident aliens.
This thread is dildos.

Nobody in their right mind really thinks "migrants" (illegals under cover of lawless policies that Biden's band-o-turds made-up) can get the security clearances needed for any of those jobs....That would fall under those with a H1/2B visa or those who are already resident aliens.

These jobs at space-x


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