Russia did intervene, but it was to cause chaos. It wasn't to help Donald Trump. Why on earth would he want Trump in office? To get stepped on? For American to flourish economically? No, Putin and Xi Ping want the US to fail and for their countries to succeed. The best way to accomplish that is for Biden/Harris to be elected to promote "free" everything for the entire world(immigration) while they sit back and laugh at our stupidity. Biden/Harris will spend less on the military. I wonder who that helps? Use some common sense.
Trump is chaos. Putin wanted Trump in office for the chaos.

Putin doesn't care if the US "succeeds" or not. It makes no difference to him. He just wants a US that isn't going to threaten his grip on power over the Russian people. Trump has clearly demonstrated he has little interest in getting involved in other country's affairs, even when leaders of other countries deprive their citizens of the freedoms we enjoy.
still doing the RUSSIA routine so please drop the phaux rage and hypocrisy.
What hypocrisy? Russians interfered in the last election and numerous bipartisan investigations proved it.

This Dominion conspiracy exists in the shadowy corners of the internet with zero evidence let alone proof.
ok - what exactly did they do?

to my knowledge, the bulk of the complaints were they ran ads. i looked at the facebook ads. there were a FREAKING TON of them. so no, i didn't look at them all. around 200 i believe.

95% were NOT political but more THIS GROUP SUCKS!!!! signed, that group. and other divisionary tactics just to get us to fight over the stupid shit cause we're in defense mode THEY put us in.

now our own media is doing it. they say whatever they need for a narrative, not the truth. they don't believe someone or don't want to believe someone, it's not true. no reporting. no digging. no questions.

what we are doing to ourselves now is FAR MORE HARMFUL than russian trolling.

but fine - lets do this your way. be very specific as to what the russians were proven to have done to interfere with our elections. please show your math with unbiased sources that don't use anonymous peeps to bolster their claims.

my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong.

Trump has now let the cat out of the bag.. The FBI and DOJ have found indications of massive voter fraud in multiple states perpetrated by Dominion Software. Trump Lawyers are laying out the evidence collected from 50+ Dominion machines that shows how the fraud was perpetrated. Hand counts and recanvasing must now be done in at least five states to verify the vote fraud. MIT forensic teams have found significant irregularities and recommended hand counts.

Democrats are in full blown panic... IF these recounts occur their "win" is in jeopardy including some down ballot races.. Expect close losses by republicans in down ballot races to enjoin the recount.

One small problem, the Cat was delivered expired. It's already been looked at by the experts and they have determined that the Dominion Software software had nothing to do with fraud. Now, if you have something, please present it to the Penn State Supreme Court where they can see it and rule on it. But you won't do that. This air and unfounded allegations don't hold up in court so well.

You say that as if the lack of facts has stopped the trumptards before. Never has. Never will.
ok - what exactly did they do?

to my knowledge, the bulk of the complaints were they ran ads. i looked at the facebook ads. there were a FREAKING TON of them. so no, i didn't look at them all. around 200 i believe.

95% were NOT political but more THIS GROUP SUCKS!!!! signed, that group. and other divisionary tactics just to get us to fight over the stupid shit cause we're in defense mode THEY put us in.

now our own media is doing it. they say whatever they need for a narrative, not the truth. they don't believe someone or don't want to believe someone, it's not true. no reporting. no digging. no questions.

what we are doing to ourselves now is FAR MORE HARMFUL than russian trolling.

but fine - lets do this your way. be very specific as to what the russians were proven to have done to interfere with our elections. please show your math with unbiased sources that don't use anonymous peeps to bolster their claims.

my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong.

How do you not know what they did? If this is the is the sum total of your knowledge about their intervention, then that's a problem. You've been on this board for how long? I can't imagine you haven't been told what Russians did as part of their intervention in our election.

What are we doing that's far more harmful? The media is trying to fight a constant flood of disinformation that never stops. Take for instance this Dominion software conspiracy. The media is putting out articles to discuss the issue but none of you seem to care. You accuse the media of being fake but in reality it's just that the media isn't telling you what you want to hear.
ok - what exactly did they do?

to my knowledge, the bulk of the complaints were they ran ads. i looked at the facebook ads. there were a FREAKING TON of them. so no, i didn't look at them all. around 200 i believe.

