Dominion….Or Doubtful?

And on to debunking more Trump cult lies, told to support their open fascist coup attempt ...

1. No, Nancy Pelosi's husband is not the major shareholder in Dominion. He owns no stake at all in it.

2. Yes, Dominion donated to the Clinton Foundation once. However, Dominion's lobbyists have also donated to Mitch McConnell and other Republicans. That's what lobbyists do, cover some bases on both sides. Failing to mention Dominion's numerous financial ties to Republicans is lying-by-omission.

3. No, there were no glitches with the Dominion software.

4. The Georgia hand recount matching the previous totals proved that the OP was lying about the software supposedly flipping votes in Georgia. And she's proud of lying, and proud of being humiliated after getting caught lying. In her cult eyes, being humiliated on behalf of the cult demonstrates her willingness to debase herself on behalf of the cult, which earns her big fascist brownie points with the cult. did it happen???

1.I recently posted a thread on the book “Election Heist,” by Ken Timmerman, which gave an uncannily accurate prediction of vote irregularities in the presidential election via control of voting machines.

Here: A Sugarplum Tale For Democrats…

The ease of same is one reason I never predicted a Trump win. Being a pessimist is another.

View attachment 417403

2. There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

3. The following is from an interview by Brian Kilmeade of Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (11/16/2020)

“Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia….no one was allowed to watch the Democrat vote counters. In Texas, we rejected the Dominion machines based on the reports of experts we hired, who stated that these machines are open to fraud and manipulation, they are error prone, votes could be changed… of our experts hooked his phone up to a USB port, and could download everything off the machine.

4. Texas declined to use the machines, but they are used in 65 out of 83 counties in Michigan, every county in Georgia, and in Maricopa County (Ariz.) where Trump is only 10,000 votes behind.”

But some states used those particular machines.......

....I wonder why.
I feel that you are on more solid ground when you are pushing creationism and flat earth "science". did it happen???

1.I recently posted a thread on the book “Election Heist,” by Ken Timmerman, which gave an uncannily accurate prediction of vote irregularities in the presidential election via control of voting machines.

Here: A Sugarplum Tale For Democrats…

The ease of same is one reason I never predicted a Trump win. Being a pessimist is another.

View attachment 417403

2. There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

3. The following is from an interview by Brian Kilmeade of Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (11/16/2020)

“Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia….no one was allowed to watch the Democrat vote counters. In Texas, we rejected the Dominion machines based on the reports of experts we hired, who stated that these machines are open to fraud and manipulation, they are error prone, votes could be changed… of our experts hooked his phone up to a USB port, and could download everything off the machine.

4. Texas declined to use the machines, but they are used in 65 out of 83 counties in Michigan, every county in Georgia, and in Maricopa County (Ariz.) where Trump is only 10,000 votes behind.”

But some stated used those particular machines.......

....I wonder why.

Are these the same machines that gave the blob 70M votes? The Same machines that gave the Republicans gains in the House and returned most of the republican Senators? The same machines that will be used in January for the Georgia Run Offs?

Post #14 put you in your place, huh?

My question is -
Texas Knew, South Carolina Knew -
Others knew for sure

How was this software allowed in all of these states.
People asleep at the switch or Establishment Republicans working with Dems ?

Here's why:

Overall three entries of over 300,000 votes were posted in the data base to Biden’s vote total. Two entries of over 300,000 votes were taken away. The same happened to President Trump’s totals but in much smaller amounts. Overall 851,000 votes were added to Biden’s totals and only 318,000 were awarded to President Trump between 11:14pm (Eastern) on November 3rd and 5:00am November 4th. This resulted in over half a million more votes net going to Biden and 73% of the votes during this timeframe.


What’s really odd about these entries are the huge negative entries. One entry taking away 330,153.54 votes from Biden and 37,510.39 from Trump appears to have reversed an entry a few minutes that at around midnight. Then at 12:26 and 12:30am an entry in the amount of 308,341.59 from Biden and 80,357.05 from Trump was posted and reversed. The exact same amounts. A few hours later another 230,000 votes net were added to Biden’s lead.

Then, after the big dump, all subsequent dumps follow THE EXACT SAME RATIO, of 54% Biden, 45% Trump:


We also identified the exact same activity in Pennsylvania. On election night, Trump is up by 500,000 votes and leading 56%-42% with about 43% of the vote count in. Then Trump starts to get votes deducted increasing in frequency seemingly to keep the margin moving in Biden’s direction little by little. Finally, a couple days later Biden flips to the lead with 90% of the vote counted and the margin is locked in for almost all subsequent incremental counts at a 50.051 to 49.949 ratio for Biden (See portion of entries below).

