Dolphins players take a knee

According to the FBI statistics, 66.4 percent of the 3,407 reported single-bias hate crimes that were racially motivated in 2013 targeted blacks.

Looking at racial and ethnic categories (and counting Hispanic and other national origins as separate categories, as the FBI does):

The racial categories have remained quite constant in share of incidents, aside from a sharp drop in anti-Asian incidents. For the latest year, the share of racial/ethnic incidents is: anti-black, 52 percent; anti-white, 19 percent; anti-Hispanic, 11 percent; anti-other ethnicity, 8 percent; anti-multiple races, 3 percent; anti-Asian, 3 percent; anti-American Indian, 3 percent.

Now post a document that dispute the stats...I'll wait.
The document should clearly stat that Black people commit double the hate crimes against whites...good luck with that.
again--you post the victims
I posted offenders
blacks are the OFFENDERS at over twice the rate of whites
no disputing that
it's right there
----oo--sorry--the FBI is racist
The FBI made that assertion...really???
Naw, you just tried to make some shit up and are mad because no document on the entire internet supports your claim...smh.
fun watching you try to deny facts
Fun watching you try everything because you can't list one single cite to support your ignorance...
you are right--I can't

AND the HIGH murder/crime/RAPE rate of blacks cross checks the hate crime rate
it all cross checks
I know I'm right and I know you can't because you attempted to reinterpret what the FBI posted.
According to the FBI statistics, 66.4 percent of the 3,407 reported single-bias hate crimes that were racially motivated in 2013 targeted blacks.

Looking at racial and ethnic categories (and counting Hispanic and other national origins as separate categories, as the FBI does):

The racial categories have remained quite constant in share of incidents, aside from a sharp drop in anti-Asian incidents. For the latest year, the share of racial/ethnic incidents is: anti-black, 52 percent; anti-white, 19 percent; anti-Hispanic, 11 percent; anti-other ethnicity, 8 percent; anti-multiple races, 3 percent; anti-Asian, 3 percent; anti-American Indian, 3 percent.

Now post a document that dispute the stats...I'll wait.
The document should clearly stat that Black people commit double the hate crimes against whites...good luck with that.

Nice moving of the goal posts there. Did you really think that would fool anyone?
The goal posts were never moved you stupid idiot, the op stated that Black people commit twice the hate crimes against whites...neither of you can post any documentation to support that stupidity.

And then you post numbers on races of victims. A completely different set of numbers.

No, I wasn't. The numbers were posted.
The numbers don't support the assertion and neither can you, hence your lack of cited documentation.
According to the FBI statistics, 66.4 percent of the 3,407 reported single-bias hate crimes that were racially motivated in 2013 targeted blacks.

Looking at racial and ethnic categories (and counting Hispanic and other national origins as separate categories, as the FBI does):

The racial categories have remained quite constant in share of incidents, aside from a sharp drop in anti-Asian incidents. For the latest year, the share of racial/ethnic incidents is: anti-black, 52 percent; anti-white, 19 percent; anti-Hispanic, 11 percent; anti-other ethnicity, 8 percent; anti-multiple races, 3 percent; anti-Asian, 3 percent; anti-American Indian, 3 percent.

Now post a document that dispute the stats...I'll wait.
The document should clearly stat that Black people commit double the hate crimes against whites...good luck with that.

Nice moving of the goal posts there. Did you really think that would fool anyone?
The goal posts were never moved you stupid idiot, the op stated that Black people commit twice the hate crimes against whites...neither of you can post any documentation to support that stupidity.

And then you post numbers on races of victims. A completely different set of numbers.

No, I wasn't. The numbers were posted.
he doesn't have to
my link tells it all
They were the only two in the whole NFL who decided to kneel. I'd be glad to see all of them stop, tbh, not because I had anything against it, but because it riles up such anger and bullshit among those who don't like it.

It might be a good idea for the players who are politically active to promote their ideas in another way.
Thats just it. They are doing it specifically BECAUSE it makes people angry. They arent trying to bring attention to a cause because, they know there isnt a single person in the nation who isnt already aware of this nonsense. They are simply trolling because they enjoy making people angry.
Which nonsense, your hurt feelings or racial injustice?
Im referring to the nonsense of "racial injustice". Im particularly referring to the fact that there isnt a single person in the US who isnt aware of these whining babies. Kneeling wasnt meant to bring attention, it was meant to piss people off. Guess what, IT WORKED! As a result, we smashed the NFL ratings by turning off our tvs, and we made Kap unemployable. Then when Nike hired him, their stock fell 4 billion dollars. Up to speed now?
Racial injustice is real, why else would its exposure on the national stage anger you otherwise? The reaction to it has been hate filled. I can't imagine such a reaction to something irrelevant.

