Dominion….Or Doubtful?

State of Georgia absentee votes thrown out in 2016: 5%
State of Georgia absentee voted thrown out in 2020: .5%. (Point five percent)

One tenth! :rolleyes:

What an excellent point.

Because of the huge number of errors and falsifications, the usual rate is closer to 20% of mail-in ballots.

Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess
New York District Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail Ballots › 2020/07/16 › new-york-mail-in-ball...

Jul 16, 2020 - New York Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail-in Ballots in One District, ... 20 percent of mail-in ballots will be thrown out for a variety of reasons.

Tens of thousands of mail ballots have been tossed out in this ... › politics › 2020/07/16

Jul 16, 2020 - Why ballots get thrown out. King County election workers sort vote-by-mail ballots for Washington state's presidential primary on March 10.

Fact check: Paterson election plagued with election fraud ... › fact-check › paterson-election-fraud

Jul 2, 2020 - Phil Murphy ordered be completed exclusively by mail-in voting due to ... Jersey election officials threw out nearly 20 percent of mail-in ballots.

You visited this page on 8/2/20.

Swaths of Absentee Ballots Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC › all-boroughs › politics › 2020/07/15

Jul 14, 2020 - Absentee ballots for the June primary are preliminary invalidated at ... Over 20 Percent of Absentee Ballots Are Being Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC ... they had no control, should not stop those votes from being counted.” ...
Mail Voting Gone Wrong—Again - WSJ › Opinion › Review & Outlook

The rate in Pennsylvania was ONE THIRTIETH in 2020 of 2016.

2016 absentee ballots were thrown out as invalid at 30 times the rate as 2020.

State of Georgia absentee votes thrown out in 2016: 5%
State of Georgia absentee voted thrown out in 2020: .5%. (Point five percent)

One tenth! :rolleyes:

What an excellent point.

Because of the huge number of errors and falsifications, the usual rate is closer to 20% of mail-in ballots.

Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess
New York District Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail Ballots › 2020/07/16 › new-york-mail-in-ball...

Jul 16, 2020 - New York Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail-in Ballots in One District, ... 20 percent of mail-in ballots will be thrown out for a variety of reasons.

Tens of thousands of mail ballots have been tossed out in this ... › politics › 2020/07/16

Jul 16, 2020 - Why ballots get thrown out. King County election workers sort vote-by-mail ballots for Washington state's presidential primary on March 10.

Fact check: Paterson election plagued with election fraud ... › fact-check › paterson-election-fraud

Jul 2, 2020 - Phil Murphy ordered be completed exclusively by mail-in voting due to ... Jersey election officials threw out nearly 20 percent of mail-in ballots.

You visited this page on 8/2/20.

Swaths of Absentee Ballots Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC › all-boroughs › politics › 2020/07/15

Jul 14, 2020 - Absentee ballots for the June primary are preliminary invalidated at ... Over 20 Percent of Absentee Ballots Are Being Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC ... they had no control, should not stop those votes from being counted.” ...
Mail Voting Gone Wrong—Again - WSJ › Opinion › Review & Outlook

The rate in Pennsylvania was ONE THIRTIETH in 2020 of 2016.

2016 absentee ballots were thrown out as invalid at 30 times the rate as 2020.


There is literally Metric Tons of Fraud here.
If it was anyone other Trump I would have no hope
But it's Superman - Trump has beaten these bastards for 5 years.

The Dems are Doxing the Presidents Lawyers - because they know if this moves forward they are caught.
Luckily I think people like Lin Wood and Sydney Powell can not be intimidated.
Liberals, just pretend the names were reversed and Trump got the spike. Now do you see fraud?
Can this possibly be true? Oh my God! How could this possibly even happen?
It's a ridiculous claim. Who is in control of the Dominion vote changing machine anyway?
Yes, they are ... Now what do you want to do about them?


Clearly there is nothing wrong with the machines...I say keep them.

Thanks, and what I expected.

I'm pretty sure that's not going to satisfy the people that don't think the same way.
Likewise, I am sure you are not willing to satisfy their concerns, which is why they shouldn't trust you.


The evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of there being no funny business....SINCE the machines returned results favorable to both parties.

If people don't "think the same way", they are ignoring evidence and are, therefore, stupid.

Sorry. I don't make the rules of evidence and conclusions but I do have to live by them. If you ignore evidence because it doesn't suit your're stupid.
Yes, they are ... Now what do you want to do about them?


Clearly there is nothing wrong with the machines...I say keep them.

Thanks, and what I expected.

I'm pretty sure that's not going to satisfy the people that don't think the same way.
Likewise, I am sure you are not willing to satisfy their concerns, which is why they shouldn't trust you.


The evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of there being no funny business....SINCE the machines returned results favorable to both parties.

If people don't "think the same way", they are ignoring evidence and are, therefore, stupid.

Sorry. I don't make the rules of evidence and conclusions but I do have to live by them. If you ignore evidence because it doesn't suit your're stupid.