And on to debunking more Trump cult lies, told to support their open fascist coup attempt ...

1. No, Nancy Pelosi's husband is not the major shareholder in Dominion. He owns no stake at all in it.

2. Yes, Dominion donated to the Clinton Foundation once. However, Dominion's lobbyists have also donated to Mitch McConnell and other Republicans. That's what lobbyists do, cover some bases on both sides. Failing to mention Dominion's numerous financial ties to Republicans is lying-by-omission.

3. No, there were no glitches with the Dominion software.

4. The Georgia hand recount matching the previous totals proved that the OP was lying about the software supposedly flipping votes in Georgia. And she's proud of lying, and proud of being humiliated after getting caught lying. In her cult eyes, being humiliated on behalf of the cult demonstrates her willingness to debase herself on behalf of the cult, which earns her big fascist brownie points with the cult.

The only actual 'cult' is the Democrat Party, your religion.

For clarity, only you Democrats refer to your leader in religious called a recent one god, Jesus and the messiah.

I have no doubt that you are unaware of your own conversion, but you belong to the religious cult of Militant Secularism.
Not certain which of the denominations: communism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism or socialism. did it happen???

1.I recently posted a thread on the book “Election Heist,” by Ken Timmerman, which gave an uncannily accurate prediction of vote irregularities in the presidential election via control of voting machines.

Here: A Sugarplum Tale For Democrats…

The ease of same is one reason I never predicted a Trump win. Being a pessimist is another.

View attachment 417403

2. There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

3. The following is from an interview by Brian Kilmeade of Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (11/16/2020)

“Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia….no one was allowed to watch the Democrat vote counters. In Texas, we rejected the Dominion machines based on the reports of experts we hired, who stated that these machines are open to fraud and manipulation, they are error prone, votes could be changed… of our experts hooked his phone up to a USB port, and could download everything off the machine.

4. Texas declined to use the machines, but they are used in 65 out of 83 counties in Michigan, every county in Georgia, and in Maricopa County (Ariz.) where Trump is only 10,000 votes behind.”

But some states used those particular machines.......

....I wonder why.
I feel that you are on more solid ground when you are pushing creationism and flat earth "science".

I never did either.

See if you can find any such posts.

Since I am certain that you knew you were lying when you posted this, one can only conclude that the OP got under your scales.

For clarity, only you Democrats refer to your leader in religious called a recent one god, Jesus and the messiah.

Don't project your fanatical messiah-worship of Trump on to non-cultists. We don't do the messiah thing. It's all you do, and then you lie about it.

Anways, I see you're running from your own topic now, like you always do when everyone reveals your fraud.

I have no doubt that you are unaware of your own conversion, but you belong to the religious cult of Militant Secularism.
Not certain which of the denominations: communism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism or socialism.

Mmmm, such delicious loser-tears. Bitter, and yet still so sweet. Yumyumyum. Mor Plz.

6. Biden, in anticipation of being named winner, announced Ronald Klain as his chief of staff.

What does Biden’s chief of staff weigh in on election rigging?

“Top Biden adviser once claimed that U.S. elections are 'rigged'
He agreed with a poll that showed nearly 70% of Americans felt the same way.

Joe Biden chief of staff Ronald Klain once agreed that U.S. elections are "rigged" – a position for which President Trump has been criticized.
Klain, who also served as chief of staff to Democrats Biden and Al Gore when each was vice president and who was a senior adviser to the 2020 Biden campaign, agreed in 2014 with liberal news website Vox's argument that U.S. elections are unfair to voters.

"68% of Americans think elections are rigged," Vox tweeted, to which Klain responded: "That's because they are."

7. “Klain’s comments echo Trump supporters and Republicans’ concerns about election integrity in the most recent election. Contrary to the narrative pushed by the left’s communications arm, the legacy media, fraud and election violations have been discovered in several key states including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Michigan. Some of this fraud has allegedly concerned tens of thousands of votes.

While it is unclear how widespread this fraud might be, certain states are already taking actions such as Georgia, whose secretary of state announced a full recount, audit, and recanvass of all the votes in the state.

President Donald J. Trump and other Republicans are embroiled in a series of lawsuits surrounding the election, one of which in Pennsylvania is pending petition in the U.S. Supreme Court following Associate Justice Samuel Alito Jr.’s temporary order for all Pennsylvania counties to segregate mail-in ballots that arrived after 8 p.m. on Election Day from others." Biden's Pick For Chief Of Staff Agrees That Elections Are Rigged

Certainly weakens the arguments from the, Democrats who claim the election was on the up and up.
For clarity, only you Democrats refer to your leader in religious called a recent one god, Jesus and the messiah.