95% were NOT political but more THIS GROUP SUCKS!!!! signed, that group. and other divisionary tactics just to get us to fight over the stupid shit cause we're in defense mode THEY put us in.

now our own media is doing it. they say whatever they need for a narrative, not the truth. they don't believe someone or don't want to believe someone, it's not true. no reporting. no digging. no questions.

what we are doing to ourselves now is FAR MORE HARMFUL than russian trolling.

but fine - lets do this your way. be very specific as to what the russians were proven to have done to interfere with our elections. please show your math with unbiased sources that don't use anonymous peeps to bolster their claims.

my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong.

How do you not know what they did? If this is the is the sum total of your knowledge about their intervention, then that's a problem. You've been on this board for how long? I can't imagine you haven't been told what Russians did as part of their intervention in our election.

What are we doing that's far more harmful? The media is trying to fight a constant flood of disinformation that never stops. Take for instance this Dominion software conspiracy. The media is putting out articles to discuss the issue but none of you seem to care. You accuse the media of being fake but in reality it's just that the media isn't telling you what you want to hear.
Unless there was a dirty Russian in your voting booth to force you to vote whatever they said, Russia didn't interfere. It is the sole responsibility of the voter to make an informed decision. If they are too stupid or too lazy to research the candidates, that's on them, nobody else.
Somehow these machines tabulated 70M votes for Trump and delivered 20+ states to him.
Somehow these machines didn't flip the Senate and returned votes that had the Democrats losing seats in the House
Somehow these machines will return 1 or 2 Republican Senators from Georgia.

Oh shit they probably flipped Biden votes to Trump.

The machines are going to be the same as they were in the General. But somehow if Republicans do well, there will be zero mention of the corrupt software.
Unless there was a dirty Russian in your voting booth to force you to vote whatever they said, Russia didn't interfere. It is the sole responsibility of the voter to make an informed decision. If they are too stupid or too lazy to research the candidates, that's on them, nobody else.
There are plenty of ways to interfere and if Russia has done to Trump what they did to Clinton, you’d agree. This isn’t a partisan issue.
ok - what exactly did they do?

to my knowledge, the bulk of the complaints were they ran ads. i looked at the facebook ads. there were a FREAKING TON of them. so no, i didn't look at them all. around 200 i believe.

95% were NOT political but more THIS GROUP SUCKS!!!! signed, that group. and other divisionary tactics just to get us to fight over the stupid shit cause we're in defense mode THEY put us in.

now our own media is doing it. they say whatever they need for a narrative, not the truth. they don't believe someone or don't want to believe someone, it's not true. no reporting. no digging. no questions.

what we are doing to ourselves now is FAR MORE HARMFUL than russian trolling.

but fine - lets do this your way. be very specific as to what the russians were proven to have done to interfere with our elections. please show your math with unbiased sources that don't use anonymous peeps to bolster their claims.

my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong.

How do you not know what they did? If this is the is the sum total of your knowledge about their intervention, then that's a problem. You've been on this board for how long? I can't imagine you haven't been told what Russians did as part of their intervention in our election.

What are we doing that's far more harmful? The media is trying to fight a constant flood of disinformation that never stops. Take for instance this Dominion software conspiracy. The media is putting out articles to discuss the issue but none of you seem to care. You accuse the media of being fake but in reality it's just that the media isn't telling you what you want to hear.
"my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong."

so you do the usual "it's in this HUGE book of info you fool!" without being specific.
then you run to the media saying they are trying to stop disinformation as if that is their role in life.

oan, newsmax and so forth don't tell you what you want to hear, what do you call them?

like i said - won't answer the question and then divert to something else and then mock me for even asking.

son, you did exactly what i said you'd do - and i even told you you'd do it.

ever feel like you're programmed?
ok - what exactly did they do?

to my knowledge, the bulk of the complaints were they ran ads. i looked at the facebook ads. there were a FREAKING TON of them. so no, i didn't look at them all. around 200 i believe.

95% were NOT political but more THIS GROUP SUCKS!!!! signed, that group. and other divisionary tactics just to get us to fight over the stupid shit cause we're in defense mode THEY put us in.

now our own media is doing it. they say whatever they need for a narrative, not the truth. they don't believe someone or don't want to believe someone, it's not true. no reporting. no digging. no questions.

what we are doing to ourselves now is FAR MORE HARMFUL than russian trolling.

but fine - lets do this your way. be very specific as to what the russians were proven to have done to interfere with our elections. please show your math with unbiased sources that don't use anonymous peeps to bolster their claims.

my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong.