One more "is not, isssssss noooottttttt!!!" lie from a Liberal lemming.

They should simply make up some rubber stamps, it'd save time.
In a nation with a free press, not a largely government managed and approved press, this story would be absolutely HUGE!
How can anyone look at all the anomalous statistics and not find something is terribly wrong and the election was rigged in favor of Joe Biden?

I hope the left finds a shred of decency and conscience within their souls and rights this wrong but it's more likely the Supreme Court will have to act like dispassionate arbiters of justice to set this all right.
The left is too filled with hate to come to the obvious conclusion Biden and his crew have engaged in massive
fraud and are an abomination to our nation.
Yes, they are ... Now what do you want to do about them?


Clearly there is nothing wrong with the machines...I say keep them.

Thanks, and what I expected.

I'm pretty sure that's not going to satisfy the people that don't think the same way.
Likewise, I am sure you are not willing to satisfy their concerns, which is why they shouldn't trust you.


The evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of there being no funny business....SINCE the machines returned results favorable to both parties.

If people don't "think the same way", they are ignoring evidence and are, therefore, stupid.

Sorry. I don't make the rules of evidence and conclusions but I do have to live by them. If you ignore evidence because it doesn't suit your're stupid.

One more "is not, isssssss noooottttttt!!!" lie from a Liberal lemming.

They should simply make up some rubber stamps, it'd save time.

You sound frustrated. Are you out of cookies you ignorant loser?
The Republican Trump Party Cult is 1-25 in court. If there's all this fraud, losing every time you've been asked by a judge for evidence is a funny way to go about it.

The hand count in GA is nearly over and there are very few errors. GA uses Dominion Voting Systems.

You guys have really gone into the deep end of crazy.
But what about the Dominion machines and their hijacking of thousands of Trump votes?
Both parties attend to election results.

That's the law.
Would it shock you to know that the law was not followed?
Where is it not followed?
State of Georgia absentee votes thrown out in 2016: 5%
State of Georgia absentee voted thrown out in 2020: .5%. (Point five percent)

One tenth! :rolleyes:

What an excellent point.

Because of the huge number of errors and falsifications, the usual rate is closer to 20% of mail-in ballots.

Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess
New York District Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail Ballots › 2020/07/16 › new-york-mail-in-ball...

Jul 16, 2020 - New York Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail-in Ballots in One District, ... 20 percent of mail-in ballots will be thrown out for a variety of reasons.

Tens of thousands of mail ballots have been tossed out in this ... › politics › 2020/07/16

Jul 16, 2020 - Why ballots get thrown out. King County election workers sort vote-by-mail ballots for Washington state's presidential primary on March 10.

Fact check: Paterson election plagued with election fraud ... › fact-check › paterson-election-fraud

Jul 2, 2020 - Phil Murphy ordered be completed exclusively by mail-in voting due to ... Jersey election officials threw out nearly 20 percent of mail-in ballots.

You visited this page on 8/2/20.

Swaths of Absentee Ballots Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC › all-boroughs › politics › 2020/07/15

Jul 14, 2020 - Absentee ballots for the June primary are preliminary invalidated at ... Over 20 Percent of Absentee Ballots Are Being Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC ... they had no control, should not stop those votes from being counted.” ...
Mail Voting Gone Wrong—Again - WSJ › Opinion › Review & Outlook
One out of four mail-in ballots were disqualified for arriving late, lacking a postmark or failing to include a voter’s signature, or other defects. The Post reported Tuesday that roughly 30,000 mail-in ballots were invalidated in Brooklyn alone.

Yup, right wingers always trying to commit voter fraud, like usual.
Yes, they are ... Now what do you want to do about them?


Clearly there is nothing wrong with the machines...I say keep them.

Thanks, and what I expected.

I'm pretty sure that's not going to satisfy the people that don't think the same way.
Likewise, I am sure you are not willing to satisfy their concerns, which is why they shouldn't trust you.


The evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of there being no funny business....SINCE the machines returned results favorable to both parties.

If people don't "think the same way", they are ignoring evidence and are, therefore, stupid.

Sorry. I don't make the rules of evidence and conclusions but I do have to live by them. If you ignore evidence because it doesn't suit your're stupid.

One more "is not, isssssss noooottttttt!!!" lie from a Liberal lemming.

They should simply make up some rubber stamps, it'd save time.

You sound frustrated. Are you out of cookies you ignorant loser?


I'm surprised that the word doesn't stick in your throat.

If you still feel a need to prove yourself the lowest and most disreputable sack of effluvia with absolutely no redeeming social graces, not a modicum of honesty, let me reassure you…you don’t have to carry that burden any longer. You’ve assured everybody that you are the real article. did it happen???

1.I recently posted a thread on the book “Election Heist,” by Ken Timmerman, which gave an uncannily accurate prediction of vote irregularities in the presidential election via control of voting machines.

Here: A Sugarplum Tale For Democrats…

The ease of same is one reason I never predicted a Trump win. Being a pessimist is another.

