DOJ to Colorado Family: Give Up Your Religion or Your Business

Offering insurance isn't against anyone's religion.

Which you surely know better than they, not being a member of their religion or anything.

Making employees accept your personal precepts shouldn't be protected under the 1st amendment.

Then don't work for them.

If that is put out there upfront, you might have a point.

For instance, I was once offered a job by a company that was run by a devout Jewish guy who closed down on Fridays for the Sabbath. (His religious devotion obviously did not extend to making sure everyone working for him was legally here. "If there papers look good enough, that's good enough for me.")

I felt this was a high enough level of religous stupidity and hypocrisy where I didn't take the job.

I think it would be different if you work for a company, your COBRA has just run out, and then you get your first day of new insurance, and find out, "Oh, we don't cover your wife's progestrone for Ovarian Cysts because of religious objections by your employer".

The Catholic Church already has an exemption from their no birth control policy when it's needed for medical reasons, so your argument is invalid.

Furthermore, no employer is required to provide you with health insurance, even under ObamaCare. It's a fringe benefit and if you have a serious medical condition then one would think you'd take the initiative to ask such an important question before taking the job.

You're trying to abdicate people from their own responsibilities.
If there is any tyranny here, the guilt is born absolutely equally between Republican and Democratic parties, representatives and administrations. This is simply a facet of central government, state or federal.
There is no difference between not wanting to pay taxes because of religious beliefs about human biology and conscientious belief that war is wrong. If one refuses to pay taxes because they are used to kill helpless foreign poor, consequences ensue. That is the meaning of 'choice'. One does what one feels one must. Some choose to conform, others, to resist.
Those who become soldiers and kill under orders are thus not exonerated from the crime.
Those who refuse accept the results.
Just because in this case the people's belief happens to be a sect of Christianity doesn't make it any more severe. If we want to make an exception to the laws in this case, the exception will immediately become the norm.
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Offering insurance isn't against anyone's religion.

Which you surely know better than they, not being a member of their religion or anything.

Making employees accept your personal precepts shouldn't be protected under the 1st amendment.

Then don't work for them.

What would you know about my religion? Don't work for them? That's a matter for labor law, not unilateral fiat. Maybe you want to throw out 100+ years of advances for working people, but that's just crazy, IMO.
The Catholic Church already has an exemption from their no birth control policy when it's needed for medical reasons, so your argument is invalid.

Furthermore, no employer is required to provide you with health insurance, even under ObamaCare. It's a fringe benefit and if you have a serious medical condition then one would think you'd take the initiative to ask such an important question before taking the job.

You're trying to abdicate people from their own responsibilities.

Except they have to jump through a hoop to get that exemption. Even if they aren't Catholic or work for an organization that is only tangental to the church like a school or hospital.

More to the point, responsibility would be having universal health coverage that doesn't go through employers at all, which is how every other industrialized country in the world does it.

You guys are the ones who fight that tooth and nail, probably because if the only issue between employers and employees was wages, business wouldn't be able to push them around as much.
What would you know about my religion? Don't work for them? That's a matter for labor law, not unilateral fiat. Maybe you want to throw out 100+ years of advances for working people, but that's just crazy, IMO.

Sadly, they do, not because they are of the monied class, but they hope some day to be, and the last thing they want is a wage slave insisting he has rights.
If there is any tyranny here, the guilt is born absolutely equally between Republican and Democratic parties, representatives and administrations. This is simply a facet of central government, state or federal.
There is no difference between not wanting to pay taxes because of religious beliefs about human biology and conscientious belief that war is wrong. If one refuses to pay taxes because they are used to kill helpless foreign poor, consequences ensue. That is the meaning of 'choice'. One does what one feels one must. Some choose to conform, others, to resist.
Those who become soldiers and kill under orders to do so are thus not exonerated from the crime.
Those who refuse accept the results.
Just because in this case the people's belief happens to be a sect of Christianity doesn't make it any more severe. If we want to make an exception to the laws in this case, the exception will immediately become the norm.
For it being equally at fault you sure blame soldiers a lot
"For it being equally at fault you sure blame soldiers a lot"

This comment is incomprehensible in the context.

There is no equality of fault involved in choosing to pick up a rifle, aim it at someone and fire. Only one person is doing it. Where is the 'equal'?
"Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Just. Who decides? The person who obeys and the person who does not.
Actually, it was technically the idea of the Heritage Foundation and Mitt Romney. "Conservatives" only started being against it when Obama adopted it.

I think most conservatives would disagree with you lumping in Mitt Romney with them. As far as the Heritage Foundation, their version of mandated health insurance was proposed solely as a more palatable alternative to HillaryCare, which everyone thought was going to pass and was only narrowly defeated at the last minute in the Senate.

On this particular issue, there is no issue for the insurance companies, because birth control is cheaper than paying for maternity costs.

That may be true, but they still profit off of it because it's not being provided for "free" as DHHS has claimed. The cost is simply passed off on everyone across the board. ObamaCare as a whole is an enormous windfall to the health insurance companies.

If you are against birth control, don't practice it. But don't go around telling other people they can't.

Nobody has told anyone that they can't use birth control, Joe. Any other lies you'd like to tell in your feeble attempt to bolster your failed argument?

No, they are just being told that insurance won't cover it, which is kind of the same thing.

No, it's not at all. Telling someone you are not allowed to use a product as opposed to telling them they have to buy it themselves is nothing close to the same thing, but you already know that.