Nike will be just fine. Nike’s stock is up more than 50% in the past year, and up 134% in the past five years.

A 3%(which they have already began to rebound from) loss over in one day is inconsequential to a company who has spent the past 30 years pushing a brand slogan that says "Just Do It".

And what they did was that they chose an athlete who decided to "do" something based on passion, as the face of their corporation.

The actual whiners are those protesting over tax paying citizens exercising their right to a peaceful protest.

What would really be anti American would be for them to fear protesting a systemic issue that should be addressed.
Nice moving of the goal posts there. Did you really think that would fool anyone?
The goal posts were never moved you stupid idiot, the op stated that Black people commit twice the hate crimes against whites...neither of you can post any documentation to support that stupidity.

And then you post numbers on races of victims. A completely different set of numbers.

No, I wasn't. The numbers were posted.
he doesn't have to
my link tells it all
If only it did but it doesn't and you can't support it, hence no documentation.
Nice moving of the goal posts there. Did you really think that would fool anyone?
The goal posts were never moved you stupid idiot, the op stated that Black people commit twice the hate crimes against whites...neither of you can post any documentation to support that stupidity.

And then you post numbers on races of victims. A completely different set of numbers.

No, I wasn't. The numbers were posted.
The numbers don't support the assertion and neither can you, hence your lack of cited documentation.
why does Correl have to provide anything??
my link says it all
At this point, after all that has been said, tweeted, posted, etc., one has to wonder how much of the kneeling is in support of the original issues and how much of it is a big "Fuck You!" thumb in the eye of Donald...
They were the only two in the whole NFL who decided to kneel. I'd be glad to see all of them stop, tbh, not because I had anything against it, but because it riles up such anger and bullshit among those who don't like it.

It might be a good idea for the players who are politically active to promote their ideas in another way.
Thats just it. They are doing it specifically BECAUSE it makes people angry. They arent trying to bring attention to a cause because, they know there isnt a single person in the nation who isnt already aware of this nonsense. They are simply trolling because they enjoy making people angry.
Which nonsense, your hurt feelings or racial injustice?
Im referring to the nonsense of "racial injustice". Im particularly referring to the fact that there isnt a single person in the US who isnt aware of these whining babies. Kneeling wasnt meant to bring attention, it was meant to piss people off. Guess what, IT WORKED! As a result, we smashed the NFL ratings by turning off our tvs, and we made Kap unemployable. Then when Nike hired him, their stock fell 4 billion dollars. Up to speed now?
Racial injustice is real, why else would its exposure on the national stage anger you otherwise? The reaction to it has been hate filled. I can't imagine such a reaction to something irrelevant.

Nike will be just fine. Nike’s stock is up more than 50% in the past year, and up 134% in the past five years.

A 3%(which they have already began to rebound from) loss over in one day is inconsequential to a company who has spent the past 30 years pushing a brand slogan that says "Just Do It".

And what they did was that they chose an athlete who decided to "do" something based on passion, as the face of their corporation.

The actual whiners are those protesting over tax paying citizens exercising their right to a peaceful protest.

What would really be anti American would be for them to fear protesting a systemic issue that should be addressed.
It sure sounds like you're saying Kap is allowed to protest by being anti patriotic, but we arent allowed to protest his anti patriotism. Would you like to rethink your post?
Thats just it. They are doing it specifically BECAUSE it makes people angry. They arent trying to bring attention to a cause because, they know there isnt a single person in the nation who isnt already aware of this nonsense. They are simply trolling because they enjoy making people angry.
Which nonsense, your hurt feelings or racial injustice?
Im referring to the nonsense of "racial injustice". Im particularly referring to the fact that there isnt a single person in the US who isnt aware of these whining babies. Kneeling wasnt meant to bring attention, it was meant to piss people off. Guess what, IT WORKED! As a result, we smashed the NFL ratings by turning off our tvs, and we made Kap unemployable. Then when Nike hired him, their stock fell 4 billion dollars. Up to speed now?
Racial injustice is real, why else would its exposure on the national stage anger you otherwise? The reaction to it has been hate filled. I can't imagine such a reaction to something irrelevant.

Nike will be just fine. Nike’s stock is up more than 50% in the past year, and up 134% in the past five years.