View attachment 417403

2. There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

3. The following is from an interview by Brian Kilmeade of Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (11/16/2020)

“Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia….no one was allowed to watch the Democrat vote counters. In Texas, we rejected the Dominion machines based on the reports of experts we hired, who stated that these machines are open to fraud and manipulation, they are error prone, votes could be changed… of our experts hooked his phone up to a USB port, and could download everything off the machine.

4. Texas declined to use the machines, but they are used in 65 out of 83 counties in Michigan, every county in Georgia, and in Maricopa County (Ariz.) where Trump is only 10,000 votes behind.”

But some stated used those particular machines.......

....I wonder why.

Are these the same machines that gave the blob 70M votes? The Same machines that gave the Republicans gains in the House and returned most of the republican Senators? The same machines that will be used in January for the Georgia Run Offs?

Post #14 put you in your place, huh?

My question is -
Texas Knew, South Carolina Knew -
Others knew for sure

How was this software allowed in all of these states.
People asleep at the switch or Establishment Republicans working with Dems ?

Here's why:

View attachment 417424

This expose shown in posts 1 and 14, are being ignored by leftists who post misleading responses to it, with a dead on arrival deflection embedded in it. I wonder if they realize their internal conflict going on in their own heads?

They can't be that...... stupid? did it happen???

1.I recently posted a thread on the book “Election Heist,” by Ken Timmerman, which gave an uncannily accurate prediction of vote irregularities in the presidential election via control of voting machines.

Here: A Sugarplum Tale For Democrats…

The ease of same is one reason I never predicted a Trump win. Being a pessimist is another.

View attachment 417403

2. There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

3. The following is from an interview by Brian Kilmeade of Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (11/16/2020)

“Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia….no one was allowed to watch the Democrat vote counters. In Texas, we rejected the Dominion machines based on the reports of experts we hired, who stated that these machines are open to fraud and manipulation, they are error prone, votes could be changed… of our experts hooked his phone up to a USB port, and could download everything off the machine.

4. Texas declined to use the machines, but they are used in 65 out of 83 counties in Michigan, every county in Georgia, and in Maricopa County (Ariz.) where Trump is only 10,000 votes behind.”

But some stated used those particular machines.......

....I wonder why.
Any stories that claim there weren't already legal observers from both parties present, are false.

Everyone knows you're lying......even you.
Nope. Not lying. When Trump’s lawyers were pressed in court, they admitted that their observers were present. Trump says one thing to the media, but say something different in court.
It's not even about that. There were Republican observers there. Is Trump saying the party rank-and-file aren't good enough, only "his" people?
...why are you still here? Parler has your right wing, "gospel Truth".

Meanwhile you ignore a growing list of posts Politicalchic has posted showing democrats have expressed concerns about voting machines, how come? is it your "I don't give a shit" reply coming out?
Why would right wing poll workers do that?
Why would you act so stupid? Or perhaps you aren't acting.
Do right wing poll workers control the Dominion
vote changing machine? I don't think so.
All the vote switching changed Trump votes into Biden votes. Stop being such an utter moron. did it happen???

1.I recently posted a thread on the book “Election Heist,” by Ken Timmerman, which gave an uncannily accurate prediction of vote irregularities in the presidential election via control of voting machines.

Here: A Sugarplum Tale For Democrats…

The ease of same is one reason I never predicted a Trump win. Being a pessimist is another.

View attachment 417403

2. There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

3. The following is from an interview by Brian Kilmeade of Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (11/16/2020)

“Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia….no one was allowed to watch the Democrat vote counters. In Texas, we rejected the Dominion machines based on the reports of experts we hired, who stated that these machines are open to fraud and manipulation, they are error prone, votes could be changed… of our experts hooked his phone up to a USB port, and could download everything off the machine.

4. Texas declined to use the machines, but they are used in 65 out of 83 counties in Michigan, every county in Georgia, and in Maricopa County (Ariz.) where Trump is only 10,000 votes behind.”

But some stated used those particular machines.......

....I wonder why.

Are these the same machines that gave the blob 70M votes? The Same machines that gave the Republicans gains in the House and returned most of the republican Senators? The same machines that will be used in January for the Georgia Run Offs?

Post #14 put you in your place, huh?

My question is -
Texas Knew, South Carolina Knew -
Others knew for sure

How was this software allowed in all of these states.
People asleep at the switch or Establishment Republicans working with Dems ?

Here's why:

View attachment 417424

This expose shown in posts 1 and 14, are being ignored by leftists who post misleading responses to it, with a dead on arrival deflection embedded in it. I wonder if they realize their internal conflict going on in their own heads?

They can't be that...... stupid?

Nah.....they do just what you observed: they ignore the truth.

Honesty is not a Leftwing value.
I just swung by to laugh at the hilarity of it all. Desperate to believe the last 4 years of their lives weren’t wasted on a false god the right posts endless false stories of corruption. Surely god Trump couldn’t have been a charlatan?

Hand counts are returning the exact same numbers BTW. Bwahahaha.

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