If someone was such a fanatic about birth control that they won't pay for it, somehow, I don't think they'd look upon me kindly as an employee if they knew I was practicing it out of my own pocket.

Pure speculation, nothing more nothing less. That's a completely invalid argument as you can't cite one example of that happening or proof it will happen in the future.

This is why I think these people need to be slapped down- hard. Keep your religous stupidity to yourself.

And that's why we have freedom of religion in our Constitution. To protect religious people from intolerant folks like yourself.
It's astonishing to me that "conservatives" side with big corporations against their own interests because they can push a few religious buttons and make them act stupid.

Corporations push my "Deposit Directly Into Checking Button".
Offering insurance isn't against anyone's religion.
Which you surely know better than they, not being a member of their religion or anything.
What would you know about my religion?

Are you Roman Catholic?

Making employees accept your personal precepts shouldn't be protected under the 1st amendment.

Then don't work for them.

Don't work for them? That's a matter for labor law, not unilateral fiat.

Labor law has absolutely nothing to do with it. You have no right to employment. You have no right to be hired by the company you want to work for, let alone demand that they give you things you think you're entitled to.

Maybe you want to throw out 100+ years of advances for working people

I believe in people making their own choices within reason without government meddling

but that's just crazy, IMO.

I'm not the one siding with the federal government to strip people of their freedoms, you are. What's crazier?
You do know there's a difference between birth control pills and abortion, right?

Christians and have a moral objection to abortion and birth control their church teaches them that.

They're not being asked to practice birth control or abortion, just provide access to insurance coverage. That position makes as much sense as allowing Muslim cab drivers to refuse to pick up fares that have been drinking.

Cab drivers refuse to pick up fares all the time, whether Muslim or not.
Offering insurance isn't against anyone's religion. Making employees accept your personal precepts shouldn't be protected under the 1st amendment. It'd be no different than enforcing shariah law.

Actually, it is against the doctines of several religions. But you're not one to let 'facts' get in the way of bullshit.

Why does that make a difference?

No one should be involved in that disussion but the patient and the doctor. If you are offering health coverage in leiu of compensation, that should be the end of the matter.

And no one should be paying for it except the patient.
The Catholic Church already has an exemption from their no birth control policy when it's needed for medical reasons, so your argument is invalid.

Except they have to jump through a hoop to get that exemption. Even if they aren't Catholic or work for an organization that is only tangental to the church like a school or hospital.

I don't know if that's true or not, but again, don't work for them if they're making it difficult. Pretty much everyone knows about this controversial policy now, so if you are a woman who expects to have your birth control pills covered through your insurance company, why would you go work for a Catholic organization? I wouldn't.

Furthermore, no employer is required to provide you with health insurance, even under ObamaCare. It's a fringe benefit and if you have a serious medical condition then one would think you'd take the initiative to ask such an important question before taking the job.

You're trying to abdicate people from their own responsibilities.

More to the point, responsibility would be having universal health coverage that doesn't go through employers at all, which is how every other industrialized country in the world does it.

What every other industrialized country in the world does is completely irrelevant. If you want that system then go live there.

There is nothing responsible about universal health care as there is nothing responsible about expecting someone else to pick up you or your family's bills and I'm not even going to get in to the whole totalitarian aspects of such a system. Responsibility is pulling your own weight in this world, for better or for worse. Living in freedom means having the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail, something you clearly don't seem to value.

You guys are the ones who fight that tooth and nail, probably because if the only issue between employers and employees was wages, business wouldn't be able to push them around as much.

I really don't know what you mean here. :confused:
Christians and have a moral objection to abortion and birth control their church teaches them that.

They're not being asked to practice birth control or abortion, just provide access to insurance coverage. That position makes as much sense as allowing Muslim cab drivers to refuse to pick up fares that have been drinking.

Cab drivers refuse to pick up fares all the time, whether Muslim or not.

You're missing the point. We're talking religious reasons. The right was all up in arms, when people were refused service by Muslim cab drivers. What's the difference? Unlike cab drivers, the RCC doesn't even have to be in the presence of the "sinners".
What would you know about my religion? Don't work for them? That's a matter for labor law, not unilateral fiat. Maybe you want to throw out 100+ years of advances for working people, but that's just crazy, IMO.

Sadly, they do, not because they are of the monied class, but they hope some day to be, and the last thing they want is a wage slave insisting he has rights.

Why are you so fond of Straw Man claims and flat out lies? Is it because you can't honestly win an argument because you know deep down inside you're wrong just about all the time?
"And no one should be paying for it except the patient."

But others could pay for it if they desired.
If there were enough charities to aid poor people to live a decent life, it would never devolve to the government to do so.
When the poor are not aided, problems become much more severe.
That upsets governments and societies.
Redistribution of a violent kind takes place.
Intelligence would dictate another route.
"And no one should be paying for it except the patient."

But others could pay for it if they desired.
If there were enough charities to aid poor people to live a decent life, it would never devolve to the government to do so.
When the poor are not aided, problems become much more severe.
That upsets governments and societies.
Redistribution of a violent kind takes place.
Intelligence would dictate another route.

Isn't that where the phrase "your money or your life" comes froml The ever existing threat of the poor to become violent and rob violently what they cannot get by simple demand.
You're missing the point. We're talking religious reasons. The right was all up in arms, when people were refused service by Muslim cab drivers. What's the difference? Unlike cab drivers, the RCC doesn't even have to be in the presence of the "sinners".

Do the Muslim cab drivers work for a Muslim owned cab company?

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