A 3%(which they have already began to rebound from) loss over in one day is inconsequential to a company who has spent the past 30 years pushing a brand slogan that says "Just Do It".

And what they did was that they chose an athlete who decided to "do" something based on passion, as the face of their corporation.

The actual whiners are those protesting over tax paying citizens exercising their right to a peaceful protest.

What would really be anti American would be for them to fear protesting a systemic issue that should be addressed.
It sure sounds like you're saying Kap is allowed to protest by being anti patriotic, but we arent allowed to protest his anti patriotism. Would you like to rethink your post?

No. I would not like to rethink my post, as I always think before I post. Just because you do not agree with what I posted, that is not my problem. And "you" or whoever you identify as"we" are allowed to disagree with whatever you and you all wish to.

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At this point, after all that has been said, tweeted, posted, etc., one has to wonder how much of the kneeling is in support of the original issues and how much of it is a big "Fuck You!" thumb in the eye of Donald...
Have the original issues been addressed ?
You must have your eyes closed. That is all they are doing.

The argument is that they are showing disrespect to the FLag, the symbol of the nation.

Discussing that is not using the flag to win any argument.
No,they take it further and accuse these youngsters are disrespecting the armed forces. Its pretty standard chauvanism. I suggest that you read up on the subject.

It is a mistake of certain critics to limit their disrespect to just the armed forces, the kneelers are disrespecting the entire nation.

I understand your claim. Neither repeating it, nor suggesting that I read up on it, is a supporting argument, you fool.
They aren't disrespecting anything, you ignorant idiot.

It's an unity ritual that calls for standing to show unity and respect.

THe Kneelers do the exact opposite of what is done to show respect.

Their actions are exactly the opposite of what you would do to show respect.

The exact opposite of respect is disrespect.

YOu are the ignorant idiot here.
How can these lads feel unity to people who they feel oppress them ?
I have never stood for the union jack or sang god save the queen. I turn the volume down when it comes on the tv. I feel no affinity for it and it does not represent me. But I abide by the laws and I pay my taxes. That is all any of us has to do to be a part of any society.
So you vilify these players for exercising their right to protest. You show no empathy and make no effort to understand what they are upset about. You really are the most sanctimonious,hypocritical trash I can imagine.
The argument is that they are showing disrespect to the FLag, the symbol of the nation.

Discussing that is not using the flag to win any argument.
No,they take it further and accuse these youngsters are disrespecting the armed forces. Its pretty standard chauvanism. I suggest that you read up on the subject.

It is a mistake of certain critics to limit their disrespect to just the armed forces, the kneelers are disrespecting the entire nation.

I understand your claim. Neither repeating it, nor suggesting that I read up on it, is a supporting argument, you fool.
They aren't disrespecting anything, you ignorant idiot.

It's an unity ritual that calls for standing to show unity and respect.

THe Kneelers do the exact opposite of what is done to show respect.

Their actions are exactly the opposite of what you would do to show respect.

The exact opposite of respect is disrespect.

YOu are the ignorant idiot here.
How can these lads feel unity to people who they feel oppress them ?

The same way the vast majority of people in societies have though the vast majority of history.

And those societies that failed at that, were conquered by those that succeeded.

I have never stood for the union jack or sang god save the queen. I turn the volume down when it comes on the tv. I feel no affinity for it and it does not represent me. But I abide by the laws and I pay my taxes. That is all any of us has to do to be a part of any society.

Then what binds you to your fellow citizens? Or motivates you to sacrifice for the common good, or work towards common goals?

What you are describing is what a society looks like, in it's late decline, when the very idea of loyalty to the society, is considered passe.

Future museums will have posts like yours to show how your culture died.

So you vilify these players for exercising their right to protest. You show no empathy and make no effort to understand what they are upset about. You really are the most sanctimonious,hypocritical trash I can imagine.



And do you even consider it vilifying? YOu have no patriotism. Do you even consider it an insult to say that someone has no patriotism?

You have no patriotism. Hell, you turn it down when your anthem comes on the radio. That is more that just no patriotism, that is antipathy.
It is my observation that the people who use the flag or the fallen to win an argument are generally the biggest shits on the planet.

No one is doing that.

You must have your eyes closed. That is all they are doing.

The argument is that they are showing disrespect to the FLag, the symbol of the nation.

Discussing that is not using the flag to win any argument.
No,they take it further and accuse these youngsters are disrespecting the armed forces. Its pretty standard chauvanism. I suggest that you read up on the subject.

