Dolazel's new gig

Wonder if she ever watches interviews she's given? A lot of her answeres to questions are simply complete nonsense. But, hey, if the Kardashians can make millions based on no talents whatsoever and a combined IQ of maybe a hundred, more power to this idiot's economic prospects.
The bitch is now claiming she's 'bi'.
Sort of gives you the creeps.
Next up she'll announce she's having a sex change.
Her ex denies the claims. Based on her character and her honesty, I'm inclined to believe him.
Ms. Dolezal has finally admitted that she didn't grow up living in a teepee.

But she now claims that she was born in the woods. ...... :lol: :lol:

Which one will be Ms. Dolezal's next evolution of insanity?

#1 Photo spread in Playboy. (spread being the key word)

#2 Reality show (it would make the Kardashian's seem normal)

#3 Transracial surgery (bigger lips, flat wide nose, kinky hair transplant on vagina)

#4 Same sex-bi racial-transgender marriage with a lesbian midget

#5 All of the above....... :cool:
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She's planning on being in an S&M vid being beaten by.......wait for it.........a baboon strap........:whip:........:ack-1:.
She may be a pathological liar but some of what she said about her ex rings true to me. White women have no idea what they're in for with a black husband.
Another black man administering the full "OJ experience" on a white woman. ....... :cool:

She may be a pathological liar but some of what she said about her ex rings true to me. White women have no idea what they're in for with a black husband.
It only takes a little Googling to find out the stats showing that basically if you are a White woman and you are fucking insane enough to marry a negro man your odds of ending up physically/emotionally abused and being left to bring the part White and part negro children on your own are astronomically high.
Maybe she can swap jobs with Barbara Harrison from WRC-TV in Washington, DC.
She used to be black...


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