Don't project your fanatical messiah-worship of Trump on to non-cultists. We don't do the messiah thing. It's all you do, and then you lie about it.

Anways, I see you're running from your own topic now, like you always do when everyone reveals your fraud.

I have no doubt that you are unaware of your own conversion, but you belong to the religious cult of Militant Secularism.
Not certain which of the denominations: communism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism or socialism.

Mmmm, such delicious loser-tears. Bitter, and yet still so sweet. Yumyumyum. Mor Plz.

Tears.jpg're denying that it is only you Democrats who beatify your candidates???

Let's see how easily I ram the lie back down your throat:

  1. The Hollywood celebrities pledge Go to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servant to our president and all mankind." Creepy?

    Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

    2. Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story bycomparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

    3. Chris Matthews: "If you're in [a room] with Obama,you feel the spirit moving."Book Monitor (Current Edition)

    4. “Obama seemedthe political equivalent of a rainbow — a sudden preternatural event inspiring awe and ecstasy....” Time’s Joe Klein, October 23, 2006 cover story, "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President."

    5. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’“ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

    6. The New York Time’s Judith Warner reported, “Many women- not too surprisingly – were dreaming about sex with the president [Obama]”.
    “…the Obamas are not just a beacon of hope, inspiration and“demigodlikeness,”Ibid.

    7. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort ofa potential saviorthat might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said.Sculpture of Obama as Jesuscauses stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News -

    8. . In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimickingthe cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
    ... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
    SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

    9. “I haven’t seen a politician get this kind ofwalk-on-watercoverage since Colin Powell a dozen years ago flirted with making a run for the White House,” said Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz on Meet the Press in February 2007

    10. Samantha Fennell, formerly an associate publisher of Elle, wrote on the magazine’s website a month later: “When I attended my second “Obama Live” fund-raiser last week at New York City’s Grand Hyatt, . . . I was on my feet as Senator Obama entered the room. Fate had blessed me in this moment. . . . In a moment of divine intervention,he saw me,…”

    11.Filmmaker Spike Lee, predicting an Obama victory, implicitly compared the candidate with Christ: “You’ll have to measure time by ‘Before Obama’ and ‘After Obama.’ . . .

    12. Jesse Jackson, Jr. called Obama’s securing the Democratic nomination “so extraordinary thatanother chapter could be added to the Bibleto chronicle its significance.”

    13. . Louis Farrakhan went one better, according to the website WorldNetDaily: “Barack has captured the youth. . . . That’s a sign.When the Messiah speaks,the youth will hear, andthe Messiah is absolutely speaking.

    14. His followers needed to re-elect him to a second term, so that he could continue to accomplish the promises he made, thus, realizing his vision of America as a more perfect political union or“heaven here on earth.”
    The Gospel According to Apostle Barack, by Barbara A. Thompson.

    15. "Does it not feel as ifsome special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"
    -- Daily Kos

    16"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . .He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . .. Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."
    - Ezra Klein

    17. "Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind."
    -- Gerald Campbell

    18."We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."
    -- Oprah Winfrey

    19. “I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan."
    -- Bill Rush

    20. "This is bigger than Kennedy. . . .This is the New Testament."| "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."
    -- Chris Matthews

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas said President Obama is "sort of God" in a way that's "standing above the country." Transcript below.

"CHRIS MATTHEWS (HOST):Evan Thomas is editor at large for Newsweek magazine. Evan, you remember 1984. It wasn't 100 years ago. Reagan and World War II and the sense of us as the good guys in the world, how are we doing?
EVAN THOMAS: Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn't felt that way in recent years. So Obama's had, really, a different task We're seen too often as the bad guys. And he, he has a very different job from ... Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is - we are above that now. We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial. We stand for something, I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."

“Barbara Walters admits ‘we’ thought Obama was ‘the next messiah’”
Barbara Walters admits ‘we’ thought Obama was ‘the next messiah’


Don't wipe the egg off your's an improvement. did it happen???

1.I recently posted a thread on the book “Election Heist,” by Ken Timmerman, which gave an uncannily accurate prediction of vote irregularities in the presidential election via control of voting machines.

Here: A Sugarplum Tale For Democrats…

The ease of same is one reason I never predicted a Trump win. Being a pessimist is another.

View attachment 417403

2. There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

3. The following is from an interview by Brian Kilmeade of Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (11/16/2020)

“Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia….no one was allowed to watch the Democrat vote counters. In Texas, we rejected the Dominion machines based on the reports of experts we hired, who stated that these machines are open to fraud and manipulation, they are error prone, votes could be changed… of our experts hooked his phone up to a USB port, and could download everything off the machine.