Agreed. Quite a few veterans believe that the reason for their service was to allow the citizens of this country to be free to exercise their freedom. As long as it does not violate the law. And there is no law being broken.

If Kaepernick and other NFL players kneeling is offensive to the self righteous, judgemental lot of this country, their choice in exercising their own freedom should be obvious.

Don't watch the NFL.

After doing my own reading and even talking to some NFL players that I personally know, my own belief is that they are not anti American, they are peacefully protesting what is an injustice from their prospective. #45 publicly ranting "Fire the SOBS" is what is ignorant, divisive and un American.

Kaepernick has shown more patriotism and goodwill by quietly taking action to help other Americans who are in need than the vast majority of those who express outrage at him exercising his rights.

What Colin Kaepernick's Philanthropy Tells Us About His Vision for Social Change in America
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Then what binds you to your fellow citizens? Or motivates you to sacrifice for the common good, or work towards common goals?

What you are describing is what a society looks like, in it's late decline, when the very idea of loyalty to the society, is considered passe.

Future museums will have posts like yours to show how your culture died.
It's ridiculous to assert that symbols create ties that bind. Symbols don't create anything, they are merely representations of things.

America has changed since the National Anthem and Flag were created. Therefore what they represent has changed, yet they as symbols remain the same.

If you want people to respect the symbol you first have to create the ties that bind. I know that is difficult for people who espouse individualism as an overarching ideology. You only raise the specter of society when you can wield it as a bludgeon to bash your opponents in the political arena. Other than that, in your mind, we are nothing but individuals competing for the spoils in an unfair world with no moral justification for creating an inclusive society.

Your flag represents a failing society, it doesn't deserve respect.
NFL: Colin Kaepernick thanks Miami Dolphins duo for kneeling during anthem

Colin Kaepernick has thanked Miami Dolphins duo Kenny Stills and Albert Wilson after they kneeled during the US national anthem on Sunday.

It comes after Nike decided to use Kaepernick as the face of a new campaign.

Kaepernick was the first NFL player to kneel during the national anthem to highlight racial injustice.

It seems to be impossible to discuss this protest in a rational way on this board.Clearly there are deep issues here that should be addressed but the reaction of the President and his attack dogs have made this impossible.

I dont know how representative the racist posters on the "race relations" forum are of America as a whole but it looks like the civil rights movement drove the racism underground and that hatred still exists.

Why cant the US leave the hatred in the past ?

I'll go along with FORCING PEOPLE at gunpoint to stand for our freedoms (see the irony?) when conservatives stop using the confederate flag as their flag of choice.......Why should I have more respect for the flag of our nation when they have NONE?
NFL: Colin Kaepernick thanks Miami Dolphins duo for kneeling during anthem

Colin Kaepernick has thanked Miami Dolphins duo Kenny Stills and Albert Wilson after they kneeled during the US national anthem on Sunday.

It comes after Nike decided to use Kaepernick as the face of a new campaign.

Kaepernick was the first NFL player to kneel during the national anthem to highlight racial injustice.

It seems to be impossible to discuss this protest in a rational way on this board.Clearly there are deep issues here that should be addressed but the reaction of the President and his attack dogs have made this impossible.

I dont know how representative the racist posters on the "race relations" forum are of America as a whole but it looks like the civil rights movement drove the racism underground and that hatred still exists.

Why cant the US leave the hatred in the past ?

I'll go along with FORCING PEOPLE at gunpoint to stand for our freedoms (see the irony?) when conservatives stop using the confederate flag as their flag of choice.......Why should I have more respect for the flag of our nation when they have NONE?
I could never figure why Black G.I.s put their lives on the line for a country that kept them as second class citizens.
It is my observation that the people who use the flag or the fallen to win an argument are generally the biggest shits on the planet.

No one is doing that.

You must have your eyes closed. That is all they are doing.

The argument is that they are showing disrespect to the FLag, the symbol of the nation.

Discussing that is not using the flag to win any argument.
No,they take it further and accuse these youngsters are disrespecting the armed forces. Its pretty standard chauvanism. I suggest that you read up on the subject.

Agreed. Quite a few veterans believe that the reason for their service was to allow the citizens of this country to be free to exercise their freedom. As long as it does not violate the law. And there is no law being broken.

If Kaepernick and other NFL players kneeling is offensive to the self righteous, judgemental lot of this country, their choice in exercising their own freedom should be obvious.

Don't watch the NFL.

