Dominion not satisfied with Fox News and Newsmax apologies

We've had this discussion before. The Networks get to do NO DISCOVERY OF DOMINION. NONE.

Discovery is done on the defendant, not the plaintiff. If I write a story that claims that you're a criminal, I don't get to go through your books and records on discovery to prove that you're a criminal. I have to prove I have evidence of your crime BEFORE I write my story.

If FOX or Newsmax are claiming that Dominion machines malfunctioned, FOX and Newsmax better have the evidence to back up that story because they don't get to go through Dominions files.
If Dominion finally and actually sues someone, because of claims made (which they won't), because it will open Dominion up to all sorts of counter claims sorted out in something called discovery.

Dominion weighs votes for Biden, giving Biden more for his votes than Trump would receive, etc.
The story has already been written on Dominion corruption.
Now Dominion will have to demonstrate in open court why claims against it are false and then defendants
will make counter claims and THAT'S when discovery will happen because a court will have to sort this
all out. Continue drinking your "knowledge" out of a bottle of whiskey. It makes you look smart.
Great, let's see your evidence Dominion weighed votes in favor of Biden. I wager you can't, but the forum will see what you've got....
WAAAA FUCKING WAAAA... they are liars... they were caught using the software... they deserve nothing...
Well, of course they used software. And it's open source code that has been looked at the the DHS, the FBI, and independent organizations. You can't hide stuff in open source code.

Yeah, it's such good stuff the State of TX told them they could keep their shit.

Given the shennanigans that have gone on in the State of Texas in past elections, that would make me think that the software can't be gamed and Texas wants no part of an honest count. They're getting real purple down there right now, and they need a system that can be manipulated so that it doesn't county poor people's votes. Clearly Dominion gives a fair and honest count so it was utterly rejected in Texas.

No surprise there.


It looks like these right outlets will have to be more affirmative when admitting they made s*** up about Dominion voting machines being rigged.
If I am Fox News" and Newsmax I would simply state "we are liars". Anything short of that is a denial.
Looks like Dominion is gonna get paid big time. Good.

So reporting things in the news can get you sued? The MSM had best hire a legion of lawyers.


Yeah dude, there are slander and libel laws.

You don't commit slander or libel by simply reporting what other people say. It's called a free press, you might have heard of it.


There are limits to free press that extends to libel. Fox, et al, have crossed the line into libel and will face the consequences. Legal experts are suggesting that the case for libel is a strong one.

Really, how'd they do that?


Why do you bother to ask? You don't really care to learn anything with your questions.

You've got the same attitude Earl Landgrebe had when he said "Don't confuse me with the facts."

"Legal experts" have been contradicting each other since the existence of the second lawyer. I asked how those entities crossed the line, if you aren't capable of explaining that, I guess you're a waste of time.


why bother asking, your questions are a waste of time. Why don't you Google it. You won't change your mind, but at least it'll keep you busy.

It is a total waste of time to give those far right liars any information. They won't read it. Or if they do, they will not believe honest facts.

You can post links to honest facts all day long for those people.

They won't read or accept it and you're only wasting your time.

If they really wanted that information they would find it themselves. All it takes is a simple search. It takes just seconds.

Is that why you ignorant fucking commies never back up your trolling?

It looks like these right outlets will have to be more affirmative when admitting they made s*** up about Dominion voting machines being rigged.
If I am Fox News" and Newsmax I would simply state "we are liars". Anything short of that is a denial.
Looks like Dominion is gonna get paid big time. Good.

So reporting things in the news can get you sued? The MSM had best hire a legion of lawyers.


Yeah dude, there are slander and libel laws.

You don't commit slander or libel by simply reporting what other people say. It's called a free press, you might have heard of it..

Yes I recognize the loophole but my point and answer to your question is that there are regulations around what you can and can’t report. There are legal liabilities. Nick Sandman is a great example

So the 1st amendment is now a loophole?

It looks like these right outlets will have to be more affirmative when admitting they made s*** up about Dominion voting machines being rigged.
If I am Fox News" and Newsmax I would simply state "we are liars". Anything short of that is a denial.
Looks like Dominion is gonna get paid big time. Good.

So reporting things in the news can get you sued? The MSM had best hire a legion of lawyers.


Yeah dude, there are slander and libel laws.

You don't commit slander or libel by simply reporting what other people say. It's called a free press, you might have heard of it..

Yes I recognize the loophole but my point and answer to your question is that there are regulations around what you can and can’t report. There are legal liabilities. Nick Sandman is a great example

So the 1st amendment is now a loophole?


Is that really what you think I said or are you just trolling me?
It looks like these right outlets will have to be more affirmative when admitting they made s*** up about Dominion voting machines being rigged.
If I am Fox News" and Newsmax I would simply state "we are liars". Anything short of that is a denial.
Looks like Dominion is gonna get paid big time. Good.

So reporting things in the news can get you sued? The MSM had best hire a legion of lawyers.


Yeah dude, there are slander and libel laws.

You don't commit slander or libel by simply reporting what other people say. It's called a free press, you might have heard of it..

Yes I recognize the loophole but my point and answer to your question is that there are regulations around what you can and can’t report. There are legal liabilities. Nick Sandman is a great example

So the 1st amendment is now a loophole?


Is that really what you think I said or are you just trolling me?

It's exactly what you said. Where are the regulations stopping the MSM from libeling and disparaging 75 million people who disagree with them on policy, claiming they are cult members in need of deprograming?