How do you not know what they did? If this is the is the sum total of your knowledge about their intervention, then that's a problem. You've been on this board for how long? I can't imagine you haven't been told what Russians did as part of their intervention in our election.

What are we doing that's far more harmful? The media is trying to fight a constant flood of disinformation that never stops. Take for instance this Dominion software conspiracy. The media is putting out articles to discuss the issue but none of you seem to care. You accuse the media of being fake but in reality it's just that the media isn't telling you what you want to hear.
"my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong."

so you do the usual "it's in this HUGE book of info you fool!" without being specific.
then you run to the media saying they are trying to stop disinformation as if that is their role in life.

oan, newsmax and so forth don't tell you what you want to hear, what do you call them?

like i said - won't answer the question and then divert to something else and then mock me for even asking.

son, you did exactly what i said you'd do - and i even told you you'd do it.

ever feel like you're programmed?
It feels like people are no longer able to tell the difference between bullshit and legitimate information.

Or at least they don’t want to tell the difference.

Which is the point of disinformation. It’s not always to get people to believe something, but to believe nothing.
The real question about Dominion is what will the Banana Republican Lawyers say about it in court, if anything at all! Do you think they will try and use that guy's video as evidence?
After catching up on this thread it amazes me that the whole left wing answer is "he's a kook" never once assessing the facts presented or how they affected the election.

By any means necessary! Not one leftist is here to debate just smear because it is all they have. They can not explain away the fraud found.
ok - what exactly did they do?

to my knowledge, the bulk of the complaints were they ran ads. i looked at the facebook ads. there were a FREAKING TON of them. so no, i didn't look at them all. around 200 i believe.

95% were NOT political but more THIS GROUP SUCKS!!!! signed, that group. and other divisionary tactics just to get us to fight over the stupid shit cause we're in defense mode THEY put us in.

now our own media is doing it. they say whatever they need for a narrative, not the truth. they don't believe someone or don't want to believe someone, it's not true. no reporting. no digging. no questions.

what we are doing to ourselves now is FAR MORE HARMFUL than russian trolling.

but fine - lets do this your way. be very specific as to what the russians were proven to have done to interfere with our elections. please show your math with unbiased sources that don't use anonymous peeps to bolster their claims.

my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong.

How do you not know what they did? If this is the is the sum total of your knowledge about their intervention, then that's a problem. You've been on this board for how long? I can't imagine you haven't been told what Russians did as part of their intervention in our election.

What are we doing that's far more harmful? The media is trying to fight a constant flood of disinformation that never stops. Take for instance this Dominion software conspiracy. The media is putting out articles to discuss the issue but none of you seem to care. You accuse the media of being fake but in reality it's just that the media isn't telling you what you want to hear.
"my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong."

so you do the usual "it's in this HUGE book of info you fool!" without being specific.
then you run to the media saying they are trying to stop disinformation as if that is their role in life.

oan, newsmax and so forth don't tell you what you want to hear, what do you call them?

like i said - won't answer the question and then divert to something else and then mock me for even asking.

son, you did exactly what i said you'd do - and i even told you you'd do it.

ever feel like you're programmed?
It feels like people are no longer able to tell the difference between bullshit and legitimate information.

Or at least they don’t want to tell the difference.

Which is the point of disinformation. It’s not always to get people to believe something, but to believe nothing.
What you call bullshit is 100% whatever you don't agree with.

At no point have you given mass voter fraud a fair look. At no point have you objectively tried to look at both sides. Any accusation you scoff, any proof you work to discredit.

You are doing everything I predicted you'd do based on you not being interested in the truth, but winning.

When your goal is winning, not the truth, the truth can seem like disinformation.

Projecting your actions on others is also a base liberal tactic.

You telling me I'm full of bullshit does not absolve you from your own bullshit. No matter how it "feels" to you.
After catching up on this thread it amazes me that the whole left wing answer is "he's a kook" never once assessing the facts presented or how they affected the election.