4. Texas declined to use the machines, but they are used in 65 out of 83 counties in Michigan, every county in Georgia, and in Maricopa County (Ariz.) where Trump is only 10,000 votes behind.”

But some stated used those particular machines.......

....I wonder why.

Are these the same machines that gave the blob 70M votes? The Same machines that gave the Republicans gains in the House and returned most of the republican Senators? The same machines that will be used in January for the Georgia Run Offs?

Post #14 put you in your place, huh?

The only thing you've put in it's place was another kolache into your cavernous piehole Jumbo.

The machines you are calling into question:

Are these the same machines that gave the blob 70M votes? The Same machines that gave the Republicans gains in the House and returned most of the republican Senators? The same machines that will be used in January for the Georgia Run Offs?
Are these the same machines that gave the blob 70M votes? The Same machines that gave the Republicans gains in the House and returned most of the republican Senators? The same machines that will be used in January for the Georgia Run Offs?

Yes, they are ... Now what do you want to do about them?


Clearly there is nothing wrong with the machines...I say keep them.'re denying that it is only you Democrats who beatify your candidates???

I'm pointing outthat if you take the most fanatical Obama groupie and multiple their devotion a thousand-fold, it still doesn't come close to the messiah-worship complex of even an average Trump cultist.

Have you considered what cult complex you'll move to to await for the second coming of your Trump-messiah? Some possibilities for you would be to use the Jim Jones/People's Temple compound in Guyana, or the David Koresh/Branch Davidian compound near Waco. did it happen???

1.I recently posted a thread on the book “Election Heist,” by Ken Timmerman, which gave an uncannily accurate prediction of vote irregularities in the presidential election via control of voting machines.

Here: A Sugarplum Tale For Democrats…

The ease of same is one reason I never predicted a Trump win. Being a pessimist is another.

View attachment 417403

2. There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

3. The following is from an interview by Brian Kilmeade of Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (11/16/2020)

“Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia….no one was allowed to watch the Democrat vote counters. In Texas, we rejected the Dominion machines based on the reports of experts we hired, who stated that these machines are open to fraud and manipulation, they are error prone, votes could be changed… of our experts hooked his phone up to a USB port, and could download everything off the machine.

4. Texas declined to use the machines, but they are used in 65 out of 83 counties in Michigan, every county in Georgia, and in Maricopa County (Ariz.) where Trump is only 10,000 votes behind.”

But some stated used those particular machines.......

....I wonder why.

Are these the same machines that gave the blob 70M votes? The Same machines that gave the Republicans gains in the House and returned most of the republican Senators? The same machines that will be used in January for the Georgia Run Offs?

Post #14 put you in your place, huh?

The only thing you've put in it's place was another kolache into your cavernous piehole Jumbo.

The machines you are calling into question:

Are these the same machines that gave the blob 70M votes? The Same machines that gave the Republicans gains in the House and returned most of the republican Senators? The same machines that will be used in January for the Georgia Run Offs?

"The machines you are calling into question: "



In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.

“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’


Must hurt, huh?

Yes, they are ... Now what do you want to do about them?


Clearly there is nothing wrong with the machines...I say keep them.

Thanks, and what I expected.

I'm pretty sure that's not going to satisfy the people that don't think the same way.
Likewise, I am sure you are not willing to satisfy their concerns, which is why they shouldn't trust you.

.'re denying that it is only you Democrats who beatify your candidates???

I'm pointing outthat if you take the most fanatical Obama groupie and multiple their devotion a thousand-fold, it still doesn't come close to the messiah-worship complex of even an average Trump cultist.

Have you considered what cult complex you'll move to to await for the second coming of your Trump-messiah? Some possibilities for you would be to use the Jim Jones/People's Temple compound in Guyana, or the David Koresh/Branch Davidian compound near Waco.

So you are no long trying to hide the fact that the Democrat Party is a religion?

Good to see you've learned your lesson.
8. In the interview, Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick went on to say that "the Dominion voting machines company sent a sales force to secure the contract with Texas, which would have been a multi-million dollar contract. During the presentation, their techs and representatives tried to show how excellent those machines are……

…during the demonstration one of the software problems developed…..and they couldn’t fix it.

These machines are nothing more than computers, and everyone knows that there are many ways to manipulate what you see on your computer screen. And that’s what our experts reported, and why we didn’t buy them."

Now….the same must have been evident in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia……so one must question what feature those venues found so…..advantageous.

And during this election….it became evident.

The ease of same is one reason I never predicted a Trump win. Being a pessimist is another.


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