It looks like these right outlets will have to be more affirmative when admitting they made s*** up about Dominion voting machines being rigged.
If I am Fox News" and Newsmax I would simply state "we are liars". Anything short of that is a denial.
Looks like Dominion is gonna get paid big time. Good.

So reporting things in the news can get you sued? The MSM had best hire a legion of lawyers.


Yeah dude, there are slander and libel laws.

You don't commit slander or libel by simply reporting what other people say. It's called a free press, you might have heard of it..

Yes I recognize the loophole but my point and answer to your question is that there are regulations around what you can and can’t report. There are legal liabilities. Nick Sandman is a great example

So the 1st amendment is now a loophole?


Is that really what you think I said or are you just trolling me?

It's exactly what you said. Where are the regulations stopping the MSM from libeling and disparaging 75 million people who disagree with them on policy, claiming they are cult members in need of deprograming?


Bring a lawsuit if you think you have a case
It looks like these right outlets will have to be more affirmative when admitting they made s*** up about Dominion voting machines being rigged.
If I am Fox News" and Newsmax I would simply state "we are liars". Anything short of that is a denial.
Looks like Dominion is gonna get paid big time. Good.

So reporting things in the news can get you sued? The MSM had best hire a legion of lawyers.


Yeah dude, there are slander and libel laws.

You don't commit slander or libel by simply reporting what other people say. It's called a free press, you might have heard of it..

Yes I recognize the loophole but my point and answer to your question is that there are regulations around what you can and can’t report. There are legal liabilities. Nick Sandman is a great example

So the 1st amendment is now a loophole?


Is that really what you think I said or are you just trolling me?

It's exactly what you said. Where are the regulations stopping the MSM from libeling and disparaging 75 million people who disagree with them on policy, claiming they are cult members in need of deprograming?


Bring a lawsuit if you think you have a case

I would if I could show even a dollars worth of harm. Now that's a loophole, you can lie and disparage anyone for anything, with impunity, if they can't show a monetary loss.

It looks like these right outlets will have to be more affirmative when admitting they made s*** up about Dominion voting machines being rigged.
If I am Fox News" and Newsmax I would simply state "we are liars". Anything short of that is a denial.
Looks like Dominion is gonna get paid big time. Good.

So reporting things in the news can get you sued? The MSM had best hire a legion of lawyers.


Yeah dude, there are slander and libel laws.

You don't commit slander or libel by simply reporting what other people say. It's called a free press, you might have heard of it..

Yes I recognize the loophole but my point and answer to your question is that there are regulations around what you can and can’t report. There are legal liabilities. Nick Sandman is a great example

So the 1st amendment is now a loophole?


Is that really what you think I said or are you just trolling me?

It's exactly what you said. Where are the regulations stopping the MSM from libeling and disparaging 75 million people who disagree with them on policy, claiming they are cult members in need of deprograming?


Bring a lawsuit if you think you have a case

I would if I could show even a dollars worth of harm. Now that's a loophole, you can lie and disparage anyone for anything, with impunity, if they can't show a monetary loss.


You can’t show harm so those comments wouldn’t qualify as illegal. Would you want the government to impose stricter regulations on speech and the press?
Yeah, Trump's cult thought there was all this fraud going on and absolutely zero was produced in court.

But I'm sure they're going to be right THIS time!

It looks like these right outlets will have to be more affirmative when admitting they made s*** up about Dominion voting machines being rigged.
If I am Fox News" and Newsmax I would simply state "we are liars". Anything short of that is a denial.
Looks like Dominion is gonna get paid big time. Good.

So reporting things in the news can get you sued? The MSM had best hire a legion of lawyers.


Yeah dude, there are slander and libel laws.

You don't commit slander or libel by simply reporting what other people say. It's called a free press, you might have heard of it..

Yes I recognize the loophole but my point and answer to your question is that there are regulations around what you can and can’t report. There are legal liabilities. Nick Sandman is a great example

So the 1st amendment is now a loophole?


Is that really what you think I said or are you just trolling me?

It's exactly what you said. Where are the regulations stopping the MSM from libeling and disparaging 75 million people who disagree with them on policy, claiming they are cult members in need of deprograming?


Bring a lawsuit if you think you have a case

I would if I could show even a dollars worth of harm. Now that's a loophole, you can lie and disparage anyone for anything, with impunity, if they can't show a monetary loss.


You can’t show harm so those comments wouldn’t qualify as illegal. Would you want the government to impose stricter regulations on speech and the press?

Can Dominion show harm? I don't think so at this point.

WHAT did they change the law FROM and what did they change it TO?

WHO changed the law/s?

WHEN did they change it?
Hmmm, totally legit and direct questions yet no response from morning.

There’s no special coding needed to count votes. None. A spreadsheet on your phone could do it. And yes the codes in these computers not only should be public but they need to be required to release their coding a month in advance so it can be looked at by anyone for errors or bullshit.
What is open source software?
Open source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify, and enhance.

A spreadsheet is computer software. So is the phone operating sysyem. All software has code (programs) even spreadsheets. And spreadsheets can’t read ballots. The voting machines only read the ballots. The numbers are then transferred to a thumb drive, which is then taken to to a computer for tabulation. I’m afraid you don’t really know what source code is.

The computer software IS and HAS BEEN open to the public. That’s what open source means. The CISA, the DHS, DOJ, the FBI, and the States using Dominion have all inspected the code. And it’s impossible to “hide” anything in the code because you can, right down to the last bit, compare the size of the program with the size of the file actually on the computer.

Bottom line: You got your wish, even if you didn’t really know what you were actually asking for.


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