By any means necessary! Not one leftist is here to debate just smear because it is all they have. They can not explain away the fraud found.
They regurgitate DNC talking points. Spewing propaganda is all they are good for.
ok - what exactly did they do?

to my knowledge, the bulk of the complaints were they ran ads. i looked at the facebook ads. there were a FREAKING TON of them. so no, i didn't look at them all. around 200 i believe.

95% were NOT political but more THIS GROUP SUCKS!!!! signed, that group. and other divisionary tactics just to get us to fight over the stupid shit cause we're in defense mode THEY put us in.

now our own media is doing it. they say whatever they need for a narrative, not the truth. they don't believe someone or don't want to believe someone, it's not true. no reporting. no digging. no questions.

what we are doing to ourselves now is FAR MORE HARMFUL than russian trolling.

but fine - lets do this your way. be very specific as to what the russians were proven to have done to interfere with our elections. please show your math with unbiased sources that don't use anonymous peeps to bolster their claims.

my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong.

How do you not know what they did? If this is the is the sum total of your knowledge about their intervention, then that's a problem. You've been on this board for how long? I can't imagine you haven't been told what Russians did as part of their intervention in our election.

What are we doing that's far more harmful? The media is trying to fight a constant flood of disinformation that never stops. Take for instance this Dominion software conspiracy. The media is putting out articles to discuss the issue but none of you seem to care. You accuse the media of being fake but in reality it's just that the media isn't telling you what you want to hear.
"my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong."

so you do the usual "it's in this HUGE book of info you fool!" without being specific.
then you run to the media saying they are trying to stop disinformation as if that is their role in life.

oan, newsmax and so forth don't tell you what you want to hear, what do you call them?

like i said - won't answer the question and then divert to something else and then mock me for even asking.

son, you did exactly what i said you'd do - and i even told you you'd do it.

ever feel like you're programmed?
It feels like people are no longer able to tell the difference between bullshit and legitimate information.

Or at least they don’t want to tell the difference.

Which is the point of disinformation. It’s not always to get people to believe something, but to believe nothing.
What you call bullshit is 100% whatever you don't agree with.

At no point have you given mass voter fraud a fair look. At no point have you objectively tried to look at both sides. Any accusation you scoff, any proof you work to discredit.

You are doing everything I predicted you'd do based on you not being interested in the truth, but winning.

When your goal is winning, not the truth, the truth can seem like disinformation.

Projecting your actions on others is also a base liberal tactic.

You telling me I'm full of bullshit does not absolve you from your own bullshit. No matter how it "feels" to you.
He's a drone, of course. He showed up just before the election. He repeats talking points over and over. He has never demonstrated any capacity to commit logic.
ok - what exactly did they do?

to my knowledge, the bulk of the complaints were they ran ads. i looked at the facebook ads. there were a FREAKING TON of them. so no, i didn't look at them all. around 200 i believe.

95% were NOT political but more THIS GROUP SUCKS!!!! signed, that group. and other divisionary tactics just to get us to fight over the stupid shit cause we're in defense mode THEY put us in.

now our own media is doing it. they say whatever they need for a narrative, not the truth. they don't believe someone or don't want to believe someone, it's not true. no reporting. no digging. no questions.

what we are doing to ourselves now is FAR MORE HARMFUL than russian trolling.

but fine - lets do this your way. be very specific as to what the russians were proven to have done to interfere with our elections. please show your math with unbiased sources that don't use anonymous peeps to bolster their claims.

my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong.

How do you not know what they did? If this is the is the sum total of your knowledge about their intervention, then that's a problem. You've been on this board for how long? I can't imagine you haven't been told what Russians did as part of their intervention in our election.

What are we doing that's far more harmful? The media is trying to fight a constant flood of disinformation that never stops. Take for instance this Dominion software conspiracy. The media is putting out articles to discuss the issue but none of you seem to care. You accuse the media of being fake but in reality it's just that the media isn't telling you what you want to hear.
"my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong."

so you do the usual "it's in this HUGE book of info you fool!" without being specific.
then you run to the media saying they are trying to stop disinformation as if that is their role in life.

oan, newsmax and so forth don't tell you what you want to hear, what do you call them?

like i said - won't answer the question and then divert to something else and then mock me for even asking.

son, you did exactly what i said you'd do - and i even told you you'd do it.

ever feel like you're programmed?
It feels like people are no longer able to tell the difference between bullshit and legitimate information.