After doing my own reading and even talking to some NFL players that I personally know, my own belief is that they are not anti American, they are peacefully protesting what is an injustice from their prospective. #45 publicly ranting "Fire the SOBS" is what is ignorant, divisive and un American.

Kaepernick has shown more patriotism and goodwill by quietly taking action to help other Americans who are in need than the vast majority of those who express outrage at him exercising his rights.

What Colin Kaepernick's Philanthropy Tells Us About His Vision for Social Change in America
I think that there is a certain class of people who live with a suppressed anger just waiting for an outlet.
No,they take it further and accuse these youngsters are disrespecting the armed forces. Its pretty standard chauvanism. I suggest that you read up on the subject.

It is a mistake of certain critics to limit their disrespect to just the armed forces, the kneelers are disrespecting the entire nation.

I understand your claim. Neither repeating it, nor suggesting that I read up on it, is a supporting argument, you fool.
They aren't disrespecting anything, you ignorant idiot.

It's an unity ritual that calls for standing to show unity and respect.

THe Kneelers do the exact opposite of what is done to show respect.

Their actions are exactly the opposite of what you would do to show respect.

The exact opposite of respect is disrespect.

YOu are the ignorant idiot here.
How can these lads feel unity to people who they feel oppress them ?

The same way the vast majority of people in societies have though the vast majority of history.

And those societies that failed at that, were conquered by those that succeeded.

I have never stood for the union jack or sang god save the queen. I turn the volume down when it comes on the tv. I feel no affinity for it and it does not represent me. But I abide by the laws and I pay my taxes. That is all any of us has to do to be a part of any society.

Then what binds you to your fellow citizens? Or motivates you to sacrifice for the common good, or work towards common goals?

What you are describing is what a society looks like, in it's late decline, when the very idea of loyalty to the society, is considered passe.

Future museums will have posts like yours to show how your culture died.

So you vilify these players for exercising their right to protest. You show no empathy and make no effort to understand what they are upset about. You really are the most sanctimonious,hypocritical trash I can imagine.



And do you even consider it vilifying? YOu have no patriotism. Do you even consider it an insult to say that someone has no patriotism?

You have no patriotism. Hell, you turn it down when your anthem comes on the radio. That is more that just no patriotism, that is antipathy.
You misunderstand me. I am Welsh not British. I have no loyalty to the English hierarchy.
NFL: Colin Kaepernick thanks Miami Dolphins duo for kneeling during anthem

Colin Kaepernick has thanked Miami Dolphins duo Kenny Stills and Albert Wilson after they kneeled during the US national anthem on Sunday.

It comes after Nike decided to use Kaepernick as the face of a new campaign.

Kaepernick was the first NFL player to kneel during the national anthem to highlight racial injustice.

It seems to be impossible to discuss this protest in a rational way on this board.Clearly there are deep issues here that should be addressed but the reaction of the President and his attack dogs have made this impossible.

I dont know how representative the racist posters on the "race relations" forum are of America as a whole but it looks like the civil rights movement drove the racism underground and that hatred still exists.

Why cant the US leave the hatred in the past ?

Kaepernick should thank Trump.

Because of the Trump reaction, he has made millions of dollars with Nikey and could easily run for political office.
No one is doing that.

You must have your eyes closed. That is all they are doing.

The argument is that they are showing disrespect to the FLag, the symbol of the nation.

Discussing that is not using the flag to win any argument.
No,they take it further and accuse these youngsters are disrespecting the armed forces. Its pretty standard chauvanism. I suggest that you read up on the subject.

Agreed. Quite a few veterans believe that the reason for their service was to allow the citizens of this country to be free to exercise their freedom. As long as it does not violate the law. And there is no law being broken.

If Kaepernick and other NFL players kneeling is offensive to the self righteous, judgemental lot of this country, their choice in exercising their own freedom should be obvious.

Don't watch the NFL.

After doing my own reading and even talking to some NFL players that I personally know, my own belief is that they are not anti American, they are peacefully protesting what is an injustice from their prospective. #45 publicly ranting "Fire the SOBS" is what is ignorant, divisive and un American.

Kaepernick has shown more patriotism and goodwill by quietly taking action to help other Americans who are in need than the vast majority of those who express outrage at him exercising his rights.

What Colin Kaepernick's Philanthropy Tells Us About His Vision for Social Change in America
I think that there is a certain class of people who live with a suppressed anger just waiting for an outlet.
No doubt. It's easy to read between the lines of what they say, and see what it is that they are really disturbed about.

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