Or at least they don’t want to tell the difference.

Which is the point of disinformation. It’s not always to get people to believe something, but to believe nothing.
What you call bullshit is 100% whatever you don't agree with.

At no point have you given mass voter fraud a fair look. At no point have you objectively tried to look at both sides. Any accusation you scoff, any proof you work to discredit.

You are doing everything I predicted you'd do based on you not being interested in the truth, but winning.

When your goal is winning, not the truth, the truth can seem like disinformation.

Projecting your actions on others is also a base liberal tactic.

You telling me I'm full of bullshit does not absolve you from your own bullshit. No matter how it "feels" to you.
He's a drone, of course. He showed up just before the election. He repeats talking points over and over. He has never demonstrated any capacity to commit logic.
Yea I mostly ignore. No sense in talking to someone who doesn't listen. But sometimes it's fun to put the quarter in and watch the show for a bit.

Funny I can tell him what he will respond with and he does.

On queue.

Yet denies he did. :)

He'll deny he did what i said he'd do next.
ok - what exactly did they do?

to my knowledge, the bulk of the complaints were they ran ads. i looked at the facebook ads. there were a FREAKING TON of them. so no, i didn't look at them all. around 200 i believe.

95% were NOT political but more THIS GROUP SUCKS!!!! signed, that group. and other divisionary tactics just to get us to fight over the stupid shit cause we're in defense mode THEY put us in.

now our own media is doing it. they say whatever they need for a narrative, not the truth. they don't believe someone or don't want to believe someone, it's not true. no reporting. no digging. no questions.

what we are doing to ourselves now is FAR MORE HARMFUL than russian trolling.

but fine - lets do this your way. be very specific as to what the russians were proven to have done to interfere with our elections. please show your math with unbiased sources that don't use anonymous peeps to bolster their claims.

my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong.

How do you not know what they did? If this is the is the sum total of your knowledge about their intervention, then that's a problem. You've been on this board for how long? I can't imagine you haven't been told what Russians did as part of their intervention in our election.

What are we doing that's far more harmful? The media is trying to fight a constant flood of disinformation that never stops. Take for instance this Dominion software conspiracy. The media is putting out articles to discuss the issue but none of you seem to care. You accuse the media of being fake but in reality it's just that the media isn't telling you what you want to hear.
"my guess is you divert to something else, rant and rave and mock this as even being a question. feel free to prove me wrong."

so you do the usual "it's in this HUGE book of info you fool!" without being specific.
then you run to the media saying they are trying to stop disinformation as if that is their role in life.

oan, newsmax and so forth don't tell you what you want to hear, what do you call them?

like i said - won't answer the question and then divert to something else and then mock me for even asking.

son, you did exactly what i said you'd do - and i even told you you'd do it.

ever feel like you're programmed?
It feels like people are no longer able to tell the difference between bullshit and legitimate information.

Or at least they don’t want to tell the difference.

Which is the point of disinformation. It’s not always to get people to believe something, but to believe nothing.
What you call bullshit is 100% whatever you don't agree with.

At no point have you given mass voter fraud a fair look. At no point have you objectively tried to look at both sides. Any accusation you scoff, any proof you work to discredit.

You are doing everything I predicted you'd do based on you not being interested in the truth, but winning.

When your goal is winning, not the truth, the truth can seem like disinformation.

Projecting your actions on others is also a base liberal tactic.

You telling me I'm full of bullshit does not absolve you from your own bullshit. No matter how it "feels" to you.
That’s simply not true. I listened to this right wing dude Shiva Ayuddarai (might have his name wrong), who had a viral video that was an hour long trying to make a case that statistics showed Dominion was stealing votes from Trump. Dude had an hour long video. I provided a rebuttal here:

I’ve read about 4-5 different legal filings by Trump’s lawyers.

I follow the right wing media more than some people on the right wing.

When I call bullshit, I don’t do it for no reason. I do it because I’ve looked into it and I can tell you why it’s bullshit.

The truth in 2016 was that Trump got more votes. Clinton didn’t file dozens of frivolous lawsuits. She conceded minutes after it was called by the media. If we are about winning and not the truth, the left would be doing what Trump is